I have cooked my last Barra and am hanging up my Port on a Plate apron. Thank you to all my guests of the last four years. I combined my passions and came up with this food tour concept and to see you all have such a good time and receive your feedback has been the absolute best!
And ofcourse a very big shout out to our local farmers and producers: Mark and his team at Daintree Saltwater Barramundi Angie and Luigi at Scomazzon Farming the Woodall family at Shannonvale Tropical Fruit Winery Terese Puglisi at Sweet farm tours, Dave at the Daintree Ice Cream Company Tim at Port Douglas Deli & Smokehouse Penny at Kefir Queen and Angie at Eat Shoots and Leaves . You all do amazing things and I am very proud to have showcased your produce. Thank you for your support legends!
I hope everyone continues to be a champion supporter of small local business.
It's been an absolute pleasure,
Pete 🐟