Out There

Out There Out There is a Travel Philosophy, Tips and Tools Website... we want to make travel better for you.

Whether it's a day, a weekend, or stopping off on a tropical island on the way to your next adventure. Taking some time ...

Whether it's a day, a weekend, or stopping off on a tropical island on the way to your next adventure. Taking some time out BEFORE your holiday is actually a great way to get you in the right emotional space to get the most out of your trip!

Taking some time off before you leave can be especially important if you have been working your backside off to earn the money to get away. I have met people who worked 80-100+ hour weeks so that they could take one month leave overseas and when they got there one of three things happened…

Getting ready to leave is always a bit stressful. Here are some handy hints to help make it less so!

Getting ready to leave is always a bit stressful. Here are some handy hints to help make it less so!

The lead-up to a trip can be a mix of excitement and stress as you try to complete the essential tasks before departure. However, with careful planning and efficient strategies, you can tackle these pre-travel chores in a streamlined manner, minimizing stress and maximizing your readiness for the jo...

Luggage can be such a pain and whilst you've got to take some stuff with you, the more you can minimize it the better I ...

Luggage can be such a pain and whilst you've got to take some stuff with you, the more you can minimize it the better I say!

I once saw a very small young woman trying to negotiate the London Underground with a 50L suitcase that must’ve been filled with solid gold bars considering its weight. She certainly was struggling significantly in her attempts to get it up the numerous staircases that are commonplace in undergrou...

Listening well can be the difference between hearing about that secret location, being invited to an exclusive party, or...

Listening well can be the difference between hearing about that secret location, being invited to an exclusive party, or even just making a new friend! Here are my tips to apply to make you a better listener and improve your travel experience while you do it.

We love talking about ourselves! The vast majority of us spend most of our time talking about ourselves; what we like, what we don’t like, what happened to us in the week just gone, what our plans are for the future, blah, blah, blah, blah!

I love the adventure of Travel! Forging into the unknown! But going in completely blind, can often result in missing out...

I love the adventure of Travel! Forging into the unknown! But going in completely blind, can often result in missing out on major attractions, costing you a lot more, or just generally having a bad time?... so what to do??? - READ THIS!

There are many ways to go about doing this and I’m sure everyone has “their way”, I’m going to give you my preferred method. Whether you use my way or some other way entirely (or none at all!) is unimportant. What is important is to try and familiarize yourself with the places that you’ll ...

This week's post  will help you make new friends on the road and have authentic experiences with locals wherever you go!...

This week's post will help you make new friends on the road and have authentic experiences with locals wherever you go!

Here a 5 major things that befriending locals can bring you (aside from being being a better person and broadening your horizons!):

It's Monday, so here's the next post in our pre-travel blog series! Always wanted to live the digital nomad life, but no...

It's Monday, so here's the next post in our pre-travel blog series! Always wanted to live the digital nomad life, but not sure how to achieve it? Here's a step-by-step guide for making that dream a reality!!!

Location-independent lifestyles have gained immense popularity following the pandemic and there’s a lot of appeal to being able to explore the globe while earning a living remotely. In this blog post, we will explore practical tips and insights on how to develop marketable skills and provide infor...

The latest post is sure to help you wade through the chaff of insurers top find a policy worth buying and give you peace...

The latest post is sure to help you wade through the chaff of insurers top find a policy worth buying and give you peace of mind before your next trip! (Apologies for no post last week as I was sick all week!)

Whilst it might seem expensive, travel insurance is actually the cheapest insurance you’ll ever buy because it’s health, home, and contents insurance all rolled into one! Essentially, it is a must-have for any traveler. It can provide you with peace of mind and financial security in case of unex...

In 2015, I taught myself Portuguese in 3 months out of necessity... so today I thought I'd share my tips on how to do it...

In 2015, I taught myself Portuguese in 3 months out of necessity... so today I thought I'd share my tips on how to do it so that you can learn a language in no time too!

G’day, language learners, you’re probably reading this post because you’d like to learn the language of the place your heading to soon, but aren’t sure you’ll be able to or if it’s even worth it? I’m here to tell you… DOOOOO IIIITTTT!!!! Seriously, it will likely be the most useful t...

Saving! The most boring, but most essential part of any trip. Whether you do this by costing out your trip early and see...

Saving! The most boring, but most essential part of any trip. Whether you do this by costing out your trip early and seeting a savings goal, or by simply saving regularly and then knowing how much you want to spend doesn't matter... This post is for you! I've got some useful tips and my awesome free Travel budgeting spreadsheet for your use!

So check out my latest blog post to start socking away the cash!

Traveling can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but it can also be quite expensive! That’s why it’s important to make a budget for your trip that you can actually stick to. In this post, I’ll walk you through the steps to create a realistic budget, categorize expenses, and...

It's time for part 2 of my 10 pre-travel tips series. This one is full of useful resources to help you figure out your t...

It's time for part 2 of my 10 pre-travel tips series. This one is full of useful resources to help you figure out your trip, which is why I've titled it "The Best Trip Planning and Location Research Tools".

So! You’re planning your next adventure, and you’re looking for the best tools to help you prepare but don’t know where to start. Fortunately, the internet has made it easier than ever to plan a trip from start to finish. In this post, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite trip planning and lo...

Hey loyal readers, Here's the first post of my "10 steps to prepare you for your travels" series. Today's post is all ab...

Hey loyal readers,

Here's the first post of my "10 steps to prepare you for your travels" series. Today's post is all about defining the vision you have for your trip, so you can get the most out of it! Check it out now:

Having a clarity of purpose on your travels is likely to increase the satisfaction you get out of your trip. Now don’t get me wrong, many of us travel “to get away” to “not think” or “just relax!”, and that’s great, because essentially THAT IS YOUR PURPOSE!

Get excited! The next Out There blog series is launching soon!!!! I want to take this time to set a consistent blog rele...

Get excited! The next Out There blog series is launching soon!!!!

I want to take this time to set a consistent blog release date. After trailling midday each day, and then doing some research, I've decided that all Travel Philosophy Blog Posts will be released weekly on Monday mornings at 7am.

This blog series is intended to prepare you as much as possible before you depart for your adventure. Remember departing for your adventure doesn’t have to be from your hometown, it can be from anywhere in the world.

The 12 Travel Principles are done!!!! What's next I hear you say???? Well, stay tuned for more content to coming your wa...

The 12 Travel Principles are done!!!! What's next I hear you say???? Well, stay tuned for more content to coming your way! Don't forget to follow me on instagram (adventuring_out_there), find me on twitter (), and/or subscribe to my page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092004495617&mibextid=ZbWKwL&__cft__[0]=AZX0pBn7yWbYjggy_vsKsd6TSBEdFvekUf2d9ER-emnCNlYssgtaXXLdTnBk7l-rkrip4qBx3YpMXSOF6UPf8_Adr_TRhGRDr04zVMyGlASwwWEUfEY-1AQ_dfb3QWPy3ErM1QsAZ_V-bv6xou4r2h56xKV0faYpr1eR0f-7GBNHDA&__tn__=-UK-R

Today's principle is the last of my 12 Travel Principles, and possibly the most important principle of our age... PRESER...

Today's principle is the last of my 12 Travel Principles, and possibly the most important principle of our age... PRESERVATION! We need to all become better at preserving the natural world, and also helping preserve meaningful cultural traditions. I hope that you gain something from my 'words of wisdom' (lol) and that you make positive changes in your life for the better as a result.

Thanks for reading along with me and I look forward to delivering more content soon!

"It's surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth."

Life on the road can be scary, and even dangerous at times. That's why today's principle of WARINESS, is one worth check...

Life on the road can be scary, and even dangerous at times. That's why today's principle of WARINESS, is one worth checking out!

Try to learn local languages, to at least basic communicative levels, but if you can’t do that, arm yourself with translation tools to help smooth your path.

Travel is a challenge, it tests the seams of your luggage, just as it tests your emotional and physical resiliance AND t...

Travel is a challenge, it tests the seams of your luggage, just as it tests your emotional and physical resiliance AND the relationships of anyone you might be traveling with! I'm hoping you can relate to today's principle of SHREWDNESS, and find something valuable to help smooth your road.

This is where your shrewdness comes in. Your capacity to discern and prioritize are critical when traveling, as are your capacities to detect both opportunities and danger!

In the faced paced life of the modern world, and with all the stress most of us seem to be under, it can be hard to regu...

In the faced paced life of the modern world, and with all the stress most of us seem to be under, it can be hard to regularly show KINDNESS... that's whay I made it today's principle!

I have to shoutout my other parent today, my mum Jennifer Kloester - Author. An incredible person who shows kindness, generosity, and care to others... even if it ends up hurting her. That sort of kindness is rare in this age (or any age?) and she inspired me to try and emulate her example.

I was lucky enough recently to be validated in my efforts by a friend who told me how kind I am in the way I lead my life. Honestly, I didn't really think I was particularly different to most people, but I want to thank them (you know who you are) for telling me as you helped me resolve to encourage others to show more kindness... AND I don't just mean kindness to you friends or those you love! Show kindness to strangers, to your enemies, to the telemarketer who calls you, to the kid that won't shut up (or the parent who can't get them to), to those that are different to you and those that don't agree with you. I assure you, you'll be happier for doing so. https://buff.ly/41JUp4B

Whilst on the road… go out of your way to show kindness to those you meet. Your generosity will return tenfold… I guarantee it!

Today's principle is one of the hardest to live up to perpetually, but INTEGRITY is definitely something you should stri...

Today's principle is one of the hardest to live up to perpetually, but INTEGRITY is definitely something you should strive to maintain no matter where you find yourself. Shoutout to my dad Kloester, AKA "Mr Integrity", for being an incredible model of integrity. I'm sure it wasn't always easy, and you didn't always get it right, but you stuck to your principles like no one else I've ever known and that is damn admirable to say the least.

It is simply not possible to travel in the modern world without the help of others. There are so many systems and social structures that are functioning in the background to allow you to catch that connecting flight, or eat that meal. I have found that overwhelmingly, people show kindness in the way...

If there's one thing travel gives you better than anything else, it's PERSPECTIVE, which is also today's principle! I'm ...

If there's one thing travel gives you better than anything else, it's PERSPECTIVE, which is also today's principle!

I'm fortunate enough to have traveled broadly and experienced a diverse range of cultures. I've lived in the Middle East, Europe and Asia, I've beet to remote tribes in Papua New Guinea and the Amazon Jungle, I've trekked with berbers through the Sahara, and I've stayed in Lavish places in Manhatten, London, Lisbon... the list goes on.

All these experiences have given me a diverse outlook and a capacity to see the world from different perspectives, I hope my thoughts here wil give you some insight into how to gain your own perspective as you travel yourself.

Try to keep it mind, that your personal view can never be completely copied by another because they are simply just not you. And that is special, but no more special than the person next to you with their own view.

Today's principle is a dying art in the modern world... IMMEDIACY. Whilst, I love the irony of posting this on social me...

Today's principle is a dying art in the modern world... IMMEDIACY. Whilst, I love the irony of posting this on social media (the greatest attention thief in the whole world!), I feel it's important to get this message out and encourage you to switch off from your devices and really be present! I hope it helps you get more out of your travels and your daily life!

A fast-disappearing skill in the modern world, immediacy is consummately important if you want to get the most out of your travel. You need to be present and absorb every little moment that you can while you have the chance, you may never make it back to the wondrous places you visit again, so take....

In a world full of influencers and innovators, billionaires and badasses, it can be easy to think that confidence = arro...

In a world full of influencers and innovators, billionaires and badasses, it can be easy to think that confidence = arrogance. Yet, in my experience, the 'quiet heroes' are the ones that often have the biggest impact.

Today's principle is why you don't hear as much about them... HUMILITY. Check it out here:

Humility Thou shalt put others needs before your own wherever possible, be gracious, show appreciation, and strive to elevate and encourage those around you. Humility means not always putting yourself first... It means have the good grace to not have to talk yourself up. Mostly though, it means show...

Today's principle, DIVERSITY, has never been more important and more visible in all of human history. Whether it's promo...

Today's principle, DIVERSITY, has never been more important and more visible in all of human history. Whether it's promoting diversity of people, diversity of thought, or preserving biodiversity... I can't think of a more critical component for securing our future together. https://outtherewhere.com/diversity/

Diversity Diversity IS strength!Embrace and savor the richness of diversity that exists in the world. Experience eclectic environments, delve into divergent societies, embrace every experience, and accept all people and cultures without judgement. Diversity is the greatest strength of the human race...

Today's principle is one close to my heart and one which I excel at... Radical Openness! Whilst I'm sure this doesn't co...

Today's principle is one close to my heart and one which I excel at... Radical Openness! Whilst I'm sure this doesn't come as easily to some as it does to me (especially being a Cis-white-hetero-male who's tall to boot), I still hope it encourages you to open up your mind and your heart to new things!

Radical Openness means allowing yourself to approach new experiences, encounters and places without preconception or judgement. It means being open to trying new things, even if they make you uncomfortable sometimes.

As promised, here is the first installment of my Travel Principles Blog Series. I hope you enjoy it!

As promised, here is the first installment of my Travel Principles Blog Series. I hope you enjoy it!

I started this post with a dedication, because it demonstrates what feeling has given me the most amount of courage to face what comes at you in life and how I’ve been able to approach challenges head on.

In 2020, I planned to quit teaching and follow my passion for travel by finally kicking off my travel brand... Out There...

In 2020, I planned to quit teaching and follow my passion for travel by finally kicking off my travel brand... Out There. Unfortunately, travel was not a thing in Australia in 2020 (thanks COVID!) and my dream got buried under just trying to stay afloat in troubling times.

This March, I quit my job to focus on things that really matter to me! I'm proud to present the first of (hopefully) many great things to come.

Please check out my website and subscribe to my newsletter to stay up to date on all my posts. I'm kicking off the launch with 12 consecutive days of posts, outlining my 12 principles for travel. Check it out:

Now that’s easy to say, but maybe not so easy to do when you’re somewhere you’re uncomfortable, you have no friends to lean on, you don’t speak the language, and you’re in unfamiliar situations.


Melbourne, VIC


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