Party Bus - Bali, Legian
We saw a few of these, unless it was the same one going around the block 🤣😂🍷🥂
Expect the unexpected in Bali
Amongst all the hustle and bustle comes a horse drawn cart. The jingle of bells made it sound a bit like Christmas!
Too good not to share this beautiful Sunrise with you all ❤️ Welcome to your weekend 🌅
Catch of the day 🐟
Yahoo, my first Sweetlip catch. Ended up catching two and Mark got his share as well. Very nice day out on the water at Pelorus Island
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #OzTravelpreneurs #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #pelorusisland #Fishing #sweetlip
Happy Christmas from our Family to yours.
Travel safe and enjoy time with family, friends and loved ones. May this be a time of rest, fun, enjoyment, blessings, adventures and so much more.
Thank you for following our travel and life adventures. We have popped in some of our favourite photos from the year.
Jeanette and Mark 🎄🥂🎄💕
Oh Gosh, it’s bucketing down now. It’s driving rain. A few little leaks from our shed whirley birds. You can see the water building up but we are OK
What’s the weather like where you are? Send some photos ⛈🌞⚡️🌊#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #stormfront #clouds #rain
First catch of the day 🐟
One good sized Grunter caught by JJ off first bait. Yahoo
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRV #Fishing #Grunter
Finally living at our Block 👏👏👏
Well, we finally moved out of The Wanderers Caravan Park at Lucinda to our block of land in Halifax Nth Qld. It’s been a huge 6mths for us. The bathroom in our shed should be finished by the end of the week or early next week. Can’t wait for that. We are still sleeping and living in our Network RV Caravan and plan to do some more trips soon.
We haven’t posted for a while! What’s going on?
I was enjoying travelling to Brisbane and NSW seeing family and close friends. The trip had its highs and lows. Saying goodbye to a long dear friend, my girlfriends husband passed so they had a beautiful “life celebration” in his honour. Our kids all went to primary school together.
As the trip was a bit emotional I decided to be in the moment with family and close friends and to have a little break from the socials and then after I got back I tested positive for Covid so I’ll be off the socials and YouTube again for a bit while I recover.
Our next YouTube episode will be fabulous and you’ll get to see the whites of my eyes as our middle son Brendan takes me for an extreme 4x4 drive in the Glass House Mountains. I can’t wait to put it together for you all.
Until then keep safe and well and I’ll get back on board with everything when I can ❤️
Taste of Lucinda From Pub Grub to our own grub we both love a good taste sensation. Stay tuned, in the next few weeks we will be trying out the local cuisine and trying a few new dishes of our own#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #localcuisine #Lucinda #lucindawanderersholidayvillage
Low tide can’t get across the bar to get back in!
Well, this is our first time stuck at low tide not being able to get back in. Just bobbing around waiting for the tide to rise.
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #stuckatlowtide
Remora Fish - close up
Remora Fish - close up
Pilot fish follow sharks because other animals which might eat them will not come near a shark. In return, sharks do not eat pilot fish because pilot fish eat their parasites. This is called a "mutualist" relationship. Remora’s also attach to Whales and have sometimes tried to suck onto divers. You can eat them however there are far nicer fish to eat!
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #WatchOzTravelpreneursOnYoutube #Remorafish
See what I got up to while Mark’s in Adelaide! Perfect morning for a beach fish 🎣 All set up, I’m so determined to catch a fish while Marks away. I just have to let the fish know that. I was given some live herring for bait by a lovely local, so fingers crossed 🤞 #FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #WatchOzTravelpreneursOnYoutube #Jobsaustraliaconferance #Fishing
Marks off to Adelaide ✈️ for Jobs Australia Conference
It’s been a long time since we’ve been apart. Being semi retired means the occasional work trip. He’ll be back in a few days after attending and speaking at the Jobs Australia Conference .
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #WatchOzTravelpreneursOnYoutube #Jobsaustraliaconferance
First 100 Subscribers on YouTube
Mark and I would like to say a huge thank you to our first 100 subscribers that we hit today. This may not seem like a lot to many but for us we appreciate every person who subscribes and we truly love it when you send us a message. This is a lovely first milestone and we look forward to bringing you all more beautiful destinations throughout Australia.
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #WatchOzTravelpreneursOnYoutube #100youtubesubscribers
Our Maiden Voyage
Exciting, we took Blue Boat out for the first time today. We haven’t named it yet so maybe you can help us with a name 😀 it’s a TABS 4.5 fishing boat. Loving what this new adventure will bring
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #WatchOzTravelpreneursOnYoutube #newfishingboat
Happy Mothers Day 💐
Mark and I would like to wish you all a happy Mothers Day. We realise this can also be a difficult day for some so please know for those who are having a bit of a tough day, you are in our prayers and thoughts today. We understand as we have lost both our Mums and today we celebrate their lives with our memories of them. We also would like to acknowledge those in the roles of Mums who are champions of love and support.
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #OzTravelpreneurs #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #MothersDay
Fresh Coconuts 🥥
Mark went on a wet rainy bike ride, I chickened out 🤣 look what he bought back!
#FirstTripAroundAustralia #LapOfOz #TravelAustralia #QueenslandTourism #Queensland #OzTravelpreneurs #CaravanTouring #SemiRetirement #WorkLifeBalance #LivingTheDream #CaravanLife #NetworkRVCaravans #MazdaBT50 #TheCompletePackage #MonsoonRains #FreshCoconuts