Dear Sandra, Dear Alan
it has been a long time since we heard from each other. But now the time has come for change. It is time that I realize a dream I dreamed a long time ago. As you know I always wanted to make a trip to Australia. I always thought how I could realize a trip around Australia. I thought about a tour by bike. But soon I found out I could not take a bike to every place I wanted t
o see. When I watched TV I was fascinated by an interview with Joey Kelly. He talked about his tour to walk through Germany. About his experiences he wrote a book “Hysterie des Körper”. He talked about his intentions of this tour. I know I cannot compare myself with Joey. He is an athlete, he ran the Iron Man. Joey decided not using any aid for his tour. When I start my tour I will not refuse any help. Recently I listened to "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers. And I thought I could name my tour "Walk 500 miles and 500 more". The subtitle is “The Great Australian Walkabout”. This tour has a distance between 3.000 and 3.200 km. The start will be in Cairns. There is the first highlight of the tour. On November, 14th 2012 a total sun eclipse will occur. If you are in New Zealand you could see it on North Island, too. (,_2012)
I already will arrive in Cairns on Nov. 9th. The time between the arrival and the total sun eclipse I want to use to visit the area between Cairns and Cooktown. After seeing Cairns and Kuranda my itinerary will take me south between the Great Deviding Range and the Eastern coast of Australia. I am open for ideas about interesting places to see on the itinerary leading south to Sydney. For a short visit I will be in Brisbane. I hope to see Atherton and the Tableland, Grafton, Tamworth or New Castle. I will enter the Great Sydney Area coming from the Blue Mountains. My goal is to finish my tour in Sydney on January, 26th 2013. Everyone who wants to follow me has the possibility on this website. I want to try to tell where I am on everyday. I will publish here a selection of 25 to 30 photographs. If I am not able to get connected I will complete my photo diary later. That is all for the beginning. I hope to hear from you and hope you enjoy following me on my Australian Walkabout.