Talk to Me - I care about your happiness

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  • Talk to Me - I care about your happiness

Talk to Me - I care about your happiness Qualified counsellor with over 26 yrs experience offering friendly help and support to Australians and internationally via phone or email.

No issue too large or small. Everyone needs a trusted friend in this world. Many people can truly say that they have lots of “friends” and acquaintances, but not someone they can trust to NEVER betray their confidence. My 'Talk to Me' concept uses Skype to reach out to anyone who would like to have someone to talk to when they’re feeling down, confused or lonely, or just want to tell someone somet

hing good or funny that has happened to them. I have been a Gold Coast Family and Relationship counsellor specialising in MARRIAGE, RELATIONSHIP and PERSONAL COUNSELLING for over 24 years. I have gained extensive experience in Marriage Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Family Counselling, Pre Marriage and Newly Weds Counselling and also helping people cope with Divorce, Grief, Trauma, Anxiety, Abuse, Addiction, Self Esteem issues, Personal Development and more

I offer this opportunity for all it can be. I offer counselling from the comfort of your own home. I offer to be a friend, a confidante, someone qualified, caring and respectful with whom to share both good times and bad.

“Everybody needs somebody sometime.”

Let me be that “somebody to be there for you,” whatever you want to share – your deepest secrets, your grief at the loss of a loved one, your relationship issues, your first day at work, your new puppy, your successes and disappointments, just some friendly conversation or a few laughs with a real and caring person. If you are interested in this new concept, please call me on 0405 331575 to discuss how we can set up a “talk” on SKYPE. Sometimes a stranger with a good heart can make a world of positive difference to your day. I will help you in any way I can. You can have a one time call or you can call once a week or however often you want. I will take calls both during normal working hours and at night. So, call me now for a chat. 0405 331 575

Please note there is a small fee for this service.
TESTIMONIAL from Steve H. There are many reasons why couples argue, separate, re connect, remarry and Aileen has opened up many channels of possibilities in terms of seeing if our paths could merge. Many will agree pride does stand in the way of success particularly in males and ego runs a close second. I read about Aileen and having read small snippets of information about her practice on the Gold Coast and the warmth of her photo gave me the confidence to make contact. Since then we have spoken on a regular basis via skype and she has completely turned my thinking around and I have begun the process of winning my family back. Starting with my children I was stunningly shocked as to how a few words, a smile and genuine affection can turn the tables. On a recent visit to my son’s house we held each other and love entered us both after we spoke about the past and what we wish to achieve in the future. A chat and a hug undid the awkward, the unknown and the hurt that had built up since my leaving. This is the restart to my journey and who knows where it will lead…… I said it is a start. None of this would have been possible in my mind without the patience, the professional suggestions, the listening and guiding words offered by a remarkable lady. Compassionate, caring and totally understanding I am grateful to Aileen Smith who has turned my light on, a light that dimmed for reason’s I now think were at best silly and which could have been rectified a long way back in time. It might take me time but I have started to fight back. Aileen has helped me to find me again. It takes two to tango and it is true but it takes two to settle the differences in a partnership. You don’t know what you don’t know and nothing will change if you do not do something about it. As Aileen said “If something is there you can build on that.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you Aileen.


Hi Everyone, hope you are all doing okay with the current lockdown restrictions. We should all be proud of ourselves that, so far, we're doing better than most of the other countries around the world. These are unprecedented and very hard times and we are forced to look at ourselves and live by ourselves and live with ourselves. For some, this may be a gift of time to explore ourselves with enthusiasm and positive hope for the future and for others, it will be a time of wanting to hide in a safe place from the loneliness and possibly, realizations that you've already been hiding away for a long time, lost in the midst of a full - on busy life. If you need someone to talk to and help you through these uncertain times, give me a call on +61 0405331575 and we can set up a time to suit. Let me help you and I will help you. We are all in this together and it's always good to get a fresh perspective on things.
Give me a call on +61 0405331575. 🌸🌸🌸 I care about your happiness.


Need someone to talk to? Call me now.
Discounted rate per hour from now until Christmas.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Your counsellor and friend, Aileen (26 years experience)

To All Who May Read This, I have relocated to a very beautiful place and my spirit is in a very happy space. If you'd li...

To All Who May Read This,

I have relocated to a very beautiful place and my spirit is in a very happy space.
If you'd like a compassionate, intelligent and respectful ear to listen to you, I am happy to be the one to do that for you.
My 25 years of relationship, marriage and individual counselling give me the experience of life's ups and downs (along with my own journey) to help you to find your happy heart and your courage again.

If you are interested in connecting with a view to talking with purpose, please email me :

[email protected]

and we can set up a time to talk.

You won't regret reaching out to someone who CARES and that's ME!
Email me:

[email protected]

Thanks, Aileen

Aileen Smith Counselling Services Gold Coast added 2 new photos.20 November at 11:16 ·CALL ME ON 0405331575 I CARE ABOUT...

Aileen Smith Counselling Services Gold Coast added 2 new photos.
20 November at 11:16 ·


CHRISTMAS is fast approaching with all of the usual festivities and family times to be enjoyed.
For some, Christmas is a harrowing, awkward time filled with tension, loneliness and unhappiness. Family dynamics, old memories, arguments that boil over. Disappointments are the repast suffered by some.


I can help to make you stronger and happier and to maintain your self respect and dignity no matter what other's attitudes may be.

Here is a testimonial received from a client after helping her to put things into a better perspective.
She had been bullied at work and had been traumatised by that situation. She wanted help so that she could move past her upset in order to enjoy her Christmas with the family she loves so much.


Hi Aileen,
So lovely to hear from you.
I have been meaning to write to you to say a big thank you for your time at Xmas.
I can't tell you how it helped me enormously and I was able to enjoy my Xmas and move past it all.
I really am so truly grateful.


Aileen Smith Counselling Services Gold Coast added 2 new photos.5 mins ·CHRISTMAS is fast approaching with all of the us...

Aileen Smith Counselling Services Gold Coast added 2 new photos.
5 mins ·

CHRISTMAS is fast approaching with all of the usual festivities and family times to be enjoyed.
For some, Christmas is a harrowing, awkward time filled with tension, loneliness and unhappiness. Family dynamics, old memories, arguments that boil over. Disappointments are the repast suffered by some.


I can help to make you stronger and happier and to maintain your self respect and dignity no matter what other's attitudes may be.

Here is a testimonial received from a client after helping her to put things into a better perspective.
She had been bullied at work and had been traumatised by that situation. She wanted help so that she could move past her upset in order to enjoy her Christmas with the family she loves so much.


Hi Aileen,
So lovely to hear from you.
I have been meaning to write to you to say a big thank you for your time at Xmas.
I can't tell you how it helped me enormously and I was able to enjoy my Xmas and move past it all.
I really am so truly grateful.



Thanks so much, Aileen. I am very blessed to have such great support.
I have come a long way since I first saw you and I am forever grateful for you helping me through the worst time in my life. Every day is a good day now.
You are an amazing woman, Aileen
Miranda 06.09.17

NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION to make things better.There is only NOW and TOO LATE!Address your situation NOW and your ...

NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION to make things better.

There is only NOW and TOO LATE!

Address your situation NOW and your tomorrows will be much happier.

I guarantee it!

Find your courage and pick up the phone.

Call me now on 0405331575

You'll be so glad you did.

NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION to make things better.There is only NOW and TOO LATE!Address your situation NOW and your ...

NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION to make things better.

There is only NOW and TOO LATE!

Address your situation NOW and your tomorrows will be much happier.

Find your courage and pick up the phone.

Call me now on 0405331575

You'll be so glad you did!



If you find yourself here, please trust that you were meant to find the help you need. I have worked with wonderful people for many years now and one of the most important gems of wisdom I have gleaned from this experience is that if you are not feeling happy and fulfilled in your life, NOW is the time to address the issues that are upsetting you.

When we are unhappy it is often difficult to share our innermost thoughts and feelings with those close to us we may not want to burden them with our woes; they may be part of the problem or we may feel embarrassed to disclose matters of a private nature to them.

Whatever the reason and no matter how supportive our family or friends may be, it is often preferable to seek an unbiased listener such as a counsellor to help clarify and bring new and valuable perspectives to the situation.

Many, many people have said to me that they wish they'd addressed their unhappiness earlier and not let things go until they were past the will to try to make things better in their relationships or personal lives.

NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION to make things better.

There is only NOW and TOO LATE!

Address your situation NOW and your tomorrows will be much happier.

I guarantee it!

Find your courage and pick up the phone.

Call me now on 0755 733070 or 0405 331 575

You'll be so glad you did! I CARE ABOUT YOUR HAPPINESS!



Thank you so much for literally "saving our marriage."
After being together for 15 years, married for 10 this year and having 2 kids under 5 years old we had slowly let "life" get in the way of "us"

Taking that first step and booking a counselling session was very daunting for both of us, but from the moment we walked through the door with yourself we felt at ease. You were there to listen, did not take sides, looked at all aspects and just focused on what we did have and that was LOVE - we just needed to find it again. You helped us regain the respect for one another and find the happiness we had let get pushed to the back whilst work/bills/kids all took over.
Thank you for your time spent with us.

Lauren and Michael S.

Aileen has changed my life and I am forever grateful! Going to Aileen is the best decision I've ever made as it led to asking my girlfriend to marry me, which would never have happened without Aileen and our sessions.

By meeting with Aileen every three to four months, she helped me grow as a person, form positive relationships and attract good people into my life. Aileen has provided me with the tools I need to make positive changes in my life. She has helped me change the way I look at things and understand life and ways of thinking.
When I leave a session with Aileen I always feel on top of the world.

Aileen is a wonderful human with a wealth of knowledge and a very kind heart.

Dear Aileen,

I first looked you up some 6 months ago seeking grief counselling as I was suffering with severe grief relating to my father's diagnoses with Alzheimers some 2 years earlier, for various reasons I never followed through.

Later this year my husband and I have been married 25 years, however, it would be fair to say in recent times our relationship had become somewhat strained, this occurred due to a combination of several factors. We were advised by our long term GP that she could sign us off to see a clinical psychologist for marriage guidance,however, due to my previous research my personal gut feeling was to see Aileen a qualified Marriage Counsellor instead of a Clinical psychologist - I am here to tell you that my gut feeling proved to be 100 percent correct!

It would be fair to say my husband and I were both prepared to "come to the table" for help, however, Aileen was able to expertly guide us back to a very happy and fulfilled marriage, and for that we are truly very grateful. We are now off to Thailand to celebrate 25 years of marriage!

Gavin and Stacey

PS: On a personal note, I will be seeing Aileen myself over the next few months as I am now ready to go forward with my own personal counselling - timing is everything!

Hi Aileen,

I just wanted to let you know how amazing my husband is. Since he went to see you back in April, he has become even more amazing. Whatever it was that you said to him about dealing with alcohol has certainly worked wonders.

He is so controlled now and is always considerate towards other peoples feelings (mine and and our baby specifically). He usually has just 3 beers now and only has more if we have a chat about it and where he wants it to go for the night. The next day we always wake up so happy that we had a great night together rather than an argument because he was completely wasted.

He usually chooses to drive to most events anyway especially if he knows the guys he will be with encourage him past his means but either way, i always let it be his choice what he wants to do and honestly, we haven't been happier.

Thankyou so much for working your magic again.

That 40+min drive to see you is always SO worth it. Thankyou :)


With specific guidance and commitment, you CAN achieve happiness and personal fulfillment.

Whatever your goals are, so long as they are reasonably realistic, I can help you to achieve them. Whether they are practical, professional, personal, emotional, behavioural or to do with your relationships, I can help.

Please call me on 0755 733070 or 0405 331 575
or email [email protected]


If you want or need to talk about something important to you but are mobility restricted by work, family, distance, lack of time etc. give me a call to set up a phone consultation.


Call me now on 0405331575

Life is an educational journey - we may learn from our mistakes, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and head towards ...

Life is an educational journey - we may learn from our mistakes, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and head towards our next challenge be that marriage, a new career, children etc but life can become so complicated.

If you are feeling stressed or unhappy, no matter what the reason, let me give you the tools and show you how to use them in order to live a happy and fulfilled life in all that is important to you. Go here to contact me

Aileen Smith Counselling Services Gold CoastA Note to You All,Nothing brings us back to the core of our humanity more th...

Aileen Smith Counselling Services Gold Coast

A Note to You All,

Nothing brings us back to the core of our humanity more than grief. We can feel love for others, we can feel true compassion for those less fortunate, but the phenomenon that hits us right between the eyeballs without any apology is GRIEF.

The loss of someone we love is an experience like no other - it can be very complicated or it can be very simple - unfinished business, or straight out, blunt, grief that isn't going away any time soon.

Every person's grief is different for each loss - a child, a parent a sibling, a beloved pet, an environmental disaster, or war itself.

I heard today that Steve Job 's final message to humanity stated that he had reached the pinnacle of success in business. He could pay someone to do his work for him or drive his car for him, but he couldn't pay someone to bear his illness or suffer his death for him.

Your grief fits you, belongs to you and cannot be borne in the same way by another, no matter how close you are. There is no way out of it, around it, under it or over it. We must go through it to be able to live with it, in order to live our lives again so that we may honour the lives of those we've lost.

I know grief well, as I am sure, so do many of you.

Grief is a cruel, harsh and lonely companion.

If you are suffering terrible grief or grief that has gone on for far too long, let me help you to at least relieve it, so that it is tolerable.

Let me help you find ways to move forward from where you never thought you could and let me help you give yourself permission to come to terms, as far as possible, with the companion of relentless torment, that is GRIEF.

When we know that someone cares how much we're hurting, we may find a way through the grief.

Please let me be that person for you because, I do care.




Talk to Me - I care about your happinessWhen you need a true friend with a powerhouse of knowledge, understanding and un...

Talk to Me - I care about your happiness

When you need a true friend with a powerhouse of knowledge, understanding and unconditional love, Call me. 0405331575


When you need a true friend with a powerhouse of knowledge, understanding and unconditional love, call me. 0405331575

REJECTION is a bitter pill to swallow.When somebody we had a friendship, affection or love for (be it spouse, family mem...

REJECTION is a bitter pill to swallow.
When somebody we had a friendship, affection or love for (be it spouse, family member, lover or acquaintance) hurts us, it may sting for a little while and we get over it, or it may wound us deeply. We may "stew and brew" the pain of the hurt until it consumes us. The result may be a sense of worthlessness and hopelessness, a sense of loss of our identity and our self acceptance. The outcome of such a situation can be devastating. REJECTION is a bitter pill to swallow. If you are still reeling from a rejection that still negatively impacts on your life and happiness, let me help you to find your self worth and your happiness again. Love, happiness, the joy of "being you" and your Destiny await you.
Call me now to help you to find yourself and your happiness again. 0405331575

Don't let your fear block your happiness. A burden shared is a burden halved. Find your courage and tell me your trouble...

Don't let your fear block your happiness. A burden shared is a burden halved. Find your courage and tell me your troubles.
So many lives that should have been wonderful have been stolen by fear. So much of the ability to love has been stolen by fear and so much peace of mind has been sacrificed to fear. It is time to conquer your fears. Let me help you do that.
I am just a voice on the Skype. My only goal is to help you to be happy. Your secrets, your pain and your fears are safe with me. I don't know you, but I am here to help you.
Shed the shackles of your fear and call me. It's time for you to be happy now. 0405331575

Have you got a story to tell?  Tell me.

Have you got a story to tell? Tell me.

Have a peaceful and gentle day today so your beautiful soul can rejuvenate. If you are unhappy, please give me a call to...

Have a peaceful and gentle day today so your beautiful soul can rejuvenate. If you are unhappy, please give me a call to set up a Skype session and let me help you to be happy again. International guests welcome. Call me now on +61405331575


Have a peaceful and gentle day today so your beautiful soul can rejuvenate. If you are unhappy, please give me a call to set up a Skype session and let me help you to be happy again. Call me now to sort things out. 0405331575

Don't feel alone - hop in the balloon with me and talk to me on Skype.  I will help you to be happy again.  Call me on 0...

Don't feel alone - hop in the balloon with me and talk to me on Skype. I will help you to be happy again. Call me on 0405331575 to set up a call.


Everyone needs a trusted friend in this world. Many people can truly say that they have lots of “friends” and acquaintances, but not really someone they can trust to NEVER “betray” their confidence.
My concept of "Talk to Me" reaches out to anyone who would like to have someone to talk to when they’re feeling down, confused or lonely, or just want to tell someone something good or funny that has happened to them.
I offer this opportunity for all it can be.
I offer counselling from the comfort of your own home.
I offer to be a friend, a confidante, someone caring and respectful with whom to share both good times and bad. “Everybody needs somebody sometime.”
Let me be that “somebody to be there for you,” whatever you want to share – your deepest secrets, your grief at the loss of a loved one, your relationship issues, your first day at work, your new puppy, your successes and disappointments, just some friendly conversation or a few laughs with a real and caring person.
If you are interested in this new concept, please call me on 0405 331575 to discuss the concept and how we can set up a “talk” on SKYPE. Sometimes a stranger with a good heart can make a world of positive difference to your day.
Please note there is a small fee for this service.
I will help you in any way I can. You can have a one time call or you can call once a week or however often you want. I will take calls both during normal working hours and at night.
So, call me now for a chat. 0405331575

Happy to think aloud with you about any issue that concerns you right now. I lend a friendly ear and can be your new bes...

Happy to think aloud with you about any issue that concerns you right now. I lend a friendly ear and can be your new best friend. Over 24+ years of experience as a counsellor helps me to do this with love. Let's Skype today .smith







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