Kobushi Dojos is a Bob Jones Martial arts Dojo teaching Zen Do Kai Karate. Heavily influenced by Goju Kai Karate founded by Gogen Yamaguchi. Gogen Yamaguchi was a disciple of Goju Ryu founder Chojun Miyagi who introduced Goju ryu to the Hawaiian Islands in 1934. Bob Jones started his Martial arts Journey studying Taekwando under Jack Roszinski in the early 60"s changing to Goju Kai in 1964 under
Tino Ceberano. Tino was 3rd degree when he arrived in Aust which made him the highest ranked Goju exponent in Australia at the time. Coming from Hawaii and having trained under Gogen Yamaguchi, Tino also taught self defence to the Military before his arrival here. Bob Jones founded Zen Do Kai in 1970 with Richard Norton also a student of Goju Kai under Tino, at the time it was mainly based on Goju & also Bob & Richards life experiences until the early 1980"s. About this time Bob & several higher graded teachers travelled to Thailand and studied the way of Muay Thai Boxing using all eight weapons fists, elbows, kicks & knees. Bob Jones then introduced Muay Thai to Australia. Bob started running Thai gyms or stables as they are known teaching Muay Thai. Also infusing the Thai way with the earlier teachings of Zen Do Kai freestyle Karate utilising Kata & the principles of Goju Kai but also techniques from any system or style as long as it worked! Kobushi Dojos were established in 1994 at Croydon Nth Ps by Kyoshi Hamish Preston where he ran both junior & senior classes for the following 15 yrs. This established Kobushi as one of the longest stretches for a Z.D.K Dojo to be ran at one place! In 2009 Kobushi changed to its current location at The Basin Primary School. Hamish started his Martial arts journey at 1980 in traditional Ju Jitsu the art of the Samurai, which is the primary art that both Judo(Kano) & Aikido (Ueshiba) evolved. In 1989 Hamish took his first steps into the art of Zen do Kai where he has never looked back. Hamish's first instructor was Warren McGhie but his main influence was Kyoshi Steve Nedelkos. Kobushi has consistently been a strong Dojo with many of Hamish's students being awarded for their efforts at the infamous 2nd degree level. Hamish,s unwavering attitude to training, teaching & above all learning has seen him awarded the coveted black belt of the year award in 2000............To be continued! Kobushi also runs a club at Sth Gippsland led by Dai Sempai Grant Starr who started Zen do Kai in 1998 under Kyoshi John Buttigeig until he received his 1st Degree (Shodan) rank. Having known Hamish through Zen Do Kai and also holidaying at Venus Bay were Grant lived, Grant began training with Hamish to prepare for his 2nd degree rank which he received in 2008. Grant has also achieved a little success in competition placing 1st & 2nd for Kata & Sparring respectively at the Vic I.S.K.A titles in 2000, later that year placing both 1st in Kata & Sparring in the I.F.K.F Vic & East coast titles then again in 2000 with 3rd place at the W.K.A state title. In 2001 he placed 1st in the W.K.A State title.