Do you do Affirmations? Years ago the voice in my head would spout only negative chatter tearing me down from the inside one cruel internal comment at a time. I was my own worst enemy.
As grace should have it, I stumbled onto Louise Hay's concept of Affirmations, beautiful short statements said in the present tense that when said often be it every day or every minute would slowly but surely dissolve that negative Nancy free loading in my mind.
I'd never heard of this or experienced the depth of its ability, so I did as the book said, choosing 3 Affirmations that resonated for me. I wrote them on pretty paper with a pretty pen and put them about the place, on my monitor, the dashboard of my car, and on my mirror in the bathroom.
One day as I for the umpteenth time read the Affirmation gazing in my line of sight I thought to myself, is this really working? The ironic thing, before my sentence finished this beautiful feminine voice responded, "You're amazing Chance, yes this really is working, I'm your new best friend." A whole profound new internal dialogue had been born, the rest is history, I give gratitude everyday for the best friend that walks around with me everyday. Every now and then I give it a boost and a top up with some new affirmations, and with the start of a New Year, what a fitting time.
I encourage you to google "Louise Hay Affirmations" pick 3 that call to you, and pop them somewhere you'll see frequently, ready them always.
You're amazing, smile :)
Chance ox
Pinterest Image Credit: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/498421883735829021/