We love our food – all food, and we are here to share some of this passion for food with you. We have almost 30 years of experience as dietitians between the two of us – so we hope to offer a professional and level headed view of nutrition and eating. Let’s face it – food takes up a huge part of our day and life. If you think back to some of the most memorable events in our life they are usually l
inked to food. Birthday parties, Christmas, picnics etc etc. We are sure that you have all heard the mantra of ‘everything in moderation’ but in our experience few get this right. Join us on this blog to learn more. The media is saturated with nutrition information - from new products lining the supermarket shelves, to the latest fad diet. Maybe this page can help you find your way through the haze of nutrition information. We hope to cover a variety of nutrition topics that come up in day to day life. If you have any comments or questions please post them here – we would love to hear from you.