After the devastating bushfire of just over a year ago, the Richy Main Museum is back on track.
We are very proud to announce that the entire Mulbring Road (1.2km towards Leggetts drive) section of track is fully rehabilitated and passed inspection from last years devastating bush fire.
This now means that stage one of the rebuilding of our track is complete, to get this far and our volunteers and industry partners have worked together to:
• Replacement of 550 burnt timber sleepers with donated concrete sleepers
• Replacement of 100 timber turnout bearers
• Drop & tamp 400 tons of new ballast
We have estimated just on $1,000,000 of in kind donations and value of work has been put in to get to the end of this stage.
The work undertaken on the Mulbring Road branch would not have been possible without the support of rail industry organisations :
• Sweitelsky Rail Australia has provided the assistance of track workers, supervisors and certifiers and has been the main driving force behind the work.
• The Australian Rail Track Corporation and John Holland CRN has facilitated the provision of several hundred second hand concrete sleepers.
• South Maitland Railways has donated 50 timber turnout bearers and several hundred brand screw spikes to fasten them also SMR has loaned us free of charge various rail equipment.
• Ben's Rail and Civil, and Goldsprings earthmoving have donated the use of rail-mounted excavators with operators.
• Kennards Hire have donated the use of a generator and track maintenance tools.
• Daracon Group, in addition to their initial donation of ballast, continue to supply ballast at cost price with discounted delivery.
• Waeger Constructions has provided a quotation for repair of Number 1 Bridge (on the Pelaw Main line), which will be the basis of an application for a significant grant from the NSW Government.
We can now move on to the next stage of track rehabilitation, which is rehabilitating the burnout line back down to our carriage shed first, then the final stage is the track to Pelaw Main!!!
Photo Jamie Apthorpe