Sanjaya Tripathee of Sacred Journeys Nepal, who organised and managed our fabulous Writing Trek and Retreat to Nepal in 2011 has sent the following message about efforts to help people in Nepal after the devastation of the recent quake:
"A lot of friends are asking how to support the Nepal relief efforts. We now have a dedicated account to receive donations which will be used to rebuild three villages and one orphanage that we know and love that are now flattened. We will add additional villages as the funds increase. If you would like to donate to this effort, the bank account is Sacred Journeys Nepal Philanthropic Fund, Westpac Bank, BSB 032828 Account Number 282788. We will be updating progress on the Sacred Journeys Nepal page."
Please check out Sacred Journeys page - they are a very ethical and socially conscious as well as spiritually-centred organisation and Sanjaya has my full support. Please help! Thanks.