With spring just around the corner, eWasp spring queens will emerge from hibernation to establish nests. With wall cavities being one of the preferred nesting site in suburban areas, this is the time to seal cracks and crevices around doors and window frames. For more information, see https://ewasp.com.au/insects-and-arachnids/wasps/#european-wasp.
#europeanwasps #wasps #invasivespecies #environment #pestmanagement
eWasp Ground Nest!
This nest was located in a garden in the suburb of Kaleen, ACT, January 2024. The nest is extremely active in the video due to it being treated which set off a pheromone summing the colony to attack.
Always engage a professional pest controller to treat an eWasp nest and report all eWasp nests to the eWasp team.
#europeanwasps #invasivespecies #wasps #environment #pestmanagement #pestcontrol
The eWasp Team
CoreEnviro Solutions Pty Ltd
eWasp Nest in a Wall Cavity!
A reminder to start inspecting homes and gardens for eWasp activity, don't be caught out.
The video shows an eWasp nest in a wall cavity in O'Connor ACT, January 2024. It is common for the eWasps to gnaw through gyprock if they run out of room in a wall cavity and or a roof void.
To report a nest, contact the eWasp team.
#europeanwasps #invasivespecies #environment #wasps #pestmanagement #pestcontrol
The eWasp Team
CoreEnviro Solutions Pty Ltd