One of the biggest concerns that parents have today is, "my child is not at standard year level". This is huge!
I have the amazing pleasure to work with younger children in areas of self confidence and this is always most obvious in their school work.
This brings disturbing concern to parents and children. How we measure our children up against a generic standard of academics, is very conditioning. For some the generic standard works, but for most it does not work, so these children struggle.
The neural sensory system is not really fully developed till the ages of 8 and 9. Children will experience delays in learning, especially when their teacher delivers information in their own dominant style.
The styles which a teacher may prefer to use are:..talks more than she writes or draws..writes more than she walks or talks..likes to be loud and vocal as oppose to soft and gentle..moves around lots than drawing or writing on the board..has more interactive contact..has less interactive contact
A teacher can have a huge impact on how a child receives information. This is because, like the teacher has a preferred style to deliver her information, so does the child have a preferred style in receiving information.
This means that which ever sensory dominance your child is; auditory, visual or kinesthetic, the information delivered under their dominance styles, will be the information which your child will more likely absorb during learning. When information is given to children in their preferred sensory dominance, this is the information which they will create memory for. Other information will usually be to difficult or uncomfortable for them to understand.
So how do we measure our children up a generic standard of academics when our children have their individual makeup?