As 2021's calendar year comes to a close it is looking bright for 2022. Starting the year with a daunting task to overcome lost trade due to covid affecting international imports. The approach was no different to 2016 when I began building this enterprise from nothing. The market and trade still existed all it required was some reformatting of the service and product development and the businesses growth would return to the upward path. This only took 5 months of vigorous and focussed activity.
Change is not easy, which is no excuse to refuse doing what is needed. I am getting a tired of some "industries" bleating about the need for support. In particular urban commercial property owners. The overall conclusion is the Lowy family got the timing of its selldown exactly right. https://lnkd.in/g2Q6Pka2
"the distinct lack of interest in retail property around the globe, and the relatively small number of transactions seen does not bode well for the billions of dollars of retail property that is on the market, or may come onto it, in Australia."
Much like blacksmiths when the automobile came along, now the urban office and retail space owners have to accept the way it "is", not "was" as reality. Cities of office space could become residential and a return to community industry is a possibility. Commercial retail has been moving out of cbd's and into industrial warehouse areas for some time. I see it here in a country area where "industrial" is replaced with enterprise precinct. Businesses have done it for economic and business advantage, and prospered. So the outdated paradigm needs to be allowed to fall away not propped up because of lazy and incapable business management. Market demand and activity are what and economy operates on successfully, not sloth and greed.
According to old market wisdom, no-one ever rings a bell at the top of the market. Except perhaps for one Frank Lowy.