Electrical storm in the tropics ⚡️⛈️
And a little thank you tribute to the beautiful gift from Mother Nature which makes it all possible & so enjoyable… our stunning moss. 💚💚💚 #luluandangel #luluandangelterrariums #mossterrarium #moss #melbourneterrariums #mothernaturesbeauty❤️ #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #terrariums #terrariumsofmelbourne #terrariumsofinstagram
The year that was 2024 for Lulu & Angel. Another epic year and thank you from the bottom of my heart to all our wonderful suppliers, amazing stockists and above all, our beautiful clients who continue to love what we do! We are looking forward to doing it all again in 2025 💚💚💚 #luluandangel #luluandangelterrariums #melbourneterrariums #customterrarium #gardenofedenterrarium #tillandsia #FairyLightsMagic #terrariums #tillansia #terrariumsofmelbourne #seascape #terrariumsofinstagram #tillandsiaofinstagram #moss
When one of your wonderful clients orders 23 large terrariums as gifts for each guest on Christmas Day… what an absolute legend and a wonderful way to end this year!! 🎄🎄🎄🥰🥰🥰 #luluandangel #luluandangelterrariums #customterrarium #christmasgifts #melbourneterrariums #christmasiscoming #Christmas #fairylightslove #gardenofedenterrarium #christmas2024 #FairyLightsMagic #freedeliverymelbourne #terrariums #terrariumsofmelbourne #mossterrarium #terrariumsofinstagram #moss
Once again our spare room has become a terrarium babysitting club as we get ready for 2025! All these mossy babies will enjoy air-conditioned comfort during the hot summer, so when we get back from holidays in January, my life won’t be complete chaos!! #luluandangel #luluandangelterrariums #terrariums #terrariumsofmelbourne #mossterrarium #terrariumsofinstagram #moss #workingfromhome #holidays #melbourneterrariums
Just add water! Moss is remarkable in that it can survive, almost dormant in dry conditions but fully rehydrate when moisture is present. Moss doesn’t have roots so absorbs moisture & minerals from rain through their highly absorbent ‘fronds’ & rhizoids- so clever! #luluandangel #luluandangelterrariums #moss #terrariumplants #mossariums #terrariumsofinstagram #melbourneterrariums #mothernature #terrariumsofinstagram❤️ #mossterrarium #shoplocalmelbourne #mothernaturesbeauty❤️ #terrariumsofmelbourne #mothernaturesbeauty
Time with family & friends is more important than anything else 💕 #luluandangel #familytime #holidays #notaterrariuminsight #greatoutdoors #vacay
Happy Mother’s Day (actually Happy Ladies Day) to all the wonderful women out there, who show up everyday for their babies, their children, their families, friends & fur babies… you are amazing! #luluandangel #Mothersday2024 #mothersday #familytime #💕💕💕
So beautiful… Sweetwater Creek right in the middle of Frankston #luluandangel #greatoutdoors #amazingmelbourne #familytime #mothernaturesbeauty #mothernature #notaterrariuminsight
Mother’s Day- a terrarium is the perfect gift for your awesome mama 💕 order online for complimentary fairy lights in the terrarium and free delivery across Melbourne 💕 #luluandangelterrariums #luluandangel #mothersday #shoplocalmelbourne #mothersdaygiftideas #terrariumsofinstagram❤️ #Mothersday2024 #terrariumsofinstagram #melbourneterrariums #melbourneterrariums #growinggifts #mossariums #moss #mothersdaygift #mossterrarium #terrariumplants #melbourneflowershops #FairyLightsMagic #fairylightslove #freedeliverymelbourne
Lulu & Angel at Van Gogh Flowers #luluandangelterrariums #luluandangel #growinggifts #moss #mossterrarium #terrariumsofmelbourne #mossariums #terrariumsofinstagram #terrariumsofinstagram❤️ #shoplocalmelbourne #terrariumplants #melbourneterrariums #FairyLightsMagic #mothersday #mothersdaygiftideas #fairylightslove #mothersdaygift #melbourneflowershops #Mothersday2024 #seascape #tillandsiaofinstagram #gardenofedenterrarium #pitcherplant
Our mumma & daughter city day was spent at the MetArt experience! Amazing & worth a visit with the kids! #luluandangel #familytime #notaterrariuminsight #amazingmelbourne #lovemycity❤️ #lovemycity