Trish Oostendarp Psychic/Medium

Trish Oostendarp Psychic/Medium Down-to-earth psychic medium offering no nonsense, true to soul readings. Hi my name is Trish and I welcome you to my page. I get it and therefore I get you!

I am blessed to be a Mamma to 3, a wife to my soul love and an Intuitive Psychic/Medium helping guide others on their journey we call life. I have led a pretty colourful life myself and have realized that all that I have been and go through is for a higher reason and that being so that I can help/guide others. I value my non judgemental approach and believe me I have either seen it, heard of it, o

r been there done it myself. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and this human gig can be pretty tough at times! GUIDANCE DISCLAIMER:

Trish Oostendarp abides by the mediumship act 2009. All readings, messages and healings and/or messages that are provided on the Trish Oostendarp - down-to-earth Psychic Medium page and in privatised messages are for entertainment and general guidance purposes only. They are given to person/s who are strictly 18 years and older. We are in no way to be held responsible for those person/s who falsify their age or identity to receive a reading or healing. Trish Oostendarp is not in any way a professional Financial or Legal advisor nor a Medical practitioner or professional counsellor. All person/s are responsible for their own life and any insight given during a reading, message or healing is to be used by the sole person at their discretion. We are in no way held responsible for the actions that a person takes after receiving any messages, readings and healing. It is recommended that before making any life changing decisions that the person/s seeks the assistance of a qualified Professional

Finally..and this is very important.. You are responsible for what you choose to do with the information received. Readings are a guide and your life is your responsibility. We all have free will. Much love and many blessings
Trish # # #

I received this beautiful message earlier today from a client I had previously seen but had no idea that her lovely Mum ...

I received this beautiful message earlier today from a client I had previously seen but had no idea that her lovely Mum was who I also was doing a reading for today. This has truly touched my heart and I am very grateful for being able to do this and connecting her Mum with her Mum and Dad in spirit. It was a beautiful reading. I have two spaces available this coming Friday if you would like to book a reading . Thank you E.J for your lovely words and thank you to your beautiful Mum and spirit

It's nearly here again the day of all things LOVE! Valentines Day! Some love this day, some despise it, some think its a...

It's nearly here again the day of all things LOVE! Valentines Day! Some love this day, some despise it, some think its a waste of time and others possibly couldn't care either way. All of the above are completely fine and valid views on it but for me well I always have always will just love LOVE! And sometimes life just goes by and gets busy and well we tend to get caught up in the little stuff and might not tell our friends, families, partner, even pets how much we love them so if there is one day that kind of makes us stop and go hey let them know how much you do really care then I'm all for it! So if you are looking for a special little gift to spread some VD love then I have the perfect thing for you. I am offering special Valentines Day gift vouchers personalised to however you wish for whatever service you wish. Don't forget the most important person of all this too you know... yes YOU! Goodness show yourself some of that love that you so freely give to others and gift yourself even. To order your voucher or for any further info please simply send me a message or comment below

This thing we call life isn't always easy. Its incredibly confusing at times and sometimes we just need a little bit of ...

This thing we call life isn't always easy. Its incredibly confusing at times and sometimes we just need a little bit of clarity and guidance. Who better to be the advisor of wisdom than your spirit guides. They are extremely helpful in leading us gently back onto the path we are meant to be on. They seem to know us better than we think we know ourselves and they just have this very clever way of if we don't listen or see the signs they are trying to send us they will make sure we do often in ways we may not ideally want! I have a few spaces this coming week for readings so if you are looking for some guidance or just a gentle kick up the butt then get in touch!

Happening now over in our private group! Hope to see you there!

Happening now over in our private group! Hope to see you there!

Trusting yourself is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. If you don't believe in your gifts, strengths and a...

Trusting yourself is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. If you don't believe in your gifts, strengths and abilities then how can you expect anyone else to. It's okay to have doubts along the way and maybe question your path at times but when you are put back on plan then you need to honour yourself and trust! Its not always easy believe me I know but I do know once you do start it really does make life flow alot easier.

A new week ahead and this is just a loving little reminder that you've got this! Whatever your week holds know that you ...

A new week ahead and this is just a loving little reminder that you've got this! Whatever your week holds know that you can handle whatever little curveballs it might throw. If you only need to take one small step in front of the other then do that. If you need to go into this week full steam ahead and not look back then do that but whatever it is you need to do only you know that so don't allow others to pull you off track or make you second guess your fabulous self. Have a wonderful Monday and week!

Happy Australia Day. A day that can be very controversial or simply a day of acknowledgement, forgiveness, honouring and...

Happy Australia Day. A day that can be very controversial or simply a day of acknowledgement, forgiveness, honouring and celebration. I prefer the latter. I am proud to be Australian and am very grateful to live in this country. Can we do better? YES absolutely! Can we make amends? YES absolutely we can but we as in you and I can't change what happened so instead let us be grateful for what we do have. Grateful for those before us, and accepting of all races, religions, backgrounds no matter who, for at the end of the day we are all human beings trying our best to live this crazy thing we call life!

Happy long weekend! Bit of a giggle to start the day but I mean seriously sometimes it sure feels like this right? Somet...

Happy long weekend! Bit of a giggle to start the day but I mean seriously sometimes it sure feels like this right? Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow of the energies that present. You can try and fight them, you can try and let them get you all in a state of stress or you can simply ride them like the big waves they come in. Nothing is ever stagnate energy has to rise and fall just like the sun comes up every morning and then sets every night. Allow yourself to just do whatever it is you need to until that feeling passes. Have a wonderful day whatever it is you choose to do today with your precious self

Are our loved one in spirit the same as they were when they were alive? YES! In fact a no doubt 100% YES! How do I know ...

Are our loved one in spirit the same as they were when they were alive? YES! In fact a no doubt 100% YES! How do I know ? Well believe me I have spoken with so many that I 100% can you tell they are exactly the same. Here is a little story I have to share to prove this... The other night (you may have even been in there to witness this) I did a live in our private reading group (If you aren't parAnyways I was very blessed to connect with this gorgeous Dad of one of the ladies watching. Well he was quite the character let me tell you. My whole demeanour changed when I was speaking for him. His words were very colourful I wanted to censor but nope I could not because that was him. A true bloody authentic bloke and very Aussie too. I did give a little warning haha. You see I pride myself on being able to bring the very true essence of that soul so if they swore and were a bit what one might describe rough around the edges I prefer bloody real as you can get, then I am going to describe them and let their voice be exactrly who they were and this he was. Someone commented Wow Trish I've never seen you be so animated hahah I know right because this Dad was very that! And of course his beautiful daughter said OMG That IS my Dad! She knew it was Dad because I allowed him to be his true soul and bought him through as he is. Exactly as he was when living here. So yes trust me they don't change a bit. If they were over the top, extrovert in the living they are still that in the afterlife. If they were shy, quiet and not one of many words in the living yep they are still that in the afterlife and still hard to get to speak up lol so please don't think they become someone else or something else they werent because it simply is not the case! Your loved ones loved you then, they love you now and they always will. Grandma loved to have a cheeky whisky then, she'd love to have one now. Your husband may have been terrible at doing the laundry and had a temper on him like no other, he will show me that now because if he didnt then how on earth would you know it was him? I have one space now available for next week for a 30min or 1hr reading.

Today my mini me and I had a girls day out! I love these days its like hanging out with your best friend but just a litt...

Today my mini me and I had a girls day out! I love these days its like hanging out with your best friend but just a little version of it. We went out for breakfast, explored the op shops (Gained many new beanie boos) and then went to see the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Now I must admit I've never been one to be a big fan of kid movies but this one got me. It had all the feels! Who would of thought such a powerful message could come of out of the mouth of a little blue animated hedgehog! The quote which got me was this "But in time, I learned there's something even more powerful than pain. The love we felt for each other. That's what you need to hold onto, Shadow. Maria might be gone, but your love will always remain." How true is this! When we lose someone we love the grief that comes with this can cause the most intense pain one can ever experience. I know this pain too well it feels like someone has just stabbed a huge big sharp sword or knife into your heart and you may never be able to breathe again. We feel that this pain may never leave us and that we will always be in this mode of suffering. But as this little Sonic said today there actually is something wayyyyyyy more powerful than that pain ... way more intense, and yes that is the love that you shared with them. Because you see that Love can never ever be replaced, it can never ever leave you because it has and always will be there. When someone leaves this earth it is only their physical body. The love they had for you, shared with you all that remains exactly the same. Love can conquer anything it really can. Love can even conquer the pain that you are feeling from losing who gave you that love how powerful is that? So see how the universe always is giving us little bits of wisdom, little signs and when we very least are looking or expecting. Never in a million years would have I thought that today before I sat down in that movie theatre with my 9 year old daughter that the universe would send me a little bit of its wise reminder through a little blue hedgehog.

Hi gorgeous souls. Thank you for the kind words and your understanding for me losing my beautiful Monty. I have had some...

Hi gorgeous souls. Thank you for the kind words and your understanding for me losing my beautiful Monty. I have had some time to be able to hold space and grieve my fur baby. Although it is still very hard getting used to his physical presence not here I am taking more comfort of feeling him around me still and knowing in every part of me that he was ready to go home and it was his time. I will be getting in touch with those who were so kind to wait to reschedule their readings and am taking bookings again. As strange as it sounds I also feel Monty would want this too. Many a time he would often lay down in the room in the earlier days when I was doing a reading or sitting in meditation. He really was a beautiful boy. So as I adjust to life with one less four legged friend I am looking forward to connecting with you all again and bridging the gap between here and the other side or in the animal world over the rainbow bridge!

Late last night we had to take my darling boy Monty to the emergency vets which sadly resulted in him having to go to sl...

Late last night we had to take my darling boy Monty to the emergency vets which sadly resulted in him having to go to sleep. He was 16yrs of age possibly even a little older and a beautiful gentleman. Monty never left my side including every time I visited the bathroom. I am heart broken... It feels as though I have lost a child well I guess in some way I have really. A fur baby. I am forever grateful in the love this old boy gave me and our family. He has left a huge hole. Run free now my darling boy over the rainbow bridge, may there be unlimited amounts of your favourite food smoked salmon and prawns. I will love you for always. I will be taking a few days off to grieve and just be so If you have a reading booked in the next couple of days I am getting in touch to reschedule and I sincerely apologize and also thank you for your understanding at this difficult time. Much love to you and your pets. Give them all an extra tight cuddle tonight because you just never know when it is their time to gain their wings

Grief is an unpredictable emotion. It can creep up at anytime with zero warning. You can be completely fine just getting...

Grief is an unpredictable emotion. It can creep up at anytime with zero warning. You can be completely fine just getting on with your day and wham out of the blue it can completely knock you off your feet. See Grief knows no time line. It doesn't discriminate it comes to anyone when and how it feels like it. You see when grief makes an appearance it's okay to let it in. It wants to be acknowledged if only for that moment. It can be a song on the radio, a smell in the wind, a name on a street sign... All a reminder of someone who was deeply loved that no longer is here anymore. Let grief be a friend not an enemy. Embrace it allow the tears to flow. It means no harm. Once it has come then kindly ask it to leave for it doesn't want to stay around it just wants to pop in every now and then as a gentle reminder that love never goes away. We will always be reminded of our loved one in a million different ways and as the beautiful late Queen once said "Grief is the price we pay for love" So take this moment if you would like and post simply a name or anything you feel you would like to express below in the comments to remember your loved one. I will start in the comments.

I've noticed a theme developing this year and yes with only 8 days in. It seems that this year is about setting healthy ...

I've noticed a theme developing this year and yes with only 8 days in. It seems that this year is about setting healthy boundaries, owning all of our emotions the good, the not so good and the ugly and being able to be okay with all parts of us! You would more than likely have heard of the saying that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience and this is so very true. Being human is a bloody hard job! No one has it perfect trust me and to be honest I dont think we are meant to thats not what its about. To me it is about experiencing all parts of life and all emotions that go with it. So joy, happiness, excitement, love, etc are all what gets our endorphins running and obviously feel incredibly wonderful but the opposites of these such as anger, resentment, uncertainty although none are particularly pleasant at all they are all very necessary. If someone has annoyed you, hurt you, pi**ed you off (I thought that probably is the easiest way to say it hee hee) its perfectly normal to feel those emotions. Why feel guilty for feeling negative at times or angry or sad. We need to own our feelings and sit with them, its okay to call out not nice behaviour, its okay to say i've had enough or this no longer serves my higher self. Whats not okay is to push them down so far that they fester, to not acknowledge them to allow yourself to be walked over, treated unfairly etc its okay to say no. All of this is okay! And THIS is what I feel is coming to the surface now for us to work through! I could go on obviously but without giving you a small novel to read I' will summarise it as this. Let yourself FEEL, to really FEEL all emotions. Why would you want to miss out on an important lesson your soul had already signed up to in this life to have to go and repeat it all again in another. Especially if it is of the not so pleasant type. Allow yourself to be okay with all parts of self. Also give yourself a pat on the back because this thing called life with all its twists and turns and roads we have to navigate is complicated. There is no manual we get so count your blessings, be kind to your precious self and know that you and the rest of us are usually trying the best we can at any time with what we have and where we have come from.

Do you ever wake up with a random song in your head literally that you are singing the words. Well that's what happened ...

Do you ever wake up with a random song in your head literally that you are singing the words. Well that's what happened to me this morning. It wasn't in a dream as such just this song and I haven't heard this song in such a long time. I can't shake it so I feel there's a bigger reason for this song and so as always I'm guided to share it. You may know it from Kermit the frog days! I've sat with it a few times and its message is very clear. Just be true to yourself. There is no need to hide behind a facade or pretend to be anything other than beautifully imperfectly perfect you! No matter what silly mistakes you make, perhaps actions or behaviours you tend to wish you didn't have, it all makes you who you are. There cannot be light without darkness and there cannot be darkness without light. So next time you see a rainbow remember that rainbows always shows its true colours in all its forms whether some days brightly or other days a little less, some days perfectly formed and some days only small. I love this version by Jason Mraz. Wishing you a beautiful day

The Rainbow Connection - Jason Mraz, with lyrics

Do you regularly smudge or cleanse your space? What a difference it makes afterwards. Trust me you can truly feel the en...

Do you regularly smudge or cleanse your space? What a difference it makes afterwards. Trust me you can truly feel the energy shift


Melbourne, VIC



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Our Story

Hi my name is Trish and I would like to welcome you with big open arms to Soulful Living. Its not a coincidence that you found me and I know that there would be a divine reason that you have been sent this way and for that I am incredibly grateful.

So firstly a little bit about me - I am an intuitive Psychic/Medium, currently living in the coastal town of Cowes on beautiful Phillip Island with my soul mate who I am now blessed to be married to & my three gorgeous children.

I have a deep passion for helping others on their life journey and I know that it is my life purpose to do so. Being able to pass on messages from loved ones who are no longer here gives me so much joy and I feel its an incredible priviledge to do so.

I love to be able to help people shift through areas where they are stuck in their life through a psychic or soul session giving them clarity and guidance to move forward. I consider it a pure blessing that I do this work.