I have a story to tell you about my mum. As you're probably aware, mum had a bit of a bad MS day on Tuesday morning, so in the afternoon she just sat on the couch and binged watched a crime show. Being the good companion that I am, I jumped up on the couch and sat beside her and watched with her. I knew I would be in the doghouse if I asked for a ride. So mum eventually cooked tea and we sat down to watch ‘one more episode’. Now mum does not have the best hand eye coordination. My mouth to eye coordination is far better than hers. Anyway, while we were watching our show suddenly an insect flew by. Now I love catching flies and I'm really good at it. But before I could leap up and grab it, mum swiped her hand up and lo and behold, she caught the insect. But then she screamed and jumped off the couch. I wondered what was going on. She opened her hand and out flew a bee. I tried to find it on the couch for her but she yelled at me. We found it, put it outside. Mum washed her hand and the night continued. And then this morning, mum woke up and turned on the light and it was still dark outside, so I knew that it was too early for a ride. Mum’s finger was swollen and red and she said it hurt so she grabbed her glasses, turned on the light and she found that the sting was still in her finger. So after rummaging for a pin, she dug it out, and washed her hand. We all went back to sleep. She felt so good when we did wake up, I still got my ride this morning, so it ended happy. I'm just glad she found the Bee before I did because I don't like going to the vet.