I am a multi passionate, life loving, woman, friend, daughter, partner and practitioner. I am totally dedicated to turning the volume up on the amount of love, joy and juiciness we get to experience in this life. With this in mind I have spent my life finding ways to do it (oh poor me!) so that I can share the results with you! THE BORING BITS
As well as working with individuals and couples in a
private setting I also love running regular workshops, classes and retreats. So luckily, with a multi passionate background as a transpersonal counsellor, life and relationship coach, NLP consultant, yoga teacher, professional dancer and all round life juice extractor, my events and private sessions have all of your needs covered and even find some new areas to bring into light that you may never have met, or long forgotten so that you can ultimately, LIKE yourself, love your life and give others the privilege to do the same. Basically, I help you to live the life you love, now! I've come up with some really real methods on how to be happy and have really awesome relationships. Methods that cut through all the bull and make plain sense. I've been sharing these methods with people for well over a decade and continue to get people totally stoked at the results and wondering why the hell they hadn't come to me sooner. Oh yeah and I've used myself as the guinea pig…. It works
No stranger to heartache and pain. I began my own journey of healing and self-exploration after a pretty crappy childhood with family breakdowns, abuse and illness as well as some pretty hectic relationship stories. Totally lost for what to do and where to get answers, I turned inward and began to ask the big questions of Why and who am I anyway? Obviously at this age all I got back was a big fat 'I dunno!"
So I started of to find out. As well as studying, travelling and being in and out of relationships. I eventually got married to my sweetheart. And they all lived happily ever after, the end? This marriage turned into a nightmare. Oh yeah I mean a nightmare. It broke down in tears and heartache and pain so huge I never thought I would recover….. But did I? Oh boy did I! whoahhhh Nelly! THE JUICY BITS
And so due to my early childhood dramas it was early on that I began the epic journey of self discovery and healing through some of the usual avenues of parties, boyfriends, travel and general debarclery. As well as some more unique methods such as self enquiry, becoming a professional actor and dancer, meditation and spiritual practice. - I kinda did it all from Buddhism, paganism, yoga and Shamanism to hip hop and cabaret. oh yeah I covered all the bases. And then once my marriage broke down, so began another epic journey not entirely different to the first one, but this time I wanted to know exactly how and why some relationships work and some don't. How and why some girls get all the guys and some don't. I very stoically offered myself up as a guinea pig for my findings by dating and dating and relating. After all, it was my duty to do so right? Thankfully I can now say that I reckon, as do countless others. That this journey was a divine intervention to bring me the wisdom and information necessary to do this work I was born to do. Thankfully for me, I am living proof that it works (phew)
As are the countless others that I have helped….