Biz Brain Interpreter

Biz Brain Interpreter Biz Brain Interpreter, Change one belief and you'll get a different Result in your Business. Which belief and how to change them is the key to your Success.

I am dedicated about making the most progress for business owners in their business. My experience has proven time and time again that this happens in a 12 week period. This is the right amount of time to give the business owner the amount of coaching to make the changes and realise their vision of there business at each level. My dedicated Coaching programs are created on a 12 week basis. I speci

alise in 3 main area's;

Business owners that are making changes to your business and are in old tired routines. I go through a proven formula to speed up the process of change to a new improved focus mentally. Business owners if you are stuck and unmotivated. This will change your perspective on each and every issue that causes you to be stuck and in a slump. Showing you how to trigger your inner motivational drive so you can be motivated all the time. Business owners that your business is focused one way and now that has changed you will have old subconscious habits that are holding you back. Clean them out completely and move on the path of your new vision. I have been successful to unlock many businesses potential so they can thrive in their business again and attain their vision.


What's limiting you in your business now?

Sometimes you can think that what's limiting you now will be a struggle forever and that is just not true.

The same if you injured your hand and could not use it to your best ability straight away it will come good once it is healed.

The limit in most cases is your perspective on the situation that you feel you can't get past. Once your have a better perspective on the situation then it seems so much easier to do what is limiting you.

Find a different perspective to free your mind...


Seth Godin has a way of saying things and gets to the core of what is happening. Even if they are the best words to see its still hearing them and implementing them. Read the words and make the change around how you make decisions -


Do something in life that is bigger than what you think you can do. Once you have done it do it again and now that becomes what you can do all the time...


Do more by doing less - Anonymous


Do you treat your Mind the same as your muscles when you have given them a good workout and rest?

That means no thinking and playing some music or meditating, gives your mind a rest and it will be grateful for it.


You have the free will to choose whatever you want in life, Right?

Well probably not as much as you think and I would like to suggest that this is a tool you can use to your advantage.

You just have to look at most of your bodily functions like breathing and blood flow throughout the body being the 2 biggest things that keep you alive and they are automated I am sure if you needed will power to do this you people would be dropping dead on the side of streets.

If these are automated how many more of these functions are? This is where routines and habits come in. Instead of using will power, change the root of it with a new habit and the change will occur.

What do you want to change? There is a habit for that.


When you wake up in the morning and go through your routine brushing your teeth and dress it all seems natural and easy you don't even need to think.

That is until something happens that makes it hard to do that like I broke my finger and it messed it all up I was thinking a lot about what to do but I soon got that even into a routine I didn't need to think about.

Our routines and rituals are the most powerful ways to set us up for our dream life and be happy. If the routine does not add to you being better then change it, replace it with one that provides you with energy and focus in your business.

This could be as simple as reading an insightful book in the morning to set your mindset for the day or doing your writing when you’re fresh with ideas

Think about your current routines whether you realise they are that or not, guess what they are...


Are you living the life you want to live?

If the answer is no and you don't have a plan to get there then start thinking what that is.
If you have a plan but it’s taking longer than you thought. Then that is your mindset holding you back...

How do you need to think to be living your dream life?

That is the real question because you have so many resources of business people that have been successful in thinking a certain way to get there. I have been reading about Elon Musk from Tesla Cars and Space X and what I have learnt is dream bigger than what I think is possible now and your world will expand. That is dream of what you really want in place not some dollar level to reach, actually change the world.

Now find your mentor in business thinking and start changing the world.


"While we are postponing, life speeds by." - Seneca"

How do you keep up or get ahead of life? If you are sitting there waiting for it to change then its already gone...


You can think there are so many painful things to do in your business. For example “managing people” and really every time you think about that activity you hate the thought it.

As soon as you do that you have started to embed those feeling forever with that activity. Now surely that is not what you want, what if you enjoyed doing that activity then it would be an entirely different scenario.

So the question to ask is how can I enjoy doing this activity, then you will want to do it more.

What if managing people is "How can I be a Happy Manager?" you are starting to make connections to be happy instead of thinking how you can do that less.

Stop now when something makes you feel that painful feeling and turn it around.


That's it I'm throwing in the towel...

You probably feel this more often than not about your business.

What if I was to say that this is what every successful business owner goes through, would that not make it easier to keep going?

You are pushing the boundaries of your knowledge in your business and when you do that something has to give, stepping into the unknown is scary as you are outside your comfort zone. This is the place for you to operate more to succeed. Start to feel that feeling and start to get the sense of it's ok to be here and then you have extended your comfort zone.

Pushing it and getting the give up is really then pushing the limits of your comfort zone and that's ok isn't it?


What do you want?

Most people start with what other peoples goals they have set for themselves to get to what they want. Like "Have a million dollar business" or "Be rich and famous" or "Absolute Freedom"

Are these the things that you want?

The question is more what will these things do for you when you reach them?

Now if you can think about what you want and then be more specific.

Is the Absolute Freedom about spending more time with loved ones and family, then make that the goal to do and that is easier to achieve than chasing the other goal and not knowing when you are getting there because it was so general.

So again “What do you really want?” And make that your priority


What' on your mind?

Are you a cause or are you an effect?

Thinking and planning your mindset, you can start to becomes an effect on your life and the people around you.

Over time your mindset either becomes something that happens or it will become what you exactly want, you have a choice.

Make a choice now and decide...


If you want to grow your business significantly then you need to learn new ways of doing what you do. Your current way of doing it if its not growing your business the way you want is slowing you down.

So how do you plan to learn quicker so you can implement quicker becomes the question once you realise that now?

The first thing to know is that learning is changing your behaviour. What does that mean? Changing the way you do something, the habit you have got needs to change.

Once learning has taken place then things start to move more quickly.

Plan to learn more now and grow quicker.


By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin

So true and so simple really


You use the Internet so frequently now you are getting the point of when am I not on the Internet. Before and not long ago you made a decision to open up your computer to then still to decide also to open a browser to go on the internet. Now it’s on your phone right next to you and even more devices in the home and on your wrist.

The same speed of the Internet being everywhere is how we do business, as business is not only when you are in the office it is all the time, unless you decide it is not.

You have a choice to not do work in different times of the day or you can let it control you and be out of control. To achieve this it takes you stepping back and asking "What do I want?" not what you don't want because that is what you will get more.

So stop and ask yourself "What do I really want in my business now?"


What can be a way of thinking about building towards your dream life can be:

I have all the skills and resources already I just need to find the right product or service to sell to people...

The other way to think is I have these skills and resources now, I just need to match that to what customers want and learn more about what they need and gain more skills to deliver an amazing experience for them.

I think you can see the story of the different paths.

Understanding people better to deliver an amazing experience is such a great thing to do.


Do you know everything that you need to know?

You could set out to read 24 hours a day and still not get to what you need to know.

So what to do?

Focus on what is your outcome?
Find people that have thought the way you want to think.
These 2 things bring clarity to what you need to know

Clarity of your Outcome and why bring the necessary knowledge into your vision

Clarity by listening and ready what other people have gone through helps you to get there quicker.

Bonus and I am slightly bias here, get a great coach to work with you to draw out of you what you need to reach your dreams.


When you start to focus on Mindset changes instead of ticking off tasks and actions to make changes, major things start to happen because they are now part of your Mindset.

Taking action before considering your Mindset leads to doing things the same way you have always done.

Once you consider your Mindset then all actions after that will be in your new way of thinking and you will have a clearer path to realising your dreams in your business.


You may have the vision and the idea's to take your business to the level and reach your dreams, but it's the people that you surround yourself with that will drive and deliver that dream.

Seek out stars that will help you realise that vision...


What's a business?

If you go straight to well that's a pretty broad question how do I answer that then maybe that is also what you are doing with your business...

The answer to that question is what you are doing with your business. Then from there how can you refine that answer to grow your business plus reach your dreams of why you started that business.

So let me say it again what’s a business? Now can you answer that better lets see...


You can get stuck in thinking about what's to come in the future of your business or focusing on what has happened without being able to get that out of your head.

Both of those are very important as long as you use them effectively to be in the moment now and drive your business.

The past is being updated with new information every day so adjust.

The future is coming closer and closer, discovering and testing what you have seen happening so adjust.

Keep reviewing, keep dreaming, just ensure you adjust with new insights!!

When you think about Mindset the person that really made a break through in understanding Mindsets from a research persp...

When you think about Mindset the person that really made a break through in understanding Mindsets from a research perspective and backed it up with proven test was Carol Dweck.

I can remember reading her work and going that is amazing how she articulated concepts that are inside people's heads and were happening even though people didn't seem to believe it themselves.

Here is a great summary of her book and the findings -

How to fine-tune the internal monologue that scores every aspect of our lives, from leadership to love. "If you imagine less, less will b


Chasing Dreams thinking big!!

You can think one of 2 ways for your business...

Run a business that is just enough to pay the bills and your dream is out of reach


The business is your dream, you are living and breathing what you wanted created to change the world!! In some way you are contributing to that change because of your passion that you are contributing.

Like most things you have a choice, I'm going to continue to think big and chase dreams, what about you?


You can achieve anything in the world if you are determined enough and want it enough.

Many great people in time have proven this time and time again. Helen Keller being both deaf and blind didn't stop her from being the person she wanted to be.

Sometimes you focus on what can't be achieved before you focusing on what can be achieved. It doesn't really matter what can't be achieved, just focus on the things you can do and keep moving ahead and you will get there.

"What you focus on expands" - T. Harv Eker


When you can have fun and do what you dreamed of that is going to be the thing to do.

Why else would you want to do anything. Change your perspective to having fun...


"The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks." - Christopher Hitchens

You may be focusing on what to do from a mindset that is not open to possibilities.

Take a step back and really focus on how you think and improve your mindset and the results will be amazing!!

Are you are seeking the answers to grow your business? The answers usually lie in understanding one or two parts of your...

Are you are seeking the answers to grow your business?

The answers usually lie in understanding one or two parts of your business not doing what you originally thought they would do. The natural path is you try again slightly differently and it still doesn’t grow to you liking NO!!

You start to become frustrated with that part of your business and leads to mild confusion. Now this can either lead to the answers but more than likely is more confusion.

You just want to get this part of your business handled and working more effectively. If only you could get clarity quicker to continue on this great growth in your business?

If you have reached this Read more

Are you are seeking the answers to grow your business? The answers usually lie in understanding one or two parts of your business not doing what...


Your Answer is a simple matter of forward progress to a solution that will come to you with hard work...

No your answer the revelation sometimes goes back before going forward and then with awareness and realisation that you went back to define what the right answer for you is.

Yes you may progress and it seems like you have started to go backwards, but if your perspective is that sometimes you need to go back to find the answer then this is progress at a higher level.

If you are going forward or backwards is not the question its what am I learning from this experience because that is what I need at this time in my life to find the answer…

It is amazing when you consider that the most powerful thing you can do in your business is communicate what you are thi...

It is amazing when you consider that the most powerful thing you can do in your business is communicate what you are thinking.

You may find it hard to get the exact message to your clients and the people that work for you. If that is you, here is a wonderful insightful TED talk taking about "How to speak so that people want to listen" just listening to this video will improve the way you communicate -

Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help you fix that. As the sound expert demonstrates some...


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