The Social Index has been created to help you get the best talent for your business, to help you understand the benefits of a ‘good’ online reputation, to navigate the challenging mix of online & offline reputations. In short, we help you make better business and talent decisions with relevant, actionable data. With extensive experience in all aspects of HR, Strategy, emerging Technology and Socia
l Media, the team at the Social Index can help you build better teams and improve business performance. We know what its like to run a business, work in either a large corporate or a small businesses, to create a high performing team, to find the ‘ideal’ candidate. We know that when you have the right person in the right role at the right time, great things are possible….and its fun. We help you understand the relevance of social media in the context of your workplace. We also know what its like to go for a job (or promotion). Identifying the role, researching the company, understanding its culture, getting the CV ‘just right’, preparing for interviews, are all worth it for the right role. Understanding what people really see about you can be a key factor in getting the role, or not. With The Social Index, we have done the legwork for you. We’ve created our platform to provide you with relevant reports, actionable data and a deeper understanding of how online and offline activities intertwine. We manage your risks – privacy, relevance and good time management – to let you focus on what is important, getting the ‘fit’ right for the role. We believe that great things are possible with the right people in the right role at the right time. With The Social Index as your partner, helping you to navigate the increasing meshing of professional and private lives, you know that you that can be reassured that you have the best view of how your business can grow with the right talent.