Further to the communication issued Friday, 15 May 2020, the Queensland Government have confirmed that:
“Stage 1 restrictions are intended to allow informal unstructured physical activity and training. Community sport (including the organised return of club training) is not scheduled to return until Stage 2.”
The Queensland Government have established a 'Return to Play' website which features a guidebook, fact sheets, frequently asked questions and a checklist for our industry so that our clubs and members have the latest information.
An exemption exists for primary and secondary schools in relation to swimming pools as per the 'Non-Essential Business, Activity and Undertaking Closure Direction (No. 10)'.
Swimming Queensland asks that clubs refer to all relevant guidelines when determining when and how your club might resume its activities. Swimming Queensland does not require you to submit a plan, checklist or other in relation to your club’s resumption.
Further information relating to our 20/21 season, including club affiliation and member registrations will be provided in coming weeks. For now, club affiliations and membership registrations from the 19/20 season will be recognised until 30 September 2020.
As was the case when restrictions first came into place in March, details are likely to change on a rapid basis as restrictions are lifted. Please keep up to date with the full details including all relevant links and references on our website https://qld.swimming.org.au/news-articles/covid-19-advice-clubs