(Remember me in your prayers)
1) Holy Prophet was born in? (571 A.D 22nd April)
2) Hazrat Hajirah (RA) Was the Mother Of? (Hazrat Ismail)
3) Jab President Nhi Hota To Mulk Kon Chalata Hy? (Speaker)
4) Ghazwa khandak main khandak Ki length and width? (10km long 22ft wide 16ft depth)
5) Kaleem Ullah Kis Ka Laqab Tha? (Hazrat Musa)
6) Largest Dam in Pakistan? (Tarbela)
7) Which Year Is Called Grief Year In Islam?
(The Year in which Wife Hazrat Khadeeja RA and Uncle of The Holy Prophet PBUH died)
9) Quid-e-Azam 14 points ki date? (1929)
10) Makah was conquered by Holy Prophet (PBUH) on? (08 hijri)
11) Head quarters of Pak army, navy, air force? (Rawalpindi, Islamabad)
12) Son of Hazrat Adam (a.s)? (3)
13) MAO high school Aligarh given the status of college in? (1977)
14) 3rd round table conference? (1932)
15) What is the rate of zaqat? (2.5)
16) Roza, Zaqat & Hajj were made compulsory? (Zakat and Roza in 2A.H) (Hajj 9 A.H)
17) Objective resolution of Pakistan was passed in? (1949)
18) Current Chief justice of Pakistan? (Nasir-ul-Mulk)
19) Largest desert of the world? (Sahara Africa)
20) How many doors khana kabah have? (1)
21) Migrate to medina year? (622 AD)
22) 1st President of Pakistan? (Sikandar Mirza)
33) Abu jehal kis jang main mara? (Betel of Badar)
34) Ashra e mubashra? (Ashra Mubashra are those Companions of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who were given Good News in their life that they will be awarded Heaven)
35) According to the Population Pakistan’s number? (6th)
36) The miracle of a pregnant female camel was sent to the nation of? (Samood)
37) First army chief? (Frank messervy)
38) First ayah reveling from which surah? (Surah Al Alaq)
39) Pakistan nuclear power kab bna? (28 may 1998)
40) Hazrat Noah (a.s) ki ship kahan utri? (Turky)
41) 2nd world war? (1939-1945)
42) Badr is is the name of? (A Village)
43) Currency of Australia? (Dollar)
44) K2 ki length in feet? (8,611 meters (28,251 ft)
45) Pakistan’s first president, P.M, Governor? (Iskander Mirza, Liaquat Ali Khan, Qaid azam)
46) How many daughters of Hazrat Mohammad (S.a.w.w)? (4)
47) K2 kon se silsaly mein hai? (Karakorum)
48) What is 38 degree parallel, through which region it passes?
49) Pakistan is located between the latitude of (23and 36 degrees north)
50) khandaq khodnay ka idea kis ny diya tha? (Hazrat Sulman farsi)
51) Total Rakuh, Sajda, Ayah of Quran? (540, 14, 6666)
52) Pak became a member Of UNO on? (30 Sept 1947)
53) Lacknow pact date? (December, 1916)
54) Who was the first president of U.S.A? (Gorge Washington)
55) Currency of Malaysia? (Rangat)
56) President of Russia? (Vladimir Putin)
57) Which bird is known as the international symbol of happiness? (Bluebird)
58) Pentagon is the head quarter of? (United States Department of Defense)
59) Headquarter of UNO is in? (New York)
60) Presently the number of leading religions of the world? (5)
61) Who is the secretary of USA? (John Kerry)
62) Longest river of WORLD? (Nile)
63) Forbidden city is? Lhasa (Tibet)
64) Simon commission date? (1927)
65) Who was the first chief of PAF? (Air Marshal Zafar Ahmed)
66) India ne atmi dhamakay kb kiye? (1974)
67) The atom bomb which was thrown on Nagasaki?? (Fat man)
65) Name Pilot who dropped Atom bomb on Hiroshima? (Paul Tibbets)
66) Who was the first chief justice of Pakistan? (Anwar ul Haq)
67) Biggest country of Africa? (Sudan)
68) Camel name of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) during migration? (Qaswa)
69) Hazrat Adam was thrown in which country? (sri lanka)
70) Messaq e Madina? (622 hijari)
71) Shimla conference? (june 1945)
72) Which country has largest border with Pakistan? (With India 2,912 km)
73) Which military award belongs to Britten? (Victoria Cross)
74) How many times the name of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is mentioned in the Holy Quran? (4)
75) Hazrat Adam (a.s) had ----- son’s and---- daughters? (3 sons and 2 daughters)
76) Which Prophet sleeps 100 years and again woke up? (Hazrat Uzair a.s)
77) How many days Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) remained in the well? (3 days)
78) Only Sahabi mentioned in Quran is? (Hazrat Zaid bin Haris)
79) Members of SAARC. (8)
80) Speakers of Prophet title of which Prophet? (Hazrat Shoai
ASRC Peshawar..
Following MCQ's were given in Academic Secti0n:
1. Urdu-Hindi C0ntr0versy.
2. 1st Martial Law imp0sed on?
3. Caspian Sea is l0cated in?
4. Minto Marly or Indian C0uncil Act Date?
5. Shortest Surah of Quran Pak?
6. Last Wahi in which place?
7. Pakistan was given the name by?
8. Cholistan Desert is l0cated in?
9. How many deserts in Pakistan?
10. Nati0ns League was f0unded in?
11. Separate Electr0te to Muslims was given in which year?
12. Please y0u get .... (prep0siti0n)?
13. I .... many p0etry b0oks of Allama Iqbal few days ago (f0rm of verb)?
14. Ali have 3 br0thers, he is .... than his br0thers.
15. Which 0ne is n0t a pr0n0un (who,whose,whom,that)?
16. HCF of 12 & 30 is?
17. Additive identity of Even n0. is?
18. Multiplicative identity of Even n0. is?
19. [1 7 5]
Order of matrix is?
20. Parallelogram has sides c0ngruent & .... ?
21. When Khalid Bin Waleed accepted Islam?
22. Hudaibia Treaty Date?
23. When Battle of Uhad f0ught?
24. The investigati0n is .... fire. (prep0siti0n).
25. I wish I .... rich. (put c0rrect tense).
26. War of independence?
27. Dark C0ntinent?
28. Largest C0untry by Area?
29. Pak China B0rder Pact Date?
30. H0w many Pr0vinces under 1973 C0nstituti0n are in Federati0n?
31. Which c0untry is n0t a part of UNO?
32. Which one is a Military Allience?
33. Date of Death of Benazir Shaheed?
34. 1st PM of Pakistan?
35. 1s President of Pakistan?
36.The leader of teer-andaz at Jabale-e-Yahnene in the battle of Ohad was Abdullah bin Jabeer.
37,Comander of infidels in Ohad was Abu Sufyan.
38.2 weeks were spent to dig the ditch.
39.Conquest of Makkah is called Aam-ul-Fatah.
40.Hazrat Abbas was made prisoner of war in Badr.
41.The pass which connects, Mardan with Malakand,.is,Dargai pass,.
42.The pass which connects Dera Ismail khan with Ghazni, (Afghanistan) is ,Gomal pass,.
43.The pass which connects ,Qila Abdullah with Chaman, is Khojak pass,.
44.The height of Khunjrab pass, is 4555 meters.
45.The worlds’ highest passes ,such as Khunjrab Lawari and Shandoor, are situated in Western The pass which connects Peshawar with Afghanistan, is Lawaripass,.
46.The total length of Khyber pass, is 63 km.
47.The pass which connects Gilgat with China, it is situated at the height of 4827 meters is, Zagar pass,.
48.The pass which connects Peshawar with Chitral is Malakand pass,.
Khyber was captured in 20 days.
3000 men dug the ditch.
49.In battle of Ahzab a piercing blast of cold wind blew.
50.Khyber is located near Madina at 200 km distance.
51.Against Khyber muslim army was 1600 men strong.
52.Abu Jehl was killed by Ma-ooz and Ma-aaz.
53.Muslim army for Hunain was 14 thousand.
54.Army of 3000 men was sent to Moata under Zaid bin Haris.
55.After the death of Zaid bin Haris Hazrat Jaafiar was made the army leader at Moata.
56.Under Khalid’s leadership, battle of Moata was won.
1) Shoaib called Speaker of the Prophets.(Khateeb ul ambiya)
2) Younus remained in fish for 40 days.
3) Dawood is called as Najeeb Ullah.
4) In quran ten commandments are named Awamir-i-Ashara.
5) A violent storm was sent to Bani Aad.
50 archers were posted to protect the pass in Ohad mountain.
Ummay Hakeem was grand daughter of Abu Jehl.
Banu Nuzair tribe settled in Khyber after expelled from Madina.
Kharajit is the earliest sect of Islam.
Naval Commander of Islam, Abu Qays under Hazrat Usman
The desert of Thal, situated in Punjab,.
13% area of mountain region is covered by glacier in Pakistan.
In Pakistan glaciers covers the area of 13680 sqkm.
Siachen glacier, is present in the region of Baltistan.
SIACHEN is the highest glacier of Pakistan.
Hazrat Khalid bin Walid accepted Islam in 8th A.H.
During the caliphate of Umar (RA) Iran was conquered.
Al Shifa a book on philosophy was written by Ibn Sina.
prophet stayed at Makkah for 53 years & in Medina 10 years
1. Lalusar, lake is located in ,Kaghan,.
2. keenjher lake, is located near ,Thatta Sindh,.
3. Hamune lake ,is located in Baluchistan.
4. Phander lake, is located in N.W.F.P.
5. Manchhar lake, is located near Dadu Sindh.
Abdul Malik was the poet ruler of Ummaya.
Tahafut-al-Falasifah was written by Al-Khazali.
2 weeks were spent to dig the ditch.
In a battle of Trench Hazrat Safia killed a jew.
Battle of Bardar was fought on 17th Ramzan.
1. The pass which connects Abbot Abad and Gilgat, is Babusar pass,.
2. The pass which connects Dir with Kohistan, district Badawi pass,.
3. The highest pass in Pakistan,an ancient trading route, between Kashmir and china, situatedat the height of 5575 is Karakoram pass,.
4. The pass which connects Sindh plain, with, Queeta is Bolanpass,.
5. The pass which connects Chitralwith Wahkan, is, Baroghil pass,.
Haleji lake, is located in Sindh.(Paradise of birds)
Kachura lake, is located is situated in Skardu.
Sat Para lake, is located near Baltistan.
Rawal lake, is located in Islamabad.
Keenjhar, is the largest lake of Pakistan.
Manchhar, is the largest fresh water lake.
• Old Testament is the Torait.
• New Testament is Injeel.
• Psalms is Zuboor.
• Gospal is Injeel.
• If a woman marries the second time, she will be in Jannah with the second husband. (Hadith)
• The Earth and the Heaven were created by Allah in 6 days, it is described in Surah Yunus.
• Zaid bin Thabit collected the Quran in the form of Book.
• Tarjumanul Quran Abdullah bin Abbas.
Official Name Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Independence day 14 August , 1947
Founder Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Head of State Mr.Mamnoon Hussain
Head of Government Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (Prime Minister )
Government Parliamentary form
Location: 30 00 N, 70 00 E
Capital Islamabad
Area 796096 Sq Km
Population 16582000 ( According Censes 1998 )
Emblem Faith, Unity, Discipline
National Language Urdu
Official Language English
National Poet Allama DR. Muhammad Iqbal
National Anthem Qaumi Tarana
National Animal Markhor
National Bird Chukar
National Flower Jasmine
National Tree Cedrus deodara
National Sports Hockey
Notional Dress Shalwar Qameez
National Juice Sugarcane Juice
Literacy rate 53%
Currency Pak. Rupee.
• Iran was first to recognize Pakistan.
• Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran.
• Egypt was first to open its embassy in Pakistan. (chk)
• First governor of State Bank Zahid Hussain.
• First Lady governor Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 1973-1976.
• First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism).
Rana salman