Along with the well-known historical and natural monuments, we are often brought to see the beautiful ancient temples, monasteries and the impregnable fortress, virgin forests and mountains, mountain rivers, waterfalls and caves, inaccessible to conventional transport, and thus for the tourist. Therefore we decided to organize special tours to remote and little known corners of Armenia and Artsakh
. Each tour includes a visit to unique historical and cultural monuments, to the wild corners of inimitable nature, allowing our guests to experience the fullness of sensations from the visit of our homeland. In it’s activities”Aspar Wild Tour” is guided by the desire to take care of wildlife and to provide our guests with opportunities to get acquainted with the rich and unique historical and cultural heritage of Armenia and Karabakh. Our unchanging principle is protection and preservation of the unique monuments and culture. And now we would love to share the breathtaking experience and the fun of discovering the wildest spots on the Armenian map. Add professionalism of our instructors and guides, add the best equipment and transportation, add the feeling of comfort and security and you will understand why our clients keep returning for more adventures powered by Aspar Wild Tour.
Компания "Аспар Уайлд Тур" приглашает Вас в увлекательное путешествие по Армении и Нагорному Карабаху! Путешествуя в нами Вы посетите не только "туристические" достопримечательности, но и увидите нашу страну такой, которой ее видят и знают только истинные искатели приключений.
В вашем распоряжении наш парк специальных внедорожников, профессиональное снаряжение, и, конечно же, забота и опыт наших сотрудников - от менеджеров до проводников, которые сделают Ваше путешествие незабываемым, и обеспечат Вас должным количеством фотографий для размещения в фейсбуке :)