Thanks @theskimm for sharing. Might have to see about getting a Aussie version of this!
Busting some more job share myths.
A resume that sells your personal brand
Some people say the resume is a thing of the past. I can tell you it absolutely isn't. So don't let yours sell you short.
job share tip #1 Deal Breakers
Job Share Tips - Deal Breakers
Discussing your deal breakers up front is important, if you don't, they can cause a world of problems later on.
Think about what your deal breakers are: Do you need a certain time off each year? Can you only work certain days? Do you need a partner that loves reality TV? It's an important discussion to have prior to forming a job share team.
The easy way to find a job share partner
Sometimes the hardest part of job sharing is finding the right person to share with. Our online network of job sharers makes finding a partner easier than ever before
It's equal pay day today, and that's what we're all about. Women working full time need to work, on average, more than 14 months to earn the same as men earn in a year. 😮😔 #genderequality #business #equalpay #comeonalready #flexforall #allrolesflex
Lets change the narrative around flex work, it's not just for mums it's for everyone, and every reason is valid - caring for children or elderly parents, sports commitments, starting a business on the side, whatever your reason, demand the flexibility you need! #worklifebalance #genderequality #mums #allrolesflex #flexforall #weneedthis #dadswantflextoo #youdontneedkidstogetflex
Did you know job sharing is great for students looking to get a foot in the door? Register for free today!
Anyone been stuck in a meeting today? Just a thought for a rainy Tuesday.
The easy way for employers to offer flexible work - Job sharing, where the teams come to you!
Job Sharing made easy in one minute (and four seconds). If you're wanting to job share, but you're not sure where to start, watch this.