olivia office

olivia office Project oriented cross-company networking of all stakeholders. Visit us at www.oliviaoffice.com

oliviaoffice gmbh is a company located in Horn / Lower Austria, which has been set-up in March 2014. The formation process is based on a development phase initiated by the master builder Christian Melber who has developed a paperless application to manage a construction company and also enable collaboration with other master builders and subcontractors working on the project. In the beginning of 2

014 it has been decided to collaborate with partners which have complementary expertise in the field of Information and communication Technologies (ICT), Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Business Development and set-up a new venture which operates from Austria, also collaborating cross-border with partners in Malta and Kosovo. We are a international team of senior executive specialists from various business fields, which see Austria as a perfect location to develop regional as well as international business. Thus the company collaborates with domestic and international partners in order to promote and generate good business for its associates and stakeholders.


Pragerstraße 4, Horn/NÖ


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