Anne-Marie Watson, a corporate executive who relocated to NJ in 2010 with her husband and two school-age children. As an expat who has lived in NJ for 8 years, Anne-Marie is interested in providing helpful general information to assist those moving to New Jersey, filling the gap between what corporate services provide and what is needed by families, to relocate to NJ and settle in smoothly.
To provide practical, timely help and information on every-day life in NJ to relocating families moving to NJ from Australia, New Zealand, UK, India and other English speaking countries. Our objective is to help these families so they can make informed decisions about their new life in NJ and settle in as smoothly as possible. Conditions of Use:
By reading of our pages of Expat Assist NJ, you acknowledge that the information provided, while as accurate as possible, is still only general information, and that this organization accepts no liability, charges or losses for decisions made by their clients or others intending to relocate. We endeavor to provide information that is current, to the best of our knowledge. We do not provide any information about visas, immigration advice or any other legal or financial advice. Before deciding on major decisions that will affect them financially or otherwise, clients and others interested in relocating should seek advice from legal, financial or other appropriate professionals.