It's great to be back in the Alps and exploring some lesser known (to me) areas with serial 4000 metre peak bagger Dave. We had a great few days exploring the recently opened multi-pitch crags above the Crete Seche hut in the Aosta Valley and are just back from a fun adventure on the Dent d'Herens (4174 metres).
This is a great peak in a stunning position on the Italy/Swiss border and the summit offers a truly stunning view including a great up close perspective on its near neighbour the Matterhorn. It's also an Alpine ascent with all the components of an engrossing adventure.
It starts with an 8km bike ride to the footpath access point and a walk up a tranquil valley to the beautifully situated Aosta refuge (which also has the friendliest guardian - thanks for the hospitality Diego!). Then, it's a long glacier approach, a quick ascent up a hideously loose but chain equipped 70 metre chimney (which cost me a retired helmet and sore shoulder from rockfall). Once on the Tiefmatten (West) Ridge it's a 400 metre scramble followed by steep snow slopes, more scrambling and a short horizontal ridge section to the summit.
After summit celebrations it is then back the same way. 4000er number 68 (of 82) for Dave and a great summit to share. Association of Mountaineering Instructors Osprey Europe Osprey Packs Patagonia Mammut