Our goal is to have good conversation - meaning fun, constructive, informative, entertaining, or all of the above. So, speech is free, but P&O Cruises Australia is moderated. Community guidelines:
• Offensive, inappropriate, or just plain annoying comments may be deleted
• Spam earns an instant ban.
• Alias accounts created by previously banned commenters for the purpose of avoiding a ban will
be banned.
• If the bulk of your comments are hostile or insulting you may be banned.
• Please do not make racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise offensive comments.
• Please don't personally insult, bully, threaten, or harass fellow community members. If we receive valid complaints about your conduct, we’ll send you a warning or remove access from your account. Posting photos to our wall:
P&O Cruises Australia does not claim any ownership rights in photos that you post on our ‘wall’. However, by posting a photo on our wall you give permission to P&O Cruises Australia a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, revocable, non-transferable, perpetual licence to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly display and/or reproduce, your photo, including without limitation in any online media formats and through any social media channels, pages or accounts. You can revoke permission at any time by contacting us by completing the web form at https://www.pocruises.com.au/contact-us and informing us that you no longer want us to use your photo. We hope you all find this page to be a useful source for communicating with other P&O Cruises Cruiselings and sharing your cruise holiday experiences.