GOT TREASURES OF TASMANIA 2025 - Monday 10 February - HOBART
A long day today as we all made our way to Hobart from Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and The Northern Territory to begin our first GOT tour for 2025.
On our arrival we met our coach captain, James who will be with us the whole trip and as the weather was good, we made our way up to Mount Wellington for spectacular views over the city. The 13degC temperature up there was a far cry from what we’ve all been experiencing back in our respective home states.
It was Regatta Day today in Hobart so a public holiday with lots of activity on the waterfront
We checked in to the historic and beautiful Lenna of Hobart before heading out for an exceptional early dinner at The Drunken Admiral followed by a walk back to the hotel via the waterfront. A great start to what will surely be a wonderful adventure here in Tasmania. With one traveller still making her way here, tomorrow I’ll be able to say ‘the gang’s all here’!!!