It's all happening this weekend in Kempsey, New South Wales. The survivors and descendants of Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation have a personal invitation they would like to share, inviting you, your families and communities to honour the spirits of the children who walked through the gates of Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation and celebrate the stories of surviving the past, present and future of the Kinchela Boys Home.
#kinchelaboyshome #bringingthemhome #unfinishedbusiness
The Healing Foundation is proud to share some of the voices from across the Stolen Generations sector and full event wrap-up from the recent Stolen Generations Organisation Gathering 2024 in Garramilla/Darwin on Larrakia Country.
Hear from Healing Foundation CEO, Shannan Dodson (Yawuru), Board Chair, Professor Steve Larkin (Kungarakan), along with Uncle David Wragge from the Healing Foundation's Stolen Generations Reference Group, Raelene Rosas from the Northen Territory Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation, Professor Mick Dodson AM, Former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner 1993-98 and Aunty Ellen Gough, Katherine Stolen Generation Group.
The event also culminated in the event's closing statement to prioritise Stolen Generations survivors before it’s too late; the collective call to action can be read in full here:
Stay tuned as we share more moments and perspective's from the Stolen Generation sector captured at the Gathering 2024 by Moogie Down Productions.
CC Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation Sister Kate's Home Kids Aboriginal Corporation Katherine Stolen Generation Group Link-Up NSW Link-Up Qld Connecting Home Yokai Healing our Spirit Yorgum Healing Services
#unfinishedbusiness #healingourway #firstnationsaustralia #intergenertionalhealing #bringingthemhome
The Healing Foundation is proud to share some of the footage from Day Three; the final day of the Stolen Generations Organisation Gathering 2024 in Garramilla/Darwin on Larrakia Country.
Following on from Day's One and Two - The final day of the event includes footage from the Wellbeing check in, Yarning Circle focusing on where to for the Stolen Generations sector from here and beyond, Final reflections and the official close plus Saltwater Ceremony.
The day also culminated in the event's closing statement to prioritise Stolen Generations survivors before it’s too late; the collective call to action can be read in full here:
Stay tuned as we share more moments and takeaways from the Gathering 2024 captured by Moogie Down Productions.
#bringingthemhome #stolengenerations #unfinishedbusiness #intergenerationalhealing #firstnationsaustralia
The Healing Foundation is proud to share some of the footage from Day Two of the Stolen Generations Organisation Gathering 2024.
Following on from Day One - Today’s video includes footage from the Community controlled and culturally centred healing now and beyond panel discussion, Stolen Generations in Garramilla bus tour with Aunty Maisie Austin, workshop discussions as well as the Gathering Event dinner at Pee Wee’s at the Point.
Stay tuned as we share more moments and takeaways from the Gathering 2024 captured by Moogie Down Productions.
#healingourway #unfinishedbusiness #stolengenerations #bringingthemhome
CC Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation Sister Kate's Home Kids Aboriginal Corporation Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation Yorgum Healing Services Yokai Healing our Spirit Link-Up NSW Link-Up Qld Katherine Stolen Generation Group Connecting Home Central Australian Aboriginal Congress
The Healing Foundation is proud to share some of the footage from Day One of the Stolen Generations Organisation Gathering 2024. Hosted in Garramilla/Darwin, representatives from across the country connected around calls for better access to aged care, return of records and better funding for the work the sector does with Stolen Generations survivors.
Today’s video includes footage from the Welcome Smoking Ceremony from Larrakia Nation, Opening remarks from Healing Foundation Board Chair Professor Steve Larkin, NT Stolen Generations welcome to Garrmilla panel yarn, Bringing Them Home Discussion Paper Plenary and many more precious moments.
Stay tuned as we share more moments and takeaways from the Gathering 2024 captured by Moogie Down Productions.
#healingourway #unfinishedbusiness #stolengenerations
CC Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation Yokai Healing our Spirit Yorgum Healing Services Link-Up NSW Link-Up Qld Sister Kate's Home Kids Aboriginal Corporation Katherine Stolen Generation Group Central Australian Aboriginal Congress
Thank you to everyone who organised and took part in National Sorry Day events around the country in the last week of May, remembering and acknowledging the Stolen Generations and the history of forcible removals and its ongoing impacts.
With your help, we reached well over a million people in the last week of May alone through TV, print and online news, social media and radio. Both organisations and individuals helped us to spread the word about the urgency of acting to support Stolen Generations survivors before it's too late.
Here's a snapshot of some of the activities organised to elevate the voices and needs of Stolen Generations survivors this Sorry Day in the Nations Capital on Ngunnawal/Ngambri Country including:
• the return of the National Sorry Day Bridge Walk with Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health and Community Services and a Sorry Day Policy Forum and Dinner,
• partnering with the The Australian National University First Nations portfolio with an audience comprised of government officials, community members, academics and Stolen Generations survivors. Great discussions were led by the panel and members of the audience engaged in the Q&A session.
We will not rest until key actions are taken, beginning with full and consistent redress for all survivors, improved access to family records, and trauma informed service provision across a range of sectors.
#healingourway #stolengenerations #bringingthemhome
As part of our National Sorry Day activities in the Nation’s Capital to commemorate Stolen Generations survivors and the unfinished business of the Bringing Them Home report, we turned landmarks across Ngunnawal/Ngambri Country purple.
The colour purple is often associated with Sorry Day. This is the colour of the Native Hibiscus flower used by Stolen Generations survivors to recognise the scattering of the Stolen Generations and their strength and resilience.
We illuminated Canberra’s light rail stops, the iconic Telstra Tower, National Museum of Australia, Old Parliament House, Questacon, Malcolm Fraser Bridge and the Canberra Times Fountain in Civic.
We hope you all had the chance to check them out whilst illuminated and reflected on how this history still impacts survivors, their families and all First Nations communities today 💜
#unfinishedbusiness #bringingthemhome #stolengenerations #sorryday #healingourway
Stolen Generations survivor Chris Edwards-Haines describes the landmark Bringing Them Home report as "a pathway to finding my way home."
We will not rest until key actions are taken, beginning with full and consistent redress for all survivors, improved access to family records, and trauma informed service provision across a range of sectors.
#bringingthemhome #unfinishedbusiness
Former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Social Justice Commissioner (1993-1998) Professor Mick Dodson AM spoke to us recently about the most urgent actions needed to support ageing Stolen Generations survivors. Hear from Professor Dodson about the importance of nationally consistent reparations and improved access to family records - both contemporary and historical.
Can you help us share this message with your networks? 27 years on from the Bringing Them Home report, we have no time to lose.
#BringingThemHome #unfinishedbusiness #StolenGenerations #MickDodson
"We're asking all Australians to understand the Stolen Generations experience as best they can, and to do whatever they can to compel governments to do something."
As National Sorry Day 2024 comes to a close, our board chair Professor Steve Larkin has a message for each of us to take forward in the days, weeks, and months ahead.
#unfinishedbusiness #bringingthemhome
Stolen Generations survivors like Uncle Richard Dawes are still healing from being forcibly removed.
On National Sorry Day and every day we must remember that this history lives on in our communities and we must act now to address intergenerational trauma and support survivors and descendants to access redress, records, appropriate healing services and aged care.
#unfinishedbusiness #bringingthemhome
A few weeks ago, we brought together Stolen Generations survivors, descendants and representatives in two locations, to hear and elevate their stories ahead of National Sorry Day (today, 26 May). This week we received the very sad news that one of the people we filmed, Aunty Flossie Taylor Bowden, had passed away.
We post this video with permission so that Aunty Flossie's message can be heard.
We are losing too many survivors as well as descendants. Too many people are passing away without receiving any redress (or the same level of redress as their interstate counterparts), without any closure on their family records, without trauma-informed care that is sensitive to the trauma they experienced as children. The trauma that in many cases continues to affect them and their children throughout their lives - as we heard from Aunty Flossie.
We have no time to waste. We must act now on these urgent priorities!
We acknowledge the support of survivors, descendants and the Stolen Generations Council NSW/ACT in creating this video. Our condolences to Aunty Flossie's family and friends.
#unfinishedbusiness #bringingthemhome