Look what came home with us this week! We are so excited, we are off on our first trip in the new Expanda tomorrow! The was a perfect fit for our fam of 5. It offered 2 seated areas which will be perfect as Hubby will work on our business whilst I put the teacher hat on and teach the kiddies at the other. Two living spaces (if you can call it that) all in a 17foot caravan. We got the combined shower & toilet as easy to clean when you have 2 young boys with not the best of aim! We upped our solar, got the extended drawbar, ext hot shower and storm covers and we are happy! We will be towing it with our Isuzu MUX which we had purchased before making the decision to travel, another reason why we chose the expanda as we only have 3tonne towing capacity. We cannot wait to hit the road at the end of the year full time and see this amazing country of ours!