ABWAR Pharmaceutical Co,Ltd Nangarhar Afghanistan

ABWAR Pharmaceutical Co,Ltd Nangarhar Afghanistan Medicine Welcome to Abwarpharma

Through brief, Abwar Pharmaceutical Co,Ltd owns a strong heritage of innovation that bagan in 2009 in Nangarhar. Patented. M.SC.

When Haje Wali Muhammad a member of Azizi Family created concept to regenerate pharmaceutical formulation manufacturing after long lasting war in our beloved country, Established a Pharmaceutical company under the name of Abwar Pharmaceutical co,Ltd in pharmaceutical history of Afghanistan to be pioneer in region with a strong loving spirit that comes from the heart & enriches all the touch, custo

mers, their employees and of course society. Our mission is to facilitate access of a common man to innovative and quality healthcare solutions, we always stand true to our commitment I.E Innovation towards a healthier society. OUR VISION
To be among top pharmaceutical company of Afghanistan by winning trust and confidence of Medical Professionals and Patients by offering high Quality innovative and economical healthcare solutions. Our Distribution Network
One of the major reasons for ABWAR Pharma’s success is its strong nation-wide distribution network; which ensures uninterrupted availability of ABWAR Pharma products in all parts of the country. Business Development
We look forward to inform you. Business Development

Partnerships have always been an important element in Abwar Pharma’s success with continues to play a fundamental role in company’s future. We have plan to develop a research, R & D Bias Pharmaceutical company, Medical University and a Teaching hospital, According to GMP, WHO and FDA standards by building partnerships with overseas Companies for Services & products, manufacturing by Abwar Pharma and expand our presence in new markets. Abwar pharma offers

Established and proven sales and marketing success record in all where we operate. An aggressive management team and supportive corporative culture. Proven product development and regulatory affairs capability. Flexible and creative approach to collaborations. The Ability to respond quickly to opportunities. In licensing

We are seeking Proprietary. Generic plus and new Drug Delivery Systems products to market through our established sales. Marketing and distribution infrastructure. Our Focused Therapy Areas will be

Anti- infective, Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular, Endocrinology, CNS, Musculo-Skeletal, Respiratory, Blood & Blood Forming Products, Nutrition, Oncology, Women, & Child Health, Probiotics and Biotechnology. History
We look forward to inform you. Through brief, Abwar Pharmaceutical Co, lts owns a strong heritage of innovation that began in 2009 in Nangarhar. HISTROY: When Haje Wali Muhammad a member of Azizi Family created concept to regenerate pharmaceutical formulation manufacturing after long lasting war in our beloved country, Established a Pharmaceutical company under the name of Abwar Pharmaceutical co, ltd in pharmaceutical history of Afghanistan to be pioneer in region with a strong loving spirit that comes from the heart & enriches all the touch, customers, their employees and of course society, our journey through history begins in Year 2009. MISSION: Our mission is to facilitate access of a common man to innovative and quality healthcare solutions, we always stand true to our commitment I.E Innovation towards a healthier society. VISION: OUR VISION To be among top pharmaceutical company of Afghanistan by winning trust and confidence of Medical Professionals and Patients by offering high Quality innovative and economical healthcare solutions.


We look forward to sharing new developments as our current products continue to succeed and plans for national expansion progress. To stay up-to-date, visit our site often or email us to join our mailing list. QUALITY AND POLICY
We look forward to inform you. At Abwar pharma, Quality Policy management is our foremost Concern because the company believes in building of quality right from the selection of raw material through the whole manufacturing process, till the finished product. The qualitative edge of Abwar pharma stems from our highly skilled work force and professional management backed by ongoing integrated human resources training and development program. The following are the main characteristics which prove that Abwarpharma is a formal company:

The Quality Policy of Abwarpharma is designed to produce good quality medicines and make them affordable to those in need. At Abwarpharma, it is a basic premise that Quality is not merely conformance to specifications it is, in fact, building quality into the product at all stages of manufacturing in order to achieve the desired results within the required timeframe. Abwar Pharma’s quality system is based on the belief that there is always room for improvement and every member contributes towards achieving the highest standards of quality. Production Facilities
We look forward to inform you. Abwar Pharma manufacturing facility is purpose built stretching over an area of approximately 17000 square feet out of its total accumulated land of 60000 square feet in two plots. One has got main manufacturing building and warehouses and the other is staff‘s residence area, Generator area and Workshop. It is situated in dawlat zai family a half hour drive from Jalalabad city. Abwar Pharma acquired license from MOH & Asia in 2009. The Abwar Pharma has been engaged in manufacturing of general pharmaceutical products step by step in multiple dosage forms like oral liquid, Tablets, Capsules, Sachets, and General Antiseptic Solutions. All the manufacturing Processes at Abwar pharma is carried out under strong documentation and Vigilant Quality Control Department being monitored by Resourceful Staff and equipment. The Quality control is an independent department with a cutting- edge and well equipped centralized Laboratory having adequate staff, space and high tech and latest equipment like, HPLC with Software, UV double Beam Spectrophotometer with software, Multiple Balances, PH meters, Vacuum Oven, Polari meter, Conductivity meter, Refract meter, Furnaces, Incubators, Dissolution Apparatus, DT Apparatus, Refrigerator, Friabilator, And Stability Chamber. The Technical staff members are well qualified holding professional degrees of M.Phil. Honors. M.Pharm. MBA, Pharm D, B.Pharm with vast experience in related fields. Abwar Pharma’s Manufacturing plant other than being regulated by Avicenna Department of Pharmacy of Afghanistan also acquired International certification of ISO-9001 Quality management system.

تسلیت نامه و بشرالصابرین الذین اذا اصابتهم مصیبه قالو انا لله و انا اليه راجعون. خبر ناگوار وفات الحاج محمدشاه سخی زاده ...

تسلیت نامه
و بشرالصابرین الذین اذا اصابتهم مصیبه قالو انا لله و انا اليه راجعون.
خبر ناگوار وفات الحاج محمدشاه سخی زاده ریس فابریکه تولیدی اویسن فارما
مرد متدین، و شخصیت متنفذ، سخت مایه سوگ و اندوه ماگردید.
برای حاجی صاحب از خداوند متعال بهشت برین و علو درجات اخروی استدعا میداریم.
و مصیبت وارده را خدمت فامیل بزرگ سخی زاده ها و همه اقوام شریف و بستگان شان تسلیت عرض نموده و برای بازماندگان مرحوم مغفور صبر جمیل و اجر جزیل استدعا داریم.
دنیا واقعا فانیست و ندارد بنیاد، مقدرات الهی چنین است که هر کس را مدت زندگی معلوم و تعین شده است که هرگاه زمان اجل آدمی فرا رسد لحظه ای تاخیر نمیشود.
بدون شک در مقابل اراده خداوند مهربان جز رضایت و تسلیم چاره ای نیست.

بادرود ومهر
هیت رهبری فابریکه تولیدی ابوار فارما

Wishing a HAPPY EID to you all and your families from the entire team of Abwar Pharmaceutical company.      MAY ALLAH BR...

Wishing a HAPPY EID to you all and your families from the entire team of Abwar Pharmaceutical company.

تقبل الله مناومنکم صالح الاعمال

اختر مو مبارک شه!!

په سلامونواونیکوهــیلومــوهرکلی کوم!
پـــس له ســـلامـه محترموتاسوته او ســـتاسو قدرمــــنی او باعزتـه کورنی ته د نیکمرغه کوچنى اخـــــتر مـــبارکی وړاندی کوم او د پاک رب تعالی جل جلاله د دربارنه درته د ګناهونو د مغفرت او د عباداتو د قبــولی غوښتنه کوم الله تعالى دی وکړی چی دغه آخـــــتر زمونږ او ســـتاسی او د ګران او باعزته افغانـستان لپاره یو د خوشحالی سولــی مــینی محــبت اخــــتر اووسی.

رسیدن عید الفطر به تمام ملت غیور افغانستان از صمیم قلب تبریک میگویم!
خدا کند این عید سبب صلح دایمی در وطن ما گردد !

گرانو ملگرو خوژو دوستانو او زره ته نژدی هیوادوالو!                 راتلونکی نیکمرغه کوچنی اختر مو مبارک شه، عبادات موقبو...

گرانو ملگرو خوژو دوستانو او زره ته نژدی هیوادوالو! راتلونکی نیکمرغه کوچنی اختر مو مبارک شه، عبادات موقبول شه. الله جل جلاله دی داختر‌دسولی خوشحالی او د گران هیواد افغانستان د آبادی سرلوری او ددشمنانو یی د نابودی اختر وگرز‌ی امین


30 روژي دعا
یاالله ج ❤
غمجنو زړونو ته صبر 💔
مريضانو ته شفا !
په خوږ هيواد کي مي سوله ❤
او مونږ ټولو ته په ګړو ګناهونو عفوه وکړي
آمين يارب العالمين 🤲😥❤️

د اختر لمونځ نيت اوطريقهشير يی کړۍ د ثواب په خاطر مینه والو نشر یی کړئ.مننهد اختر لمونځ دوه رکعته دى او دا  لمونځ واجب  ...

د اختر لمونځ نيت اوطريقه
شير يی کړۍ د ثواب په خاطر
مینه والو نشر یی کړئ.مننه
د اختر لمونځ دوه رکعته دى او دا لمونځ واجب دى
لومړى به نيت وکړى
نيت مى کړى زړه د اخلاصه د کوچنی اختر دوه رکعته لمونځ سره د شپږو تکبيرونو په دى امام پسې ادا کوم خاص خداى لره مخ مى د کعبي شريفى پر لور
الله اکبر
دوهم: به ثناء (سبحنك اللهم ...) تر اخره پوري ووايي.

دريم: به درې واره تكبيرونه ووايي امام په اوچت آواز او مقتديان په ورو سره دری تکبيرونه ووايي، په هر تكبير كي به لاسونه غوږو ته پورته كوي او ايله كوي به ئې او د هرو دوو تكبيرو تر مابين به دومره سكوت كوي چي درې تسبيحات پكښي ويل كېدلاى سي.

څلورم: امام به سورة فاتحه او قرائت وائي او ركوع ته به ځي دا ركعت به پوره كړي كله چي دوهم ركعت ته راپورته سي.

پنځم: نو بیا به امام سورة فاتحه او قرائت وايي او بيا درې واره تكبير وايي پر هغه طريقه چي پورته ليكل سوې ده په څلورم تكبير سره به ركوع ته ولاړ سي.
او لمونځ به د نورو لمونځونو په څير ختم کړي.
د اختر لمونځ :

پر چا چې د جمعې لمونځ فرض وي په هغه باندې د اختر لمونځ واجب دی ، د اختر د لمانځه وخت د لمر ختلو څخه د لمر تر زوال پورې دی .

د اخترونو د لمانځه مسائل :

۱- د اخترونو دلمانځه د پاره آذان او اقامت نشته .

۲- په جُمعه کې خطبه د لمانځه نه مخکی ويل کيږي د اختر په لمانځه کې د لمانځه نه ورسته .

۳- که د جُمعی لمونځ قضا شي نو د ماسپښين لمونځ به کوي خو که د اخترونو لمونځ قضا شي څه نشته که ډیر لمونځ کونکی پاتی وي نو ځانته لمونځ کولای شي .

د اخترونود ورځی سنت او مستحب کارونه :

۱- د عيد شپه په عبادت لکه : ذکر ، لمونځ ، تلاوت ، تکبير او تحليل ، دعا او استغفار تيرول لکه څنګه چې رسول الله صلی الله عليه وسلم فرمايلي : «من أحيا ليلة الفطر وليلة الأضحى محتسباً، لم يمت قلبه يوم تموت القلوب» (حسنه ابن ماجه ، دارالقطني و طبراني و ضعفه النووي) .
يعنې : څوک چې د کوچني او لوی اختر شپه د ثواب په نيت په عبادت سبا کړي ، د ده زړه به نه مري په هغه ورځ چې د خلکو زړونه مري .

۲- د سبا وروسته او د عيد لمانځه ته له تللو مخکې غسل کول ، د نارينه لپاره خوشبويي وهل، پاکې او ښې جامې اغوستل او د الله تعالی د نعمت ښکاره کول او شکر ايستل .

له ملګرو سره ىى شرىک ګړى!


Plot #: 725-735 Street #: Dawlat Abad Family Address : Near To Sherindil Petrol Pump Station Nangarhar


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