Apple and Pear Diet Services

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Apple and Pear Diet Services Specialty Clinic for Diet and Nutrition:
- Food deficiencies and weight gain
- Diabetes type 1 or 2 Dr Almoussawi is the reviewer of some scientific reviews.

Apple and Pear Diet Services is founded in 2013, by Dr Nadiah Almoussawi, who did all her studies in Montreal, Canada. Her bachelor was in Nutrition and Dietetics, her curiosity pushed her to do a Master in diabetes type 2 related to nutrition. Her thirst for research allowed her to enroll in a doctorate program in obesity in relation with the quantity and quality of dietary fat; she finished her

PhD in 2008, from Montreal University. The results of her researches were published in the most renamed scientific reviews worldwide. This way she keep herself updated from the latest news in research as related to nutrition. Dr Nadiah Almoussawi is practicing as a dietitian /nutritionist since 2001. All these years, she mastered food habits, cuisine and food perception of Western people. Her work in Dubai, UAE, since 2009, allowed her to familiarize with food habits, cuisine and lifestyle of Eastern people, and more specifically Locals. These experiences enriched her professional path and permitted her to develop a unique approach as a dietitian with each client/ person. Dr Almoussavi believes in adjusting a food or lifestyle habit in a long term, affecting the less a person social or personal life. She believes that nutrition and food/lifestyle habit are related and should be considered together or as a package. Food should not represent a stress element or an obsession in a person’s life.


Dr.Nadiah Almusawi ...on Sky news

Beat the Heat by drinking a lot of water....

Beat the Heat by drinking a lot of water....


Dr. Nadia on lemon and water. A healthy way to start a day.


Dr. Nadia on Garcinia Cambogia.


Dr. Nadia Almoussawi on Dubai TV. A talk about protein and sports.


Dr. Nadia Almoussawi on Dubai TV. A talk about lemon and water

Black raspberries |They contain high levels of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They improve vision, and ...

Black raspberries |
They contain high levels of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They improve vision, and have anti-cancer and anti-aging effects. (Great effects on the skin) It is a hypo-caloric fruit. 👍✅🍇🍇 توت الأسود
يحتوي على فيتامينات و معادن و مواد ضد الاكسده. يحسّن من النظر و يفعل ضد الشيخوخة و ضد الاصابه بالسرطانات، و ايضا مهم لناظره الجلد. و منخفض بشعرات الحرارية.

Green plums They are good for digestion, and prevent constipation and anemia. They also help improve dental health (gums...

Green plums
They are good for digestion, and prevent constipation and anemia. They also help improve dental health (gums) and immune system because of high vitamin A, C, and K content. They are also rich in some minerals such as potassium. You can have 7 to 10 pieces daily. ✅👍🍏🍏 برقوق الأخضر . غني بالألياف و يحسّن الهظم و يسوي وقايه من الامساك و فقر الدم و يعزز جهاز المتاعب و ايضا صحه اللثه. غنيه بالفيتامينات مثل ال A و ايضا بالمعادن مثل البوتاسيوم. التناول: ٥ الى ١٠ في اليوم

Sharjaha TV | Drugs for weight loss. 🎥📺🎬💊💉تلفزيون الشارقه . حبوب التخسيس

Sharjaha TV | Drugs for weight loss. 🎥📺🎬💊💉

تلفزيون الشارقه . حبوب التخسيس

تلفزيون دبي الصبار و فواءده الصحيه📺🎥🎬

تلفزيون دبي الصبار و فواءده الصحيه

Dubai TV | Aloe vera and its health benefits. 🎥📺🎬✅👍تلفزيون دبي الصبار و فواءده الصحيه

Dubai TV | Aloe vera and its health benefits. 🎥📺🎬✅👍
تلفزيون دبي الصبار و فواءده الصحيه

Dried pineapple and dried jujubeRich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Prevent anemia, constipation, cancer. Stren...

Dried pineapple and dried jujube
Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Prevent anemia, constipation, cancer. Strength immune system & bones. Be careful they are rich in carbohydrates , limit the quantity. ✅👍🍍😊
أناناس و عناب مجفف، غني في الفيتامينات، المعادن و مواد الضد الاكسده. وقايه من السرطانات، الامساك و فقر الدم. يقوي جهاز المناعة و العضام. لا ننسى ان غني في السكر. ننتبه على الكميات .

Nuts constitute a nutritive snack. Choose plain and fresh nuts. Eat 2 tablespoon because they re rich in calorie. Dried ...

Nuts constitute a nutritive snack. Choose plain and fresh nuts. Eat 2 tablespoon because they re rich in calorie.
Dried fruits are good and nutritive snack or dessert to satisfy sweet tooth. Take 1 tablespoon only.
المكسرات تعتبر وجبه خفيفه و صحيه. مكسرات الطبيعية و الطازجة تكون افضل خيار. تنارل ٢ ملعقه اكل يكفي لان غنيه بالسعرات الحرارية. فواكه المجففة تعتبر صحيه كوجبه خفيفه او لرضا الشهيه للحلو. تناول ١ الى ٢ ملعقه اكل.

DubaiTV | Grapefruit and its health benefits. 📺🎥✅👍🍊 تلفزيون دبي ، حريب فروت و فوائده الصحيه

DubaiTV | Grapefruit and its health benefits.
📺🎥✅👍🍊 تلفزيون دبي ، حريب فروت و فوائده الصحيه

The BEST bread is the whole wheat & whole grain bread. Multi-grain bread that has a crunchy crust like the Parisian bagu...

The BEST bread is the whole wheat & whole grain bread. Multi-grain bread that has a crunchy crust like the Parisian baguette constitutes a second choice because of their low glycemic index compared to white refined bread. Refined breads are the last choice. 🍞🍞✅👍🚫❎
افضل خبز هو الغني بالقمح و النخاله. خبز الغني بالبذور او الأبيض مع قشر مقدد و يكون داخله فارغ مثل الرغيف الفرنسي "صمون الفرنسي الباريسي" يعتبر خيار ثاني لان مؤشر السكر يكون منخفض مقارنتا لخبز الأبيض. خبز الأبيض المكرر هو يعتبر خيار ثالث للتناول.

black grapes: rich in antioxidants, prevention of skin cancer, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's. 15 to 17 units a...

black grapes: rich in antioxidants, prevention of skin cancer, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's. 15 to 17 units are sufficient for health benefits. Dubai

عنب الأسود: غني بالمواد الضد الأكسدة : وقايه من أمراض القلبيه، من سرطان الجلد و من الهايزايمر. ١٥ الى ١٧ وحده كافيه لفوائده الصحيه. العريش، دبي

Cherrys tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, A and B6. All of which are important for the skin, eyes and brain. They are rich...

Cherrys tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, A and B6. All of which are important for the skin, eyes and brain. They are rich in antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular diseases. Half cup per day is enough to have all its benefits. 🍅✅👍💯 طماطم الصغيرة غنيه بالفيتامين سي، اي، و آلبي ٦. فيتامينات مفيده لصحه الجلد و العين و ايضا المخ. الطماطم غني في مواد ضد الاكسده الي تسوي وقايه من أمراض القلبية. نصف كوب في اليوم من الطماطم يكفي لنحصل على فوائده.

Green omelet: eggs, chives, parsley, spices and a little of vegetable oil. Cook on low heat and cover until done. 🍴✅👍💯**...

Green omelet: eggs, chives, parsley, spices and a little of vegetable oil.
Cook on low heat and cover until done. 🍴✅👍💯
** Egg white is a healthy and complete protein.
عجه الخضراء: بيض، كراث، بقدونس، بهارات و قليل من زيت النباتي. ينطبخ على نار هاديه. بياض البيض يعتبر بروتين صحي و كامل.

Eggs, parsley, chives, sweet potato and spice. To be cooked on a low heat and covered. Considered as a complete meal: pr...

Eggs, parsley, chives, sweet potato and spice. To be cooked on a low heat and covered. Considered as a complete meal: protein, fat, vegetables and starch. ✅💯👍

عجة صحيه: بيض، بقدونس، كراث، بطاطا حلوه، بهارات و قليل من الزيت النباتي. يطبخ على نار هاديه. تعتبر وحبه كامله: بروتين، زيت، خضار و نشويات.

Stress increases cortisol blood level which increases appetite and cravings. Being under stress, we don't necessarily ch...

Stress increases cortisol blood level which increases appetite and cravings. Being under stress, we don't necessarily choose a good intake of food quality. Mainly for these2 factors (increase in appetite& unhealthy food) we gain weight. 🚫❎😫😱
القلق يرفع هورمون الكورتيزول في الجسم و هذه الهورمونه ترفع الشهيه. الشخص تحت القلق قد يختار اطعمه ضاره للصحه و هاذين العاملين (ارتفاع الشهيه و تناول أكل الغير صحي) يوءديان الى زياده الوزن تحت الضغط و القلق.

And here it is! The final stew: very healthy and nutritive stew. 👍✅🍲🍴🍵

And here it is! The final stew: very healthy and nutritive stew. 👍✅🍲🍴🍵

To make a healthy stew, just add canned red beans and there you go! 🍲✅👍🍴

To make a healthy stew, just add canned red beans and there you go! 🍲✅👍🍴

Veggies and Chicken:Onion, chicken legs, potato, carrot, curcuma, salt and pepper. 🍵🍗🍲

Veggies and Chicken:
Onion, chicken legs, potato, carrot, curcuma, salt and pepper. 🍵🍗🍲

Interview at Dubai TV 📺🎥🎬Lifestyle changes to lose weight ✅👍💯

Interview at Dubai TV 📺🎥🎬
Lifestyle changes to lose weight ✅👍💯

Choosing water over other liquids with meals or between meals is beneficial for our health: better appetite control, wei...

Choosing water over other liquids with meals or between meals is beneficial for our health: better appetite control, weight loss, moisturized & glowing skin, better digestion, and good for body fluid & electrolyte balance. One of the best ways to lose weight!!!

اختيار الماء مابين و مع الاكل مفيد للصحه: يقلل الشهيه، يعزز تخفيف الوزن و الاستقلاب، يسهل الهظم، و مفيد لنضاره و رطوبه البشره و ايضا توازن الجسم. أفضل و اسهل طريقه لفقدان الوزن!!!

Dark chocolate facts:✅ rich in antioxidants✅boosts up the mood✅has less calories than the usual chocolates because of le...

Dark chocolate facts:
✅ rich in antioxidants
✅boosts up the mood
✅has less calories than the usual chocolates because of less sugar and cream content
✅sweetens our day
So if you have cravings for sweets always go for these not-so-full-of-calories treats! 🍫
** But please note that only 15 grams of dark chocolates per day is okay.

Exercises is a Must for healthy Mind and Body. Recommendation: 150 min/week moderate aerobic (walking, gardening)  OR 75...

Exercises is a Must for healthy Mind and Body. Recommendation: 150 min/week moderate aerobic (walking, gardening) OR 75 min/week vigorous aerobic (swimming, jogging, fast cycling)
الرياضه أساسيه لجسم و عقل صحي و سليم . توصيات: ١٥٠ دقيقة في الأسبوع رياضة معتدله (مشي، شغل في الحديقه) او ٧٥ دقيقه في الأسبوع لرياضة القويه (سباحه ،جري)



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Effects of energy drinks on health
مشروبات الطاقه و الصحه
April the 9th, 2015


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 10:00 - 18:00


+9714 3708766


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