I Imagine many of you saw the Project last evening . Some of you may have been dismayed, some confused, Sadly when a story is weighted with the green ideology rarely common sense or Honesty prevail.
I took the liberty of writing to the show, I am not a scholar and im sure my letter is very basic but i hope my point is clear.
the feeling is of loss and hopelessness but to be honest im sure our ancestors felt that way in the early days. We cannot loose hope and we must Soldier on. Thankyou to those who have vision and those who everyday step on the limb of wild horse rescue. My letter attached below.
Letter sent to the project today
To the Team at the PROJECT
HELLO to all crew
I write to you today to explore the Plight of the “Brumby” and the discussion you aired last evening. Sadly much of the important facts were omitted, Its great everyone cares for the environment we Brumby lovers also care very much for it also and the Animals who inhabit the area both native and non Native.
It is a sad day when we easily forget the task the horses committed in settlement and development of our great country and also on the battle field! But we well know that’s not enough reason to not manage all elements, HOWEVER Slaughtering wild horses and leaving them where they fall is not management, it is a feast for many other non natives that also require management. I will attach a few graphs for you all to perhaps enlighten you all on the breading cycles of animals in our world and hope you then realise the numbers stated are impossible, the number counts grossly flawed and the obvious lack of foresight for future management.
We have struggled for over 12 years to gain positive management that addresses all elements of concern, only to be ignored in every management plan to date, The funds wasted, the time for all concerned in writing management plans, sitting at round tables and asking for a humane management strategy have been defunct.
As a modern country of high standing throughout the world does it not embarrass you that the only plan we can invent is slaughtering a species that supposedly are doing irreparable damage in the National Park. Conservation grazing around the world yet not Australia, WHY ?? of that’s right horses are not native, yet they have evolved over a century , it is scientific fact that all systems adapt and come together for balance, I would like to see an open dialogue where honesty and debate are equal, the value to many Australians is high and considered an important link to our past, Humane Management is possible, preservation of these areas is possible but a balanced approach is needed. Governments fund the green side of the argument, perhaps showing the damage of Snowy 2 in the same story and let the public see what is accepted in the way forward for the comfort of man. Instead of showcasing a part of our history to cover the reality of just what is destroying our National Park.
Happy to chat with you all, happy for you to visit one of the many sanctuaries who address the issues of Wild horse management in a positive light.
In my younger days reporters and journalist looked for the truth not take what is told to them as the truth unless it was proven.
Please contact me and let’s debate these issues lets talk about the lack of support for positive outcomes, Lets talk about the scape goats such as the wild horses, Lets talk about years of mismanagement, Lets talk about media bending to funding from the parties who have more to gain, Lets ad some honesty to your show for the first time in a long time.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and really do hope you step out of your comfort zone
Lynette Sutton
President/ Public officer