Did you know that you can see and photograph at least four species of penguins in their breeding colonies without having to take a cruise to Antarctica? 😀🐧Now you know, and the place for it is Patagonia, where these wonderful Gentoo penguins were filmed 🤩
Check out our web naturalbirding.com or contact us for information on our COMING SOON Pumas & Penguins in South Patagonia brand new itinerary 📧📱
📽 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding in one of our South Patagonia tours.
During one of our winter tours to Misiones province, we enjoyed the privileged sight of this little flock of Spot-winged Wood-quails 🙌🏼
This species is endemic to the Atlantic forest and particularly hard to see due to its secretive habits 👀 This moment was, doubtlessly, one of the highlights of the tour! 😀
Check out our itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com and contact us for more information 📧📱
📽 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
Even in full winter, the birding is still good in Southern Patagonia 🐦🏞️ These White-bellied Seedsnipes, an endemic Patagonian species, can be seen more easily in winter than in summer, when they descend from the mountain to feed on pastureland 🌾
Argentina is an all-year-round birding destination 🎉🐧🦩🦉
Check out our itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com and contact us for more information 📧📱
📽 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
Southern South America offers great #mammalwatching opportunities, either combined with birding or in mammal focused trips. Giant Anteater is one of the most iconic species in the neotropic, and in our region (Argentina & southern South America) it can be found in northern Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia, where this one was filmed 🇧🇴
An encounter with this amazing animal takes you back to prehistorical times, when our subcontinent was teeming with other giant xenarthrans such as giant land sloths (some were as large as elephants) and armadillos the size of small cars 🚗 😱
We are working on specialized mammal watching itineraries. Check out our website www.birdsargentina.com and contact us for more information 📧📱
📽 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
(no audio because it was too windy)
El sur de Sudamérica ofrece excelentes oportunidades de #observacióndemamíferos, ya sea combinando con observación de aves o en viajes especialmente dirigidos a estos animales. El oso hormiguero gigante, oso bandera o yurumí (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), entre otros nombres, es una de las especies más icónicas del neotrópico, y en nuestra región (Argentina y sur de Sudamérica) puede ser observado en el norte argentino, Brasil, Paraguay y Bolivia, donde éste fue filmado 🇧🇴
Un encuentro con esta especie nos lleva a tiempos prehistóricos cuando en nuestro subcontinente habitaban otros xenarthra gigantes como perezosos terrestres (algunos del tamaño de elefantes) y armadillos gigantes casi tan grandes como un automóvil 🚗😱
📽 Video filmado por nuestro tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
Following up with our selection of normally skulking birds that have given us great performances during our #birdingtours (💪💪💪) here is a nocturnal one: the elusive and range-restricted Black-capped Screech-Owl 🙌 🙌🙌🦉
This species is endemic to the #atlanticforest of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, where this one was filmed. It is far more often heard than seen but sometimes (and with the help of our knowledgeable guides 😎) allows great views!
Check out our itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com and contact us for more information 📧📱
📽 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
Siguiendo con nuestra selección de aves normalmente elusivas que nos han brindado excelentes avistajes durante nuestros #toursdeobservación (💪💪💪) he aquí una nocturna: el alilicucú grande (Megascops atricapilla) 🙌🙌🙌🦉
Esta especie endémica de la #mataatlantica de Brazil, Paraguay y Argentina (donde éste fue filmado) es mucho más comúnmente oído que visto, pero en ocasiones (y con ayuda de nuestros guías expertos 😎) permite muy buenas observaciones!
📽 Video filmado por nuestro tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
#birdingargentina #birdingbrazil #birdingparaguay #birdingiguazu #owls #ebird #globalbirding
Most tapaculos are skulking birds and this one is not the exception 😅 BUT they are still great birds and worth every fraction of a second we can get from them 🙌🙌🙌 (of course, recording them on video is this hard, but better/longer views can be achieved during our tours 💪)
This White-browed Tapaculo is an Argentine endemic found in the northwest austral yungas forest. This particular one belongs to a subspecies endemic of the Santa Barbara sierras, which makes it even more special 😍
Check out our birding itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com and contact us for more information! 📧📱
📽 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
La mayoría de los churrines son bastante difíciles de observar por su comportamiento escurridizo... y éste no es la excepción 😅 PERO de todos modos valen cada fracción de segundo que podamos contemplarlos 🙌🙌🙌 (claro que firlmarlos es muy difícil, pero mejores/más largas observaciones pueden lograrse durante nuestros tours 💪)
El churrín ceja blanca (Scytalopus superciliaris) es una especie endémica de Argentina que habita las yungas australes del noroeste del país. Y este individuo en particular pertenece a una subespecie a su vez endémica de la Sierra de Santa Bárbara, lo que lo hace más especial aún 😍
📽 Video filmado por nuestro tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
#birdingargentina #birdingtours #birding #naturalbirding #birdingbuenosaires #ebird #birdwatching #globalbirding
Antshrikes are amongst the most iconical neotropical forest birds, although the are usually skulking and many times checked as "only-heard" by visiting birdwatchers on their checklists... but some (all?) REALLY deserve a good view 👁 👁
This amazing White-bearded Antshrike is a real MEGA bird, being a naturally scarce bamboo specialist endemic to the Atlantic forest 🙌🙌🙌 (and actually quite pretty 😍)
The species is only found in South East Brazil and the Argentine province of Misiones, where this male was filmed during a recent birding tour to the Iguazu falls and Atlantic forest of Argentina 🐦
Check out our birding itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com and contact us for more information 📧 📱
📽 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
Las chocas y bataráes (familia Thamnophilidae) están entre las aves más icónicas de los bosques y selvas neotropicales, aunque muchas veces son difíciles de observar y a veces son marcadas como "sólo oídas" por observadores de aves... pero algunas (todas?) REALMENTE merecen una buena observación 👁 👁
Este espectacular batará pecho negro (Biatas nigropectus) es atractivo en muchos aspectos, siendo una especie naturalmente escasa, especialista de tacuaras (bambú) y endémica de la mata atlántica 🙌🙌🙌 (y bastante lindo también 😍)
Esta especie sólo habita en el sudeste de Brasil y en la provincia argentina de Misiones donde este macho fue filmado, durante un reciente tour a la selva atlántica interior y cataratas de Iguazú en Argentina 🐦
📽 Video filmado por nuestro tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
#birds #birdsargentina #birdingargentina
#birdingbrasil #birdingsouthamerica #ebird #avesargentinas #birdingiguazu #neotropicalbirding #birdingtours #globalbirding
It's very hard to write something about what is happening in our beloved Ibera marshes (which are currently burning, and have been doing so for over a month) so we leave it to one of its endangered inhabitants, the beautiful Black-and-white Monjita, and an orchestra of other birds and insects (and maybe frogs?) singing in the back, filmed some years ago, in better circumstances...
Please do listen to the sound of Ibera marshes and grasslands contained on this video (turn on the audio 🔉) because that's how a healthy environment sounds like, and we need to do everything we can in order to keep having healthy environments all over the world, for ourselves and for future generations.
We strongly believe that ecoturism is a powerful conservation tool and will help overcoming this and other terrible situations that are happening in our planet as we write these words.
It's hard to remain optimistic, but that is the nature of life itself, and sooner than later nature will grow back. When it does, the least we can do is to be better prepared for a coexistence that should have never stopped being the rule
🎥 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
#iberamarsh #incendioscorrientes #firesinargentina #birdsargentina #naturalbirding #avesargentinas #birdingbuenosaires #ebird #globalbirding
Another pandemic year is coming to an end and we, just like this spectacular Saffron-cowled Blackbird, are still hanging here awaiting for better times 💪 💪 💪
This season is still not normal but it is indeed much better than the last Austral summer and we are having visiting birdwatchers coming from abroad, who are rewarded with our world-class birding opportunities including amazing views of this critically endangered species, which can be found during our FD tours to Southern Entre Ríos from Buenos Aires, where this one was filmed 🙌🙌🙌
We hope you have a great holiday season and that the 2022 brings you joy, plenty of lifers and, why not, maybe a #birding and #nature trip to Argentina & Southern South America!!! 🛫🌎🐦🐧🦉🐆🐊🦋
Check out our tour itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com and contact us for more information 📧📱
🎥 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavensky
Otro año pandémico esta llegando a su fin y nosotros, tal como lo hace este espectacular tordo amarillo (Xanthopsar flavus), seguimos resistiendo y esperando por tiempos mejores 💪 💪 💪
Esta temporada aún no es normal pero es mucho mejor que el último verano, y ya estamos recibiendo observadores de aves internacionales que son recompensados con experiencias de aviturismo de clase mundial, incluyendo impresionantes vistas de esta especie críticamente amenazada que puede ser observada durante nuestros tours de día completo al sur de Entre Ríos desde Buenos Aires, donde éste fue filmado 🙌🙌🙌
Les deseamos unas excelentes fiestas y que este año 2022 les traiga alegría, muchos "lifers" y, por qué no, tal vez un viaje de #observaciondeaves y #naturaleza a la Argentina y el sur de Sudamérica!!! 🛫🌎🐦🐧🦉🐆🐊🦋
🎥 Video filmado por nuestro tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
#birdsargentina #birdingargentina #avesargentinas #ebird #naturalbirding #birdingtours #birdingbuenosaires #bi
Yesterday, during #globalbirdweekend, we invited the local community in Gualeguay (Entre Ríos, Argentina) to join us for a short #birding walk in the park, and we had a wonderful experience 🙌🙌🙌
Everyone enjoyed it (especially the children who very fast started finding birds on their own) and even had great birds such as this beautiful Amazon Kingfisher!
We hope you were able to enjoy this event too!
🎥 Video filmed by our tour leader @marcelogavenskybirding
@globalbirding #globalbirding #birdsargentina #birdingargentina #birdingbuenosaires #naturalbirding #turismogualeguay #observaciondeaves #birdingentrerios
Southern South America is home to all neotropical forest eagles, including some of the world's largest and rarest, such as this amazing Crested Eagle, digiscoped in the Bolivian Amazon forest at Madidi National Park (one of our favorite destinations) 🦅 🦅 🦅
Only outsized in the region by the even larger Harpy Eagle (which is quite similar although bulkier, with much stronger feet and has black chest and a more dense and divided crest), it is huge and beautiful 🙌🙌🙌😍
If you would like to see this and other mega birds of Southern South America do contact us and/or check out our birding itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com
🎥 Video digiscoped by our tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
El sur de Sudamérica es hogar de todas las especies de águilas selváticas neotropicales, incluyendo algunas de las más grandes y raras del mundo, como esta águila monera (Morphnus guianensis) observada en la selva amazónica boliviana del Parque Nacional Madidi, uno de nuestros destinos favoritos! 🦅 🦅🦅
Es sólo superada en tamaño en la región por la aún mayor águila harpía (Harpia harpyja), la cuál se parece bastante aunque es más voluminosa, con patas mucho más fuertes, y tiene el pecho negro y una cresta más densa y dividida. De todos modos es enorme, y muy hermosa 🙌🙌🙌😍
Contactate con nosotros si te interesa observar esta u otras especies soñadas del sur sudamericano!
🎥 Video filmado mediante técnica de digiscoping por nuestro tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
#birdsargentina #birdingargentina #birdingbolivia #birdingsouthamerica #naturalbirding #birdingmadidi #madidi #eagles #raptors #globalbirding
🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀
Olrog's Gull is on every visiting twitcher's wishlist. An endemic breeder of Argentina, it can also be seen in Uruguay and, marginally, in S Brazil. In the first two countries (in Spanish) it's called "crab-eating gull", because crabs are a very important part of its diet 🍽
We see it specially in our Samborombon Bay and Punta Rasa tour from Buenos Aires, where it's more common during the Austral winter (this one was filmed farther south of that place, at Mar Chiquita lagoon).
Check out our birding itineraries directly from our website www.birdsargentina.com, and contact us for more information!!!
PS: the bird who "robbed" camera in the back was a Southern Silvery Grebe (nice bird too 🙌🙌🙌)
🎥 Video filmed by our tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀
La gaviota cangrejera (Larus atlanticus) está en la lista de "deseadas" de todos los observadores que nos visitan. Una especie endémica reproductiva de Argentina, también puede ser vista en Uruguay y, marginalmente, en el sur de Brasil. En los primeros dos países la llamamos "cangrejera" porque los cangrejos constituyen una parte muy importante de su dieta 🍽
Las observamos frecuentemente en nuestros tours a Bahía Samborombón y Punta Rasa desde Buenos Aires, donde son más comunes durante el invierno (ésta fue filmada un poco más al sur, en la albúfera de Mar Chiquita).
PD: la especie que robó cámara en el fondo es un macá plateado (Podiceps occipitalis), linda ave también 🙌🙌🙌
🎥 Video filmado por nuestro tour leader Marcelo Gavensky
#birdsargentina #birdingargentina #birdingbuenosaires #birdingsouthamerica #birds #gulls #naturalbirding #globalbirding