Very chuffed to score some amazingly marbled Deckle cuts of beef from Kawungan Quality Meats. A big thank you to Dale. It's called "Butcher's Butter" by butcher's and spinalis dorsi in the anatomist's manual. It's the ribeye cap, the tastiest beef cut of all.
I have been considering how I was going to cook it; Low'n'Slow for amazing slices, go further for incredible pulled beef, or reverse-sear it, or go hot & fast on a smoking hot grill over charcoal.
Then I read this article. Decision made.
Ribeye cap, light of my life when there's fire in my grill. My steak, my soul. Rib-eye-cap. It's deckle, plain deckle, in the kitchen, sitting one foot four when trimmed. It's calotte in France. It's Butcher's Butter in the shop. It's spinalis dorsi in the anatomist's manual. But in my tongs, it is....