The job market is evolving faster than ever, and you need access to training and services to keep up with the changing demands. To make sure you can get the support you need, we’re making another investment in the Workforce Development Agreements with the provinces and territories.
This means more support for you, whether you’re in a sector that’s been hit hard by the pandemic - like construction, transportation, or hospitality - or a member of an underrepresented group - including persons with disabilities, women, and Indigenous peoples. It means we’ll help you get the assistance you need to re-enter the workforce - which could include skills training, financial assistance, employment counselling, and more.
For more information on how this investment will help you - and workers across the country - find and keep a good job, click here:
Whether in industries shifting services online or small businesses navigating public health guidance, workers across the country have been facing new challenges since the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic. To tackle these challenges, Canadians need access to training and employment supports....