"First, description states transportation to location is in an air conditioned bus- it was an old school bus with the windows removed! I guess it was natural air conditioning. On the way the school bus broke down and they did bring us an air conditioned bus. Second, the description states that bandannas are included. When we got there they were not included and they wanted to charge us $ 30 for 4. I stated several times that the description stated that we received them. He would not look up the site. Finally, I had to pull it up on my phone ( who knows how much that will cost me with international) and show him. He said he did not know what the website stated but finally gave us the bandannas. There was another group of 5 there at the time that had also booked with Shore Excursioneer and were also expecting bandannas. After, showing him the website description on my phone he finally gave us all bandannas. Third, the tour itself was great and we really enjoyed it after the rocky start!!" - Traveler June, 2017
For more information visit: http://www.shoreexcursioneer.com/aruba/polaris-buggy-adventure.html