Perth Aquaponics

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Perth Aquaponics Perth Aquaponics is an online Aquaponic store and consultancy business located in Western Australia He has had a keen interest in the process ever since.

Perth Aquaponics was founded in 1990, originally as Perth Hydroponic Centre. In 2010, as the direction of our business became more oriented towards Aquaponics, we decided a name change was appropriate and Perth Aquaponics was born. Hayden, the owner of Perth Aquaponics, is a trade qualified Horticulturalist, with over 35 years horticultural experience in numerous fields, including three decades in

hydroponics and over a decade of Aquaponic experience. As part of his studies during his horticultural apprenticeship in the late 80’s, Hayden learnt how a number of civilisations throughout history had practiced various rudimentary forms of what we now know as Aquaponics. He first put this knowledge to use, when in the early 90’s he started a very simple aquaponic system by utilising an existing fish pond to successfully grow plants in floating rafts. In early 2009, with growing public awareness and interest in Aquaponics, the decision was made to start developing and selling equipment through the store. We have been designing, trialing and selling aquaponic systems, equipment and consumables ever since, as well as providing training and consulting services. In recent years Hayden has assisted Murray Hallam, arguably the world’s most recognised aquaponic identity, by presenting at a number of Murray’s workshops in Brisbane and assisting Murray with his online Aquaponics Design Course, as well as running his own one day introductory workshops in Perth, country WA and Darwin. If you are interested in attending one of Hayden’s Introduction-to-Aquaponics workshops, please see the "Workshops & Seminars" page of our website at:

Limited stock of AP-10 and AP-20 Weather Resistant Air pumps available at everyday low prices... For now... Once current...

Limited stock of AP-10 and AP-20 Weather Resistant Air pumps available at everyday low prices... For now... Once current stocks run out we will have to increase prices.

AP-10 suits ponds to 5,600 litres.
AP-20 suits ponds to 11,200 litres.

PondMax Outdoor Aeration kit suits ponds to 5,600 litres.

Lest we forget!... I was travelling yesterday and completely forgot the date... Better late than never.

Lest we forget!... I was travelling yesterday and completely forgot the date... Better late than never.

SHOP IBC DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR SALE!... REDUCED! - $450Somebody buy this!... It's gotta go and it's a screamin' bargain! We...


Somebody buy this!... It's gotta go and it's a screamin' bargain!

Well established, proven system, capable of safely growing out either 10x Trout or Barra to plate size of around 450-500gm, or 14x Silver Perch.

Minimal cycling time to be fish safe once relocated - Transport the grow bed gravel (expanded clay) in a few clean barrels, tubs etc and keep it moist during transit, it will only take a few days for the beneficial bacteria colony to be fully back up to speed and the system ready for fish once relocated... Not the usual 4-6 weeks it would take to cycle at this time of year.

System Comprises:

- 600L Fish tank water capacity
- 330mm Deep grow bed
- 300mm Depth of gravel (7x 50L bags of German Expanded Clay)
- Bell Auto Siphon - Extremely reliable, good oxygenation
- Near new 1,100 Lph AquaPro water pump
- Plumbing from pump to grow bed, including spray bar
- 2 x Air pumps* with air stones
- 4 x substantial (70 x 115mm) timber grow bed supports

*The Battery back-up air pump is only working when on mains (240v) power supply, the in-built back-up battery is kaput, but can be very easily replaced.

The system HAS to be picked up by Wednesday the 4th.

Can be viewed running in store with 10x med-large Silver Perch in it (not supplied with system, but can be).



We currently have some AWESOME SPECIALS on hydroponic nutrients and additives, as well as other hydroponic equipment, gr...

We currently have some AWESOME SPECIALS on hydroponic nutrients and additives, as well as other hydroponic equipment, grow lights etc, such as:

Canna Rhizotonic 1Ltr... Was $120 - Now $89.90
Canna PK 13-14... Was $50 - Now $37.90
HyGen Budlink Silica 1ltr... Was $26 - Now $18.90
HyGen Budlink Silica 5ltr... Was $82 - Now $57.90
SuperThrive 120ml... Was $34 - Now $23.90
Extra Yield 1Ltr... Was $28 - Now $19.90
Expanded Clay 50L bags... $27.50 (2+ bags)
Isopropyl Oil Extraction Liquid 1Ltr... Was $35 - Now $24.50
Isopropyl Oil Extraction Liquid 5Ltr... Was $135 - Now $94.50
..and many more discounted items!

Check them all out at our website/online store:

Originally established as Perth Hydroponic Centre in 1990, we have been selling aquaponic equipment and consumables, as well advising on aquaponic matters since early 2009.

Being indoors, it's not very often we get visitors in our Aquaponic display system, but I found this guy happily munchin...

Being indoors, it's not very often we get visitors in our Aquaponic display system, but I found this guy happily munching away on the springtails that inhabit the grow bed. It looks as though something may have also found him tasty at some point, as the tip of his tail is missing.

FOOD GRADE IBC's - Back in stock! For those that that have been calling and waiting, they are here!... We currently have...

FOOD GRADE IBC's - Back in stock!

For those that that have been calling and waiting, they are here!... We currently have single use, FDA food grade IBC's available. They contained a natural food flavour enhancer.

If you would like to get your hands on some (6 left at the time or writing), please secure yours by ordering and paying (Paypal, Visa, M/Card) through the link to our online store below, then drop in and pick them up. Alternatively, you can take your chance and drop into the store (cash only in store). Please do not not phone or message asking us to hold them for you.

If you order any, pick up prior to Easter would be preferable.


Not in Aquaponics, just ornamentals in my backyard, but something to keep an eye open for in your Aquaponic systems and ...

Not in Aquaponics, just ornamentals in my backyard, but something to keep an eye open for in your Aquaponic systems and veg patches etc at the moment.

As the hot summer weather ends, but the warmish days persist, many bugs that usually pop up in Spring become an issue again for a short period of time.

I spotted a few clutches of these moth eggs on my Elephant ears a few days ago and rubbed them all off... or so I thought. I went out this morning and a batch of them had hatched and basically stripped a whole section of leaf in one day since I looked at my plants yesterday morning.

Upon further inspection I found a couple more clutches of eggs, rubbed them off the plants and squashed them between my fingers... Job done, but I will have to be vigilant over the next few weeks until the cold sets in.




Introduction-to-Aquaponics Workshop - Sat Sept 5th

This workshop has been organised for a private group, but they have kindly allowed me to make a limited number of spaces available to the public. We currently have just four spaces still available.

We will cover all the same content as my regular workshops, but as the group are providing the facilities and this workshop is not being catered, I can offer these positions at the reduced price of $99 per person.

The location is in Warwick and the workshop will run from 9am to 3.30-ish. For more details or to book your place, please give me a call at the shop on (08) 9478 1211, between 10am and 5pm weekdays.




Skretting Spectra 7mm - Trout Finishing Food.

Spectra contains Carotenoids - Naturally occurring pigments that wild fish derive from eating crustaceans, algae etc. Carotenoids are what give the flesh that wonderful orange-pink colouring, but more importantly, are beneficial antioxidants that help keep the fish, and ultimately you, healthier.

Limited Stock! - We only order a limited amount of the Spectra about midway through the Trout season, so we aren't left holding stock at the end of the season and trying to keep it fresh until next year... Stock is getting low and once it's gone we won't have any more in until next winter... Grab your's now!... Available in 2.5kg, 4kg & 20kg...


Unfortunately we weren't able accommodate everyone that wanted to attend the last workshop, due to a limit of 10 attendees in the training room... So we've organised another one!... Please follow the link below for more details or to book your spot.




For those that have been waiting...

Sizes available:
20mm (3/4")
25mm (1") - Limited stock
32mm (1 1/4")
40mm (1 1/2")
50mm (2") - Limited stock
90mm (suit stormwater pipe)




I have a squatter living in the display system in the shop... A baby Bynoe's gecko.

I wouldn't imagine there's a lot of insects for him to eat in the shop, as I allow a few daddy long legs and black house spiders to live around the shop to keep insects under control.

To me, he looked a little emaciated, but I think he's living off the springtails in the system, as he appeared to eat something from between the pebbles while I was watching him.


Just a bit of a pic update of the IBC display system in the shop. It's been a while since the last one and I know I said I was hoping to do weekly pic updates, but work and life happened... 😁


DARWIN WORKSHOP! - Saturday April 4th


We're coming back Darwin!... We've finally sorted it.

It's a little less than four weeks away!... Short notice, we know, but it's been a bit of a mission trying to organise a venue.

EARLY BOOKING BONUS!... Book by Saturday March 21st and receive a $30 voucher to spend with Perth Aquaponics. It can even be spent on the day, as we'll be bringing a range of quality PonMax pumps in popular sizes, as well as other items, to sell on the day at discounted workshop only pricing.

We'll also have a couple of super special deals, exclusive to workshop attendees, on bulk buys of quality German expanded clay and Skretting fish feed, to help offset transport costs to Darwin.

Find out more or book your place here:




I finally bit the bullet and reclaimed the IBC display system from the indoor plant jungle.

Now that it's got veggies back in it, I'll try and do a picture update every Saturday arvo for the next few weeks, to demonstrate the growth rate.


This thing is getting out of control... It's 6ft up the wall, 2ft above the light, and taking over that whole corner of the shop... Time to get the chainsaw out and return the system to the veggies.


SALE - MUST GO by Xmas eve!

Assorted Cuttings, Indoor Plants & Hanging Baskets.

I would like to try and reduce the numbers before Xmas, so the guys looking after the shop don't have as many to look after over the break

There are various established cuttings, individual plants, mixed planted pots, hanging baskets etc, with various prices from $3-$45, all negotiable tomorrow (Dec 24th - 10am-3pm).

As they say in the Life of Brian (the real reason for Xmas)... Let's 'aggle!




Last Xmas eve I partially buried a few pots containing indoor plants, into the expanded clay in the aquaponic display system in the shop. I buried them just deep enough that the water would touch the very bottom of the pot at the top of a flood cycle, to keep them watered while I was away for a few days.

By the time I got around to removing them, about mid January, they'd well and truly put feet down. I was busy, so I left them, with the intention of a proper clean out of the grow bed when I had more time... Eleven months later... 😁😁😁

Having a good look through the grow bed on the weekend, I found a chilli plant that I'd forgotten was even there... Bonus!... But it might be time for that clean out I think.





You may have inadvertently been given a bag that has been opened, had some feed removed and then taped back up. If so, please return the bag at your convenience and we will replace it with an unopened bag.

I should be at the shop until about 4pm today, but please call first just to make sure... or any other business day will be fine.

I apologise for any inconvenience, but as I mentioned this morning, I had only just started back this morning after three weeks away and hadn’t had a full run down from the person that looked after the store.




The Kununurra Crew!...

I would like to thank everyone that attended yesterday's workshop in Kununurra. It was a fun day and you are a great crew, very friendly and laid back... Much like everyone here, must be something in the water.

I hope you all enjoyed the day as much as I did and came away from the workshop with a better understanding of what it takes to successfully design, build and maintain your own Aquaponic systems.

Don't forget to join our Workshop Attendees Group (see link below), where you can keep in contact with each other, ask questions, share information, pics of your systems etc. If you have any further questions for me, don't hesitate to give me a call at the shop... When I get back in 3 weeks that is... 😁😁😁



P.S... Also, don't forget to join the Aquaponics Darwin & Tropical Northern Australia group:

Aquaponics Design Course

A Glennturi

Glenn Martinez of Olomana Gardens in Hawaii demonstrating how a simple air pipe added to a bilge pump can dynamically blow a curtain of air at the base of your fish tank. The Venturi effect and other short videos on airlift technology are featured as extras in our next Online Aquaponics Design Course! How good is this?


Anyone for a Green FDA Food Grade IBC... or thirty?

Finally!!!... After a long time without any, we have 30. They are from our previous supplier, so we know what we're getting. They are in excellent condition and contained a food grade product that is easily cleaned out.

8 are already spoken for, 8 more will be available for pick-up from the shop from around midday tomorrow (Friday), and the remainder will most likely be here next Friday, the 20th.

I will make 22 available on our website from this afternoon, but please be aware, as above, only 8 will be available for pick-up from tomorrow, the remaining 14 will most likely be here next Friday the 20th.

Secure yours here:




Kununurra Aquaponics Workshop???...

Over the last few years I've had a number of people from Kununurra, and at least one from Wyndham that I can recall, suggest they would be interested in attending a workshop if I were to organise one.

It turns out I will be in Kununurra for a few days in October, so if you are one of the people that contacted me and you’re still interested, or anyone for that matter that would like to attend a one day Introduction-to-Aquaponics workshop in Kununurra, please contact me. If there is sufficient interest I will try my best to make it happen.

I can be contacted via the message tab at the top of this page, or at the shop on (08) 9478 1211.




Aquaponics Workshop Rescheduled.

Unfortunately we have had to reschedule the workshop that was to take place on Saturday, July 20th... After consultation with those people that had already booked, the new date is now Saturday, August 3rd.

New event info will be posted here shortly. Alternatively, you can find more information, or book a place at the workshop, by visiting our website:




Perth Aquaponics's cover photo



Wed' through to close-of-business 1pm Easter Saturday.

Hanging baskets as pictured $25 to 35... Small potted plants in ceramic pots from $10... Larger potted plants from $20... Cuttings in recycled coffee cups, ready to make your own hanging baskets or potted plant creations, from $2.50ea.

Most larger potted plants are in a 200mm plastic Euro pot sitting inside a fancy concrete pot in a variety of colours.

Barter a better price for a bundle purchase!... I need as many as possible gone before Easter.


Minding my own business at the Perth HIA Home Show and this Wombat shows up...



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Our Story

Perth Aquaponics was founded in 1990, originally as Perth Hydroponic Centre. In 2010, as the direction of our business became more oriented towards Aquaponics, we decided a name change was appropriate and Perth Aquaponics was born. The owner of Perth Aquaponics, Hayden Arrowsmith, is trade qualified Horticulturalist, with over 30 years horticultural experience, including over two decades of hydroponic experience. As part of his studies during his horticultural apprenticeship in the late 80’s, Hayden learnt how a number of civilisations throughout history had practised varied forms of what we now know as Aquaponics. He first put this knowledge to use, when in the early 90’s he started a very simple aquaponic system by utilising an existing fish pond to successfully grow plants in floating rafts. He has had a keen interest in the process ever since. In early 2009, with growing public awareness and interest in Aquaponics, the decision was made to start developing and selling aquaponic equipment through the store. We have been designing, trialling, and selling aquaponic systems and equipment ever since, as well as consulting on aquaponic matters and providing training in aquaponics. In recent years Hayden has assisted Murray Hallam, arguably the world’s most recognised aquaponic identity, by presenting at a number of Murray’s seminars and workshops in Queensland, assisting Murray with his online Aquaponics Design Course, as well as running his own workshops here in W.A. and the N.T. If you are interested in attending one of Hayden’s “Introduction to Aquaponics” workshops, please click the “Events” tab and click “Subscribe”. You will receive an automatic notification when we post any information regarding upcoming workshops and events.