Aojin Education & Migration

Aojin Education & Migration Provide You with The Most Suitable Migration Pathway

邀請家人出席畢業禮,但家人的旅遊簽證竟然會有機會被拒簽?如何又避免拒簽風險?👩‍🎓✈想查詢更多移民資訊,可致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢哦!Invite family to attend graduation, but the ...


想查詢更多移民資訊,可致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢哦!

Invite family to attend graduation, but the family's tourist visa will be rejected? and how to avoid the risk of visa refusal?👩‍🎓✈
Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

👨‍💻程式員如何移民澳洲?找那個機構完成職業評估?致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多移民資訊哦!👨‍💻How can programmer immigrate to AUS? Which provider do I have t...

致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多移民資訊哦!

👨‍💻How can programmer immigrate to AUS? Which provider do I have to do the skill assessment with?

Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

父母如何長時間到澳洲陪子女讀書?👨‍👩‍👧‍👧了解一下學生監護人簽證吧!致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多簽證資訊吧!How do parents go to AUS to accompany teir children to ...

致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多簽證資訊吧!

How do parents go to AUS to accompany teir children to study for a long time?👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
Know more about Student Guardian Visa!

Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

[澳洲未來移民系統將大變❓❗]是會如何改變? 又會對你簽證申請和移民產生的什麼影響?致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多資訊吧![Will Australia's future immigration system undergo...

是會如何改變? 又會對你簽證申請和移民產生的什麼影響?

致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多資訊吧!

[Will Australia's future immigration system undergo significant changes❓❗]

What will be change? And how will it affect your visa application and immigration pathway?

Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

👨‍🔧🔨📐海外工程師想移民澳洲有什麼要求? 是如何通過職業評估的?致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多移民資訊哦!👨‍🔧🔨📐What is the requirement for international engineers i...

👨‍🔧🔨📐海外工程師想移民澳洲有什麼要求? 是如何通過職業評估的?
致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多移民資訊哦!

👨‍🔧🔨📐What is the requirement for international engineers immigrate to Australia? How to get the positive skill assessment?

Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

👩‍🎓畢業後想取得PR?小金為UNISA FISS會員提供190 州政府擔保簽證和491偏遠地區州政府擔保簽證申請優惠, 讓你更快更低成本取得PR!!!快點把握機會,致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多優惠詳情吧!!✌👩‍🎓 Wa...

小金為UNISA FISS會員提供190 州政府擔保簽證和491偏遠地區州政府擔保簽證申請優惠, 讓你更快更低成本取得PR!!!
快點把握機會,致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多優惠詳情吧!!✌

👩‍🎓 Want to get PR after graduation?
Aojin provides UNISA FISS members with 190 Skilled Nominated visa and 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa application discounts, so FISS members can obtain PR faster and at a lower cost!!!

What are you waiting for? Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!✌

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

小金又帶著福利來了!!!只要你是 UNISA FISS (Formosa International Student Society, University of South Australia)的會員和追蹤小金ins或facebook, ...


只要你是 UNISA FISS (Formosa International Student Society, University of South Australia)的會員和追蹤小金ins或facebook, 即享有485 visa畢業生臨時簽證申請優惠😍快點致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多優惠詳情吧!

Aojin Discount is here for you again!!!

If you are a member of UNISA FISS (Formosa International Student Society, University of South Australia) and follow our social media (ins or Facebook), in that case, you can enjoy the discount on 485 Temporary Graduate visa applications 😍 Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

要找誰審批我的職業評估❓提供審批職業評估服務的機構不只一個, 不同專業需向不同的機構申請審批職業評估.小金今天向大家介紹澳洲境內最大的一家職業評估機構--VETASSESS, VET可以進行評估的職業有360多個!之後小金還會為大家介紹不同...

提供審批職業評估服務的機構不只一個, 不同專業需向不同的機構申請審批職業評估.

小金今天向大家介紹澳洲境內最大的一家職業評估機構--VETASSESS, VET可以進行評估的職業有360多個!

之後小金還會為大家介紹不同的職業評估機構哦, 歡迎繼續關於小金🧐
歡迎致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢更多哦!

Who undertakes my skill assessment❓
In AUS, there are different skill assessment providers; you have to apply your skill assessment to specific providers according to your occupation categories.

VETASSESS is Australia's largest skills assessment provider, which provides skill assessment for more than 360 occupations.

Aojin will introduce different skill assessment providers to you afterwards; keep follow Aojin🧐

Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

[澳洲新的移民計劃? 北領地MINT創新移民計劃來了!]快跟著小金了解MINT是什麼,項目優點和申請要求吧~有興趣了解更多MINT計劃,歡迎歡迎致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢哦![New Australia Migration ...

[澳洲新的移民計劃? 北領地MINT創新移民計劃來了!]
有興趣了解更多MINT計劃,歡迎歡迎致電 0416384184或DM向小金查詢哦!

[New Australia Migration Project? Innovation Northern Territory Program (MINT) is here!]

Understand what MINT is, the Advantages of the program and the requirement with Aojin now😊

If you are interested in and want to know more about the MINT program, Reach Aojin at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

[除了IELTS/PTE,還有其他英文考試嗎❓]有意入讀澳洲中學的朋友們, 除了IELTS/PTE,您們還可以選擇AEAS哦.AEAS是澳洲教育評估服務機構, 成立於1985年, 現已有180多所澳洲知名初高中學校獲澳洲政府批准,接受 AE...


有意入讀澳洲中學的朋友們, 除了IELTS/PTE,您們還可以選擇AEAS哦.

AEAS是澳洲教育評估服務機構, 成立於1985年, 現已有180多所澳洲知名初高中學校獲澳洲政府批准,接受 AEAS 成績👏

📲想了解更多,歡迎致電 0416384184或DM與我們查詢!

[Besides IELTS/PTE, what other English tests can I take❓]

If you are interested in enrolling in secondary school in AUS next year, you can choose to take the AEAS English assessment besides IELTS and PTE.

AEAS is an Australian education assessment service organization established in 1985; the Australian government has approved more than 180 well-known Australian primary and secondary schools to accept AEAS English test results.

📲Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information

畢業後如何容易找到第一份工作?💭小金有三個小Tips給大家哦😉1. 尋找實習機會2.多參加校外活動3.持有有效工作權限簽證 (現在500學生簽證工作時限取消,國際學生可以full-time工作, 直到30/6/2023)📲想了解更多,歡迎致...


1. 尋找實習機會
(現在500學生簽證工作時限取消,國際學生可以full-time工作, 直到30/6/2023)

📲想了解更多,歡迎致電 0416384184或DM與我們查詢!

How can I find my first job after graduation? 💭

Aojin has three little Tips for you😉
1. Looking for internship opportunity
2. join more extra-school activities
3. Holding visa which allow you to work in Australia (Now the 500 student visa work time limit is cancelled, and international students can work full-time until 30/6/2023)

📲Reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information

[讀幼教可以移民? ]👩‍🎓幼教是十分受歡迎的移民專業,畢業後有主要三條的移民途徑:▶189 獨立技術移民:簽證為永居簽證. 不需要雇主、親屬或州政府擔保。 只要滿足了申請條件就可進入候選名單,澳洲移民局會按照分數高低發放移民邀請. 順利申...

[讀幼教可以移民? ]👩‍🎓

▶189 獨立技術移民:
簽證為永居簽證. 不需要雇主、親屬或州政府擔保。 只要滿足了申請條件就可進入候選名單,澳洲移民局會按照分數高低發放移民邀請. 順利申請到後,沒有其他附加限制,可以去澳洲任何地區定居.

▶190 州擔保技術移民:
簽證為永居簽證. 需要有州擔保.移民成功後在需要在擔保的州定居兩年.

是5年臨時簽證. 需要州/領地政府擔保. 獲得州政府提名後,需要在擔保的州定居三年,並達到收入要求,才能轉成永久居留簽證.

❇移民途徑要求各有不同,歡迎致電 0416384184或DM與我們查詢❇

[Can I immigrate by studying Early Childhood Education?]👨‍🎓
Early Childhood Education is a popular immigration subject, there are three main immigration pathways after graduation:

▶189 Skilled Independent visa:
Is a points-tested permanent visa. No
requires of sponsored by an employer or family member or nominated by a state or territory government. You can live, work and study total freedom to live, work and study anywhere you choose in Australia.

▶190 Skilled Nominated visa:
Is a permanent visa. Requires to receive a nomination from the state government. But you must commit to living and working in the state which nominated you for at least two years.

▶491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional):
Is a temporary resident visa. Requires to receive a nomination from the state government. You can live, study and work in the state which nominated you for at lease three years. You will be eligible to apply for a Permanent Residence visa after three years and meet the income requirement.

❇All immigration pathways have different requirement, please feel feel to reach us at 0416384184 or DM for more information❇

[讀商科都可以移民?]市場營銷就是一個很好的移民科目✔如果你是市場營銷專業畢業,或商科課程內有科目與市場營銷有關, 都有機會可以移民的👌📲立即致電 0416384184或DM與我們聯繫以獲取更多信息吧![Can I immigrate ev...

如果你是市場營銷專業畢業,或商科課程內有科目與市場營銷有關, 都有機會可以移民的👌

📲立即致電 0416384184或DM與我們聯繫以獲取更多信息吧!

[Can I immigrate even if I study business as major?]
Marketing is one of the immigration courses✔
If you graduated with a major in marketing, or if there are subjects related to marketing in your business course, you may have the opportunity to immigrate👌

📲Reach us now at 0416384184 or DM for more information!

快畢業不知如何準備移民? 小金建議有四樣事情可以先準備哦✊Graduating soon and don't know how to prepare for immigration?Aojin suggests that these fou...


Graduating soon and don't know how to prepare for immigration?
Aojin suggests that these four actions can be taken in advance before graduation✊

📲Contact 0416384184 or DM us to customize the best immigration plan for you 隨時聯繫澳金移民顧問為您訂造最佳移民方案

[ #小金移民資訊一點通: 不同年紀遞交學生簽證申請,成功率竟然有差別?!]對的~不同課程在不同年紀申請會不一樣. 就以技工課程為例,申請年紀愈,學生簽證成功率愈高.但普遍來說,遞交簽證時候早一點,年輕一點,學生簽證成功率就會高一點👍📲立即...

[ #小金移民資訊一點通: 不同年紀遞交學生簽證申請,成功率竟然有差別?!]

對的~不同課程在不同年紀申請會不一樣. 就以技工課程為例,申請年紀愈,學生簽證成功率愈高.但普遍來說,遞交簽證時候早一點,年輕一點,學生簽證成功率就會高一點👍

📲立即致電 0416384184 或DM我們聯繫以獲取更多信息吧!

[ ~The success rate of student visa application approval varies by different age?

Will have different~ Apply for various courses at different ages, and the success rate will differ. Taking craft courses as an example, apply the visa in younger age, the success rate of student visas will be higher. Generally speaking, the student visa success rate will be higher if you apply for a visa earlier and younger.

📲Reach us now at 0416384184 or DM us for more information!

【‼️BREAKING NEWS: More Migration Visas‼️】📣Whether you have been working hard to migrate or planning to migrate from over...

【‼️BREAKING NEWS: More Migration Visas‼️】
📣Whether you have been working hard to migrate or planning to migrate from overseas, now is the time!

【‼️重大消息: 移民簽證配額大增‼️】
📣不管您是一直在努力移民的路上還隔海觀望, 現在都是衝刺的最佳時期!

📲Contact 0416384184 to customize the best immigration plan for you 隨時聯繫澳金移民顧問為您訂造最佳移民方案

[ #小金移民資訊一點通: 訪客簽證可以轉換為學生簽證]👌如果您目前持有訪客簽證(subclass 600)並且有興趣在澳洲讀書,您可以將訪客簽證轉換為學生簽證![ ~ Visitor Visa can converted to Stude...

[ #小金移民資訊一點通: 訪客簽證可以轉換為學生簽證]👌
如果您目前持有訪客簽證(subclass 600)並且有興趣在澳洲讀書,您可以將訪客簽證轉換為學生簽證!

[ ~ Visitor Visa can converted to Student visa!]👌
If you are currently holding a Visitor visa (subclass 600) and are interested in studying in Australia, you can convert the visitor visa to a student visa!

💌更多資訊可dm或致電聯繫我們 Contact or DM us for more information 0416384184

[ #小金移民資訊一點通: 不同時間遞交學生簽證申請,成功率竟然有差別?!]簽證是個概率遊戲,積小勝為大勝,才能提高下簽成功率❗ 那這些基本的學生簽證申請技巧你知道麼?留學是澳洲的一個支柱產業,在申請人條件差不多的情況下,移民局需要照顧到教...

[ #小金移民資訊一點通: 不同時間遞交學生簽證申請,成功率竟然有差別?!]

簽證是個概率遊戲,積小勝為大勝,才能提高下簽成功率❗ 那這些基本的學生簽證申請技巧你知道麼?



📲立即致電 0416384184 與我們聯繫以獲取更多信息吧!

[ ~TThe success rate of student visa application approval varies at different submission time?]

Visa application is just like a probability game❗ So, do you know the student visa application skill?

The government immigration department has to consider the student admission needs of the education industry, so it will ensure application refusal rate at a high level.

The rate of application approval fluctuates generally. However, after a time of high rejection rates, the rate will decline due to economic consideration.

Therefore, the best submission when high refusal rate is announced and avoid submission after low refusal rate is announced. 📂

📲Reach us now at 0416384184 for more information!

🧑‍🎓您是否即將畢業, 卻不確定哪個移民路線可以讓您繼續留在澳洲工作與生活? 不妨考慮485畢業臨時簽證吧!現在無需職業提名與評估要求就可獲取長達24個月至4年的簽證, 您還在等什麼? 🔥🧑‍🎓Are you about to gradua...

🧑‍🎓您是否即將畢業, 卻不確定哪個移民路線可以讓您繼續留在澳洲工作與生活?

不妨考慮485畢業臨時簽證吧!現在無需職業提名與評估要求就可獲取長達24個月至4年的簽證, 您還在等什麼? 🔥

🧑‍🎓Are you about to graduate but unsure which migration pathway will let you to stay and work in Australia? Why not apply for a 485 Temporary Graduate visa?

You can now stay for up to 24 months to 4 years without occupational nomination and skills assessment requirements. What are you waiting now? 🔥

恭喜客戶申請485簽證成功下簽! 澳金移民,值得託付! 💪
Congratulations to our client who applied for a 485 visa successfully granted! Aojin Education & Migration, worth entrusting! 💪

💌更多資訊可dm或致电联系我们 For more information, DM or contact at 0416384184
#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

[最新簽證體檢政策 New medical exam policy for visa❗❗❗]如果你現在在澳洲境內續簽簽證,有可能不再需要參加體檢!If you are renewing your visa in Australia now,...

[最新簽證體檢政策 New medical exam policy for visa❗❗❗]

如果你現在在澳洲境內續簽簽證,有可能不再需要參加體檢!If you are renewing your visa in Australia now, you may no longer need to take a medical examination!

⭕臨時簽證包括 Visa Included:
• 401 - 臨時工作(長期逗留活動)Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity)
• 403 - 臨時工作國際關係Temporary Work (International Relations)
• 405 - 投資者退休Investor Retirement
• 407 - 培訓Training
• 408 - 臨時活動Temporary activity
• 410 - 退休Retirement
• 417&462 - 工作假期Working Holiday
• 461 - 新西蘭公民家庭關係NZ Citizen Family Relationship visa
• 476 - 熟練的認可畢業生Recognised Graduate
• 482 - 暫時的技能短缺Temporary Skill Shortage
• 485 - 臨時畢業生Temporary Graduate
• 500 - 學生Student
• 590 - 學生監護人Student Guardian
• 600 - 訪客Visitor
• 870 - 擔保父母(臨時)Sponsored Parent (Temporary)
• 995 - 外交(臨時)Diplomatic(Temporary)

❌但是經過澳金專業律師Kevin分析,政策並不適用於所有人. 如您有帖子上描述的幾種情況,您可能依然需要繼續體檢.However, after the analysis by Kevin, a professional lawyer of Aojin, the policy does not apply to everyone. If you have several situations described in the post, you may still need to continue the medical exam.

除了帖子上描述的情況,如您已在BUPA MVS預約了健康檢查,但尚未參加,您的預約可能會被取消並退款。 Bupa 將通過 SMS 告知您這一點。請勿聯繫BUPA自行取消預約。如果您沒有被告知您的預約被取消,您應該盡可能參加. Apart from the situation described in the post, if you have made an appointment for a health exam at BUPA, your appointment may be cancelled and refunded. Bupa will inform you of this via SMS. Please do not contact BUPA to cancel the appointment by yourself. If you are not informed that your appointment has been cancelled, you should attend whenever possible.

📌最後,該政策僅為一條臨時政策,將會在2023年初再次審核。Finally, this policy is only a temporary policy and will be reviewed again in early 2023

💌更多資訊可dm或致電聯繫我們 Contact or DM us for more information 0416384184

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

難怪小金覺得這兩天特別奇怪,大晚上10點11點多竟然還在收到下簽郵件,這說明澳洲移民局在OT,甚至OT到深夜來審批簽證,真的是很少見!澳洲技術移民的春天真的來了,計劃申請的親,您做好準備了嗎?👍It is strange, especial...


It is strange, especially these last two days, that Aojin has received multiple visa-granted emails late at night, around 10 to 11pm. This indicates that the Department of Home Affairs is working long hours, even late at night, to grant visas, which is a fairly unusual occurrence. It seems that visa approval will be faster in the future. Are you ready for this?👍

💌更多資訊可dm或致电联系我们 Contact or DM us for more information 0416384184

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

簽證快過期了,疫情期間該怎麼待在澳洲呢?👩‍🦰看看劉小姐的成功案例,了解一下408疫情簽證吧!Is your visa about to expire, and wondering how you could stay in Austral...


Is your visa about to expire, and wondering how you could stay in Australia during the pandemic?
👩‍🦰Let's have a look at Mrs. Liu's successful case and learn about the 408 Pandemic Event Visa!

💌更多資訊可dm或致电联系我们 Contact or DM us for more information 0416384184

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦


🧑‍💻Aojin Education & Migration - Your best immigration experts, here to provide you with the most suitable migration pathway.

🧑‍💻澳金移民留学 - 您身边的移民专家

[Aojin Migration Archive: How to immigrate to SA after graduation?]Want to know how to immigrate to Australia after grad...

[Aojin Migration Archive: How to immigrate to SA after graduation?]
Want to know how to immigrate to Australia after graduation? Take a look at the tips provided by Aojin🥰

📲Reach us now at 0416384184 for more information!

[小金移民資訊一點通: 畢業後如何移民南澳洲?]
想知道畢業後如何移民澳洲? 看看小金為你提供的移民南澳洲小Tips啦🥰

📲立即致電 0416384184 與我們聯繫以獲取更多信息吧!

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

Are you looking for a popular course that you can easily migrate after graduating? If you're a multilingual person who s...

Are you looking for a popular course that you can easily migrate after graduating?
If you're a multilingual person who speaks languages other than English, why not consider study TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)? 🧑‍🏫

📲Reach us now at 0416384184 for more information!

如果您是一個會說英語以外其他語言的多語言人士,不如考慮學習 語言教育類TESOL?🧑‍🏫

📲立即致電 0416384184 與我們聯繫以獲取更多信息吧!

[190 Visa下簽 190 Visa Granted!]👏恭喜客戶L女士透過社工專業申請190 Visa,3個月就成功下簽,拿到PR~~L女士因為提前規劃,至少早其他社工專業的同學半年拿到PR哦😊澳金移民,值得信賴!Congratula...

[190 Visa下簽 190 Visa Granted!]👏

恭喜客戶L女士透過社工專業申請190 Visa,3個月就成功下簽,拿到PR~~L女士因為提前規劃,至少早其他社工專業的同學半年拿到PR哦😊

Congratulations to our client who applied for a 190 Visa through the social work major, successfully granted the visa within 3 months and got a PR😊Aojin Education Migration, your reliable agent!

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#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

[收到189邀請信!!!Received an invitation to lodge subclass 189 visa!!]🎉🎉🎉小金昨天收到兩個客戶的189邀請信~很為客戶開心!恭喜恭喜!! 👏So happy that our cl...

[收到189邀請信!!!Received an invitation to lodge subclass 189 visa!!]🎉🎉🎉

小金昨天收到兩個客戶的189邀請信~很為客戶開心!恭喜恭喜!! 👏
So happy that our clients received an invitation to lodge subclass 189 visa!!👏

189 visa application is becoming popular again and more accessible to apply; message us for more information if you are interested in applying!

💻更多資訊可私信我們或瀏覽網址 Message us or visit website for more information:

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

[小金移民資訊一點通 -- 不知選擇那個州份讀書移民?]💬小金建議選擇移民科目和州份時,需考慮和衡量幾方面:🌳考慮自身興趣.小金建議因應自身興趣而選擇移民科目和州份是很重要的!這樣可以享受讀書樂趣,又能更快融入當地生活環境~👩‍🎓了解州份的...

[小金移民資訊一點通 -- 不知選擇那個州份讀書移民?]💬



👩‍🎓了解州份的課程與學校質量與認受性. 小金建議選擇課程和學校前,先了解其質量和認受性. 不被認受的課程和學校,畢業後是不能申請技術移民的哦~而各州份移民條件和未來移民趨勢例也不同,(e.g.移民職業清單不同和改變),所以必需小心考慮.

💼考慮畢業後職業技術評估機會. 各州政府對不同課程的技術移民條件要求都不一樣.大部分課程畢業後,是要求有工作經驗來通過職業技術評估,才能申請技術移民的,所以也要考慮找到工作的機會.

[Aojin Migration Archive: How to choose a study immigration area?]💬

Aojin suggested that several aspects should be considered:

🌳Consider your interests. Choosing subjects and immigration states according to your interests is essential! so you can enjoy studying and integrate into a new living environment faster~

👩‍🎓Understand the quality and recognition of courses and collage before applying. You cannot apply for skilled immigration after graduation if your course or collage which government are unaccepted. Different states have distinct immigration conditions and future immigration trends (e.g. Different states' skilled occupation lists are different and may change yearly),so please consider course choosing carefully.

💼Consider the opportunity of skill assessment after graduation. Various state governments have different skills immigration requirements for different courses. After graduation, the government may require you to have 0.5-2 years of working experience related to your course, to pass the skilled assessment and apply for skills immigration. So you have to consider the working opportunity in different states.

💻更多資訊可私信我們或瀏覽網址 Message us or visit website for more information:

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

[485簽證優惠來了!]剛畢業不知如何申請485畢業生臨時工作簽證? 小金可以幫到你❤️ 無論你讀什麼subjects和國籍,只要是南澳大學ISBS (Hong Kong Chapter)的會員都享受特定簽證申請優惠 💰 UniSA Int...

剛畢業不知如何申請485畢業生臨時工作簽證? 小金可以幫到你❤️ 無論你讀什麼subjects和國籍,只要是南澳大學ISBS (Hong Kong Chapter)的會員都享受特定簽證申請優惠 💰 UniSA International Student Business Society (Hong Kong Chapter)

[Discount for 485 visa Apply!]
Not sure how to apply for a 485 visa after graduation? Aojin is here to help you ❤️
No matter what your nationality and what subject you study, you can have specific visa application discounts as long as you are a member of the ISBS (Hong Kong Chapter) of the University of South Australia 💰UniSA International Student Business Society (Hong Kong Chapter)

更多資訊可私信我們或瀏覽網址 Message us or visit website for more information:
#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦

[想拿到PR? 190/491visa幫你達成夢想🤘] 畢業後申請458visa畢業生臨時簽證累積工作經驗,拿到職業技術評估, 即可申請190和491州擔保和偏遠地區擔保簽證, 拿到PR!!!!✌南澳大學 ISBS(HK)學會會員可享有申請...

[想拿到PR? 190/491visa幫你達成夢想🤘]
畢業後申請458visa畢業生臨時簽證累積工作經驗,拿到職業技術評估, 即可申請190和491州擔保和偏遠地區擔保簽證, 拿到PR!!!!✌

南澳大學 ISBS(HK)學會會員可享有申請190/491visa八折優惠及免費申請485visa!😍 還等什麼?快向我們查詢吧~ UniSA International Student Business Society (Hong Kong Chapter)

[PR? Apply 190/491visa can helps you achieve your dream🤘]
After graduation, apply for a 458visa to accumulate work experience, and pass the skill assessment; you can apply for 190/491 visa and get PR!!!!✌

UniSA's ISBS(HK) society members can have a 20%off discount on the 190/491 visa application fee and free charge to apply for a 485 visa😍What are you waiting for? Message us for more information~ UniSA International Student Business Society (Hong Kong Chapter)

💻更多資訊可私信我們或瀏覽網址 Message us or visit website for more information:

#移民 #移民澳洲 #澳大利亚 #簽證代辦


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Adelaide, SA

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