Caucasian Guide

Caucasian Guide Your trip planner & media fixer in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a territory of 9-out of 11 of the world's climatic zones.

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The rich historical, cultural and natural heritage of the country attracts visitors from all over the world. Untouched nature, mineral springs, the world's only oil field treatment - naphthalene, a unique ancient architecture, unique culture, cuisine, and more contribute to the formation in Azerbaijan of all types of tourism: business, sport, medical, cognitive, hunting, exotic, beach and even gastronomic. Climate of our country enables to organize summer and winter holidays. Very common are ecological tours to Azerbaijan, which include visits to nature reservations, trekking and climbing routes. Midday sandy beaches offer opportunities for diving, and swimming season starts in Azerbaijan in May. Tourism sector in Azerbaijan is developing day by day, becoming one of the most important sectors of the economy...

Since the old times Azerbaijan is known as the Land of Fire. And this is not by chance - Absheron peninsula is rich with oil and gas. Burning gas outlets at the surface were considered a divine secret and attracted here people from all corners of the World: fire worshipers gathered in Baku in ancient times and built their temples on sacred flames. One of those temples is an ancient Zoroastrian temple of flame – Ateshgah. It is located 30 km from the centre of the capital in Surakhany settlement. The temple ages back to the 17-18th centuries and was built by Indian fire-worshipers’ community in Baku. Travelers who visited Absheron often described mysterious flames in their travel diaries. Alexandre Dumas, the famous writer who visited Baku in 1858, left interesting notes about Baku flames as well. Burning flame outlets at the surface famed a small Mehemmedi settlement on Absheron peninsula near Baku, where Yanardag (literary “burning mountain”) is located. The hill side has been covered with flame for many years. Many tourists from all over the World visit this place to see the natural miracle. The Yanardag has been protected by the government since 2007 and its territory has been announced the State historical-cultural and natural Reserve. Gobustan – the rarest monument of the world culture, one of the first centres of human civilization. This archaeological reserve is a flatland located in 60 km to the south of Baku, part of which is a cultural view of drawings on rocks at the area of 537 hectares. Unique proves about the habitants of the region of stone age and of the later ages are collected in Gobustan mountains – drawings on rocks, human settlement points, tombstones and others. There are located remains of the great prehistoric cromlech (a circular composition of vertical stones, Azerbaijani analogue of Stonehenge). There are approximately 6000 drawings in Gobustan – petroglyphes describing people and animals. It is interesting that the XIIth legion of Domician, the Roman emperor, visited the territory of Gobustan in the 1st century A.D. which is proved by Latin inscription on a stone. Another monument of the world UNESCO heritage is Icheri Sheher (Old City), known as a “fortress” – is a unique historical and architectural conservation area in the centre of Baku. That is one of the ancient and densely populated places of the country and even of the Middle East. Over 1300 families live in the area of 211 square km covered by the conservation area. Archaeological excavations revealed burial vaults of the Bronze Age. When Greeks and Romans wrote about Baku they mentioned about Icheri Sheher. The well-known historical monuments locate here – the Maiden Tower (the 12th century) and the Shirvanshah palace (the 13th-16th century). Besides them a lot of other unique monuments have been preserved behind the massive walls of Icheri Sheher: mosques, minarets, the remnants of caravanserais, bathes. By the way, the characters of the famous Soviet movie ‘Diamond hand’, played by Mironov and Nikulin, strayed in the back streets of Icheri Sheher. The scenes of the ‘Amfibia man’ movie were captured here as well. There are a lot of souvenirs shops for tourists in Icheri Sheher today. Here you can purchase national clothes, kerchiefs and caps, dishes and even handmade carpets.

Baku Ferris Wheel, also known as the Baku Eye and Devil's Wheel is a ferris wheel on Baku Boulevard in the Seaside Natio...

Baku Ferris Wheel, also known as the Baku Eye and Devil's Wheel is a ferris wheel on Baku Boulevard in the Seaside National Park of Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. The wheel was built by the Dutch company Dutch Wheels. It was opened 10 March 2014 by Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, and opened to the public two days later.

The wheel is 60 metres (200 ft) tall and has 30 enclosed cabins, each holding eight people, except for two VIP cabinets for four people. It makes a complete turn in 7 to 10 minutes. The cabins of the Ferris Wheel are equipped with air conditioners. Small monitors have been set up so that passengers can spend their time entertaining. The doors of the attraction are opened and closed in a centralized manner in order to ensure safety. At the same time, with this purpose all the cabinets are covered with transparent glass constructions. There are special ladders for each cabinet, which is designed to facilitate the evacuation of passengers in the case of any malfunction in the attraction. Users of "Satan's Ride" have the opportunity to gaze the Baku Bay, the Flag Square, the Crystal Hall and the whole city.

Гостеприимство.Азербайджан известен во всем мире теплым гостеприимством своего народа.  Будучи компактным, солнечным и м...


Азербайджан известен во всем мире теплым гостеприимством своего народа. Будучи компактным, солнечным и морским городом, Баку - столица Азербайджана имеет очень уютную и гостеприимную атмосферу и отображает все особенности средиземноморского города: это динамичный, яркий и открытый город, который приглашает своих гостей повеселиться. незабываемый и расслабляющий отдых.
Есть поговорка «Гость - цветок дома». Безусловно, гость в Азербайджане священен, и эта традиция уважения передавалась веками и до сих пор воспринимается очень серьезно. Наши традиции гостеприимства естественным образом сочетаются с высокими стандартами обслуживания в конференц-залах, жилых помещениях и на улицах старых кварталов города, где посетителей ждут теплая улыбка и незабываемый прием.

Миниатюра: на которой Хосров и Ширин слушают сказки, рассказанные девушками, «Хамса» (Бухара, 1648 г.)

#туризм #путешествие #отдых #путешествия #отпуск #тур #природа #россия #турист #море #горы #туристы #горящиетуры #поездка #поход #туры #вокругсвета #баку

HospitalityAzerbaijan is world-famous for the warm hospitality of its people. Being a compact, sunny and maritime city, ...


Azerbaijan is world-famous for the warm hospitality of its people. Being a compact, sunny and maritime city, Baku – the capital of Azerbaijan has a very cozy and welcoming atmosphere and displays all the peculiarities of a Mediterranean city: it is a dynamic, vivid and open-minded city which invites its guests for to enjoy an unforgettable and relaxing stay.
There is saying ‘A guest is a flower of the house’. Certainly, the guest is sacred in Azerbaijan and this tradition of respect has been passed down for centuries and is still taken very seriously. Our traditions of hospitality mingle naturally with the high standards of service at the convention venues, the accommodation facilities and in the streets of the old quarters of the city where visitors are assured of a heartwarming smile and a memorable welcome.

Miniature: from Nizami´s ´Khamsa´ (1538)

أذربيجان  هذه هي أرض النار ، حيث تمتزج الألوان الشرقية بشكل رائع مع التقدم الغربي.  أذربيجان دولة ذات طبيعة فريدة وثقافة...


هذه هي أرض النار ، حيث تمتزج الألوان الشرقية بشكل رائع مع التقدم الغربي. أذربيجان دولة ذات طبيعة فريدة وثقافة لا مثيل لها ، ولها قرون من التاريخ بعاداتها وتقاليدها ومأكولاتها الفاخرة. مكان يرضي توقعات النزيل الأكثر تطوراً ، وأخيراً ، هو بلد الضيافة والود في القوقاز. تاريخيا جزء من طريق الحرير العظيم وتقع على مفترق طرق المصالح الجيوسياسية والاقتصادية والثقافية للعديد من الدول والحضارات ، أثارت أذربيجان منذ العصور القديمة اهتمامات العقول العظيمة والعلماء والمسافرين والمؤرخين. تقع أذربيجان داخل جبال القوقاز ، وهي ليست دولة كبيرة ، ولكنها تتمتع بطموح كبير وثقافة متنوعة وبنية تحتية عالمية المستوى وأماكن مبهرة. الأمة معاصرة ، يتقاطع معها التاريخ: مزيج من التراث الثقافي ، والروح الترحيبية ، وحياة المدينة الحديثة من المؤكد أن تترك انطباعًا دائمًا.

#اجازة #إجازة #رحلة #طلعة #سفرة #دبي #امريكا #ماليزيا #تصويري #الصيف #سفر #سياحة #سياحي #الربيع #الصيف #سفرة #سفره #رحله #سياحه #متحف #حديقة #مجمع #مول #فلة #لندن


АзербайджанЭто Страна Огня, где восточные краски великолепно сочетаются с западным прогрессом.  Азербайджан - страна уни...


Это Страна Огня, где восточные краски великолепно сочетаются с западным прогрессом. Азербайджан - страна уникальной природы, непревзойденной культуры, многовековой истории со своими обычаями и традициями, изысканной кухней; место, которое удовлетворит ожидания самого взыскательного гостя, и наконец, это страна кавказского гостеприимства и дружелюбия. Исторически являющийся частью Великого шелкового пути и расположенный на перекрестке геополитических, экономических и культурных интересов многих народов и цивилизаций, Азербайджан с древних времен вызывал интерес великих умов, ученых, путешественников и историков. Расположенный в горах Кавказа, Азербайджан - не большая страна, но страна больших амбиций, разнообразной культуры, инфраструктуры мирового класса и великолепных мест. Страна современна, переплетенная историей: сочетание культурного наследия, гостеприимного духа и современной городской жизни обязательно оставит неизгладимое впечатление.

#путешествия #туризм #отдых #путешествие #россия #отпуск #природа #москва #море #горы #горящиетуры #красота #тур #туры #лето

AzerbaijanThis is the Land of Fire, where eastern colors combine magnificently with western progress. Azerbaijan is a co...


This is the Land of Fire, where eastern colors combine magnificently with western progress. Azerbaijan is a country of unique nature, unmatched culture, centuries of history with its customs and traditions and fine cuisine; a place which will satisfy the expectations of the most sophisticated guest, and finally, it is the country of Caucasian hospitality and friendliness. Historically a part of the Great Silk Road and situated at the crossroads of the geopolitical, economic and cultural interests of many nations and civilizations, Azerbaijan has, since ancient times, aroused the interests of great minds, scientists, travellers and historians. Nestled within the Caucasus mountains, Azerbaijan is not a large country, but is one of great ambition, diverse culture, world-class infrastructure and dazzling venues. The nation is contemporary, criss-crossed by history: the combination of cultural heritage, welcoming spirit, and modern city life will be sure to leave a lasting impression.

Perfectly connected to the world with up to more than 70 direct flights to various destinations and with over 20 airline...

Perfectly connected to the world with up to more than 70 direct flights to various destinations and with over 20 airlines operating to the country, Baku enjoys all the mystique of an ancient Silk Road entrepot but it’s also a well-organized modern-day transport hub that dominates the eastern Caucasus region. Azerbaijan’s great emphasis on developing an excellent domestic and international transport infrastructure is most visible at Heydar Aliyev International Airport. The main air-gateway for Azerbaijan’s capital, it is an aesthetic delight of great architectural ingenuity and has been recognized as the best airport in the CIS for both facilities and service. New multi-lane highways mean that driving into the city is easily done in barely 25 minutes. Air links are especially numerous to European, Turkish, CIS and Middle-Eastern destinations, but direct flights go as far as New York and Beijing.

Azerbaijan is world-famous for the warm hospitality of its people. Being a compact, sunny and maritime city, Baku – the ...

Azerbaijan is world-famous for the warm hospitality of its people. Being a compact, sunny and maritime city, Baku – the capital of Azerbaijan has a very cozy and welcoming atmosphere and displays all the peculiarities of a Mediterranean city: it is a dynamic, vivid and open-minded city which invites its guests for to enjoy an unforgettable and relaxing stay.

There is saying ‘A guest is a flower of the house’. Certainly, the guest is sacred in Azerbaijan and this tradition of respect has been passed down for centuries and is still taken very seriously. Our traditions of hospitality mingle naturally with the high standards of service at the convention venues, the accommodation facilities and in the streets of the old quarters of the city where visitors are assured of a heartwarming smile and a memorable welcome.


Did you know?
Azerbaijan is often coined as The Land of Fire, and it isn’t hard to see why. Many of the oldest hearths on earth are found in Azerbaijan. They’ve been leftover from the nation’s Zoroastrian days when they worshipped fire thousands of years ago. In fact, the name Azerbaijan literally means ‘protector of fire.’ If you plan to visit Baku, be sure to take note of the famous ‘flame towers.’

Welcome to AzerbaijanThis is the Land of Fire, where eastern colors combine magnificently with western progress. Azerbai...

Welcome to Azerbaijan

This is the Land of Fire, where eastern colors combine magnificently with western progress. Azerbaijan is a country of unique nature, unmatched culture, centuries of history with its customs and traditions and fine cuisine; a place which will satisfy the expectations of the most sophisticated guest, and finally, it is the country of Caucasian hospitality and friendliness. Historically a part of the Great Silk Road and situated at the crossroads of the geopolitical, economic and cultural interests of many nations and civilizations, Azerbaijan has, since ancient times, aroused the interests of great minds, scientists, travellers and historians. Nestled within the Caucasus mountains, Azerbaijan is not a large country, but is one of great ambition, diverse culture, world-class infrastructure and dazzling venues. The nation is contemporary, criss-crossed by history: the combination of cultural heritage, welcoming spirit, and modern city life will be sure to leave a lasting impression.

Khachin-Darbatli Mausoleum is a tomb-mausoleum of Katava Hoja the son of Musa (or Kutlu ibn Musa), located close to the ...

Khachin-Darbatli Mausoleum is a tomb-mausoleum of Katava Hoja the son of Musa (or Kutlu ibn Musa), located close to the Xaçındərbətli village of the Agdam District of Azerbaijan and was built by ustad Shahbenzer, in 1314. The mausoleum is located 23 km to the northern part of Agdam and is considered a notable monument of memorial architecture of medieval Azerbaijan.
The mausoleum, as well as the Agdam district, where the mausoleum is located, was under the occupation of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic since the First Nagorno-Karabakh war until 2020, when the district was returned to Azerbaijan per the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire agreement.

Architecture and decoration of the mausoleum expand notions about the interconnection of arts of “Muslim” and “Christian” oblasts of the Near East, South Caucasus and Anatolia. It has a dodecahedral body finished with a pyramidal marquee and stands on a not small three-laddered basement.

The internal area of the mausoleum consists of a cross-shaped burial vault and an upper cell. Stalactitical branches of the cross adjoin a multitier stalactitical arch of the cell. A mihrab, which surrounds a chain of small, ornamented rosettes, is located in a shell-like multifoil conch in the southern end arch of the mausoleum.

The strictness of the arch’s interior is underlined by filigree ligature of the ornament of the biggest rosette located opposite the entry. An Arabic ligature on the aperture of the upper cell indicates a name of a buried man, construction date – the year 1314 – and a name of the architect – Shahbenzer. The mihrab and content of the ligature confirm that a “customer” was Muslim.

Chirag Gala, also spelled Çiraq Qala or Çirax Qala, which means lamp castle in Azerbaijani is a ruined ancient fortress ...

Chirag Gala, also spelled Çiraq Qala or Çirax Qala, which means lamp castle in Azerbaijani is a ruined ancient fortress overlooking the Caspian coastal plains north of Baku in Azerbaijan. It is located on the top of a mountain, in the Guba Forest. It was constructed by the Sassanid Persians in the 5th century, it was used as a defense for the khanate of Quba in the 18th century.

Today the Chirag Gala is a historic site and is frequently visited by tourists. Because of the large rocks and rough road, the Chirag Gala is almost impossible to reach with any vehicle. Most tourists and people travel by foot to the top of the mountain.

Chirag gala was built in 4-5th century AD and its function is stated as a lookout post. The location allows to easily warn if sudden enemy invasion occurs by lighting the torches. That's why it's called "Chirag Gala" which means "lamp fortress". Chirag gala was part of the Gilgichay defensive system, which also included Baku and Derbent fortresses. Chirag gala has stopped its defensive functions in the 18th century. In the middle of the 20th century, the fortress was partially renovated.

One of the main advantages of Chirag gala is the terrain. Fortress has a form of an irregular rectangle. In the north east of fortress deep cliffs adjoin the main complex.

The fortress consists of 17 towers, 1 big and 16 small towers. The towers allow the observation of the surroundings for a few tens kilometers.

Mount Beshbarmag is the third barrier that closes the Caspian coast crossing. These are the southernmost in the defensiv...

Mount Beshbarmag is the third barrier that closes the Caspian coast crossing. These are the southernmost in the defensive system, two parallel clay ramparts, stretching from the foot of Mount Beshbarmak to the sea (1.75 km long) at a distance of 220 m from each other. Beshbarmag fortifications as part of the defensive structures on the Caspian coast were proposed as candidates for adding to the UNESCO World Heritage List in Azerbaijan. The title of strengthening comes from the title of the Mountain of the same name and translated from the Azerbaijani word "Beshbarmag" means both "five fingers", since the outlines of the mountain resemble five fingers.

South of Gilgilchay, it stretched from the steep slopes of Mount Beshbarmag, separated from the Caucasus Range, to the coastal sands. Thus, Mount Beshbarmag from the west was completely cut off from the east by a long wall covered with a clay wall. Beshbarmag, Gilgilchay dam and Derbent - these three dams, built in the early Middle Ages on the north-eastern border of Azerbaijan, reflect the high level of development of fortification construction, as well as the political and military situation. According to the hypothesis, they were built in the III-VII centuries (first Beshbarmag, then Gilgilchay, and finally Derbent defensive wall). According to the construction technique, Beshbarmag and Gilgilchay dams are more numerous and older than Derbent dam.

Sabayil Castle is a submerged medieval fortress on the coast of the Caspian Sea near Baku, Azerbaijan.The castle is name...

Sabayil Castle is a submerged medieval fortress on the coast of the Caspian Sea near Baku, Azerbaijan.

The castle is named after the surrounding area of Bayil. The structure is also known as the "Atlantis of the Caspian Sea". Research scientists have referred to it as Sabayil castle, Bayil castle or Bandargala, and have described it as an underground town, caravanserai, cloister, monastery, custom house or defence castle.

The castle was built on one of the Bayil hills near the Caspian Sea coast in 1232–33, during the life of Fariburz, son of Shirvanshah Garsasb, by architect Abdul-Majid Masud oglu. At the same time, in 1232, this architect also built the round castle in Mardakan, which was part of Abseron’s integrated defence system, defending the city and Bayil Castle from the north. Some archaeologists suggested the castle belonged to the Shirvanshahs.

During a major earthquake in the capital city of Baku in 1306, the building collapsed and the island submerged and remained under water for several centuries. It was not until the early 18th century, when the Caspian Sea receded, that the structure resurfaced. At this time, stones recovered from the site with inscriptions on them provided valuable information for historians.

According to Azerbaijani historian Sara Ashurbeyli, Sabayil is the castle mentioned by Abdurrashid Al-Bakuvi, a 15th-century geographer who alleged that the structure was destroyed during the 13th-century Mongol invasion.

Al-Bakuvi, a native of Baku, wrote in 1430 in his "Kitab-talkhis el-asar ve el-melik el-gahhar": "Baku has two castles; very strong, built of stone. One of them is very large and on the shore Maiden's Tower. This is the castle that the Mongols could not conquer. The other is further offshore. Its upper parts have been destroyed."

Nardaran Fortress was built in 1301 by architect Mahmud ibn Sa'ad in the northern part of Absheron Peninsula.Nardaran Fo...

Nardaran Fortress was built in 1301 by architect Mahmud ibn Sa'ad in the northern part of Absheron Peninsula.Nardaran Fortress is located 25 km north of Baku in the village of Nardaran near the town of Mashtaga.Shirvanshahs used the fortress for both observation and defense.Nardaran Mosque or Rahimakhanim sanctuary which was built in 1663 is located about 200 m from the fortress.
The fortress is divided into three parts.The first part of the fortress is higher than the other parts.The thickness of the walls is ranging from 1,5 to 1,8 meters.A deep well is located on the first floor of the tower.In some sources it is noted that,the fortress was supplied with underground sewerage system.
Above the entrance to the central tower,at the height of the second floor there are two inscriptions, carved out of stone.On the last inscription the name of the master who also built the old mosque and minaret in the village of Shikhov in the XIV century and a mosque in Baku called the Molla-Ahmed Mosque and the date of 1300 is shown.
The height of the tower consists of three tiers,covered with flat stone dome vaults and connected by stone stairs.The fortress was made of white stones.The height of the tower is 12 meters high and the height of the walls that it's surrounded by is different.The fortress is located in the center of a square courtyard.There are also 4 corner towers with a barrier and loopholes.

Ramana Tower is a tower in Ramana village of Baku and dated back to the 12th century.Height of the tower is 15 metres.Ex...

Ramana Tower is a tower in Ramana village of Baku and dated back to the 12th century.Height of the tower is 15 metres.Exact construction date of the tower, which is built of white stone, is not known.It's considered that the tower was built for the purpose of defense and used as a castle during the Shirvanshahs’ reign.
There're two stairs for walking up to the tower walls. It's possible to walk up by spiral stairs from inner side of the tower to a corridor, which was built about 3 metres outside of the tower. The other stone stair walks up to the upper side of the tower from the garden. By means of these stairs it's possible to walk up to the tower walls and look at the village.
Unlike Mardakan Castle, the natural location of Ramana Castle is different; it's on the rocks. The strong tower walls supposedly are a natural continuation of rocky slopes. There is an arch in the eastern wall of the tower.
There is a strong rectangular donjon on the walls of the castle like a donjon of the Mardakan Castle. Entrances standing opposite to each other have a favourable condition of serving for defense. But unlike other towers of Absheron Rayon the entrance with spiral stairs of this castle isn't at a height, it's at the level of ground. There're windows for shooting in all walls of the layers.
Ramana Tower is similar with other towers of Absheron for its plan and architecture. But it differs from them for its more picturesque composition of the architecture. It's because of the relief the tower located on. The tower hasn't any decorative design and according to style its history is dated back to the 14th century.
Ramana Tower was used as a film location for “Koroghlu”, “Nesimi” and “Babek” films. And the tower was reconstructed during the shooting period of one of “Koroghlu” film, in 1956. Historians mentioned that there was an underground way between Ramana and Maiden Towers.
A great piece of stone at the left side of the tower reminds about a good event, even if unnoticed at first glance. Eminent Bulbul sang his aria namely near this stone. Residents of the village tell everyone who visits the local historical places and monuments about this stone.

Round Tower is a castle located in Mardakan, Baku, Azerbaijan. The castle is also called Shikh fortress by local residen...

Round Tower is a castle located in Mardakan, Baku, Azerbaijan. The castle is also called Shikh fortress by local residents.

At the top of the gate of tower there are three inscriptions written in Arabic on a large rectangular stone layer. According to the first inscription on the castle, it was built during reign of Fariburz III. The second inscription shows that, the owner of the Round Mardakan fortress was Ihsac bin Kakuli and it was built in 1232. The third inscription indicates that it was built by architect Abd al-Majid Masood oghlu.

The height of the Round Mardakan Tower is 16 meters. It is built of limestone and lime solution. The fortress surrounding the tower consists of a square-shaped yard (25x25 m), surrounded by stone walls, seven meters high on each side. At corners of the fortress wall, there are towers, railing and watchtowers. The tower is round in the plan and it gets narrow upward.

The height of the tower is divided into three parts. These portions are covered with domes and connected to each-other with an installed stair. To enlight the second and third floors there are special windows, enlarging from outside to inside, in the form of a narrow strip.

Quadrangular castle is a historic castle located in Mardakan, Baku. It is one of the most noticeable castles in Mardakan...

Quadrangular castle is a historic castle located in Mardakan, Baku. It is one of the most noticeable castles in Mardakan, a similar one being Round Tower.

The castle was built in the middle of the 12th century by Akhsitan I, son of the Manuchihr III. It was erected after the victory of Akhsitan I. The castle was used as a shelter and observation point of feudals.

The castle was built in a quadrangular form. It is divided into 5 tiers. The castle consists of 6 rooms. The inner courtyard of the castle is 28x25 m. The height of the tower is 22 meters. The thickness of it is 2.10 meters at lower part and 1.60 meters at upper portion. There are 76 stairs in the castle.

108 empty wells in the yard were used to store food. There is also a water well of 25 meters when entering the entrance of the castle.

Keygubad Mosque is a historical mosque of the 14th century located on Gala turn in the Old City of Baku in Azerbaijan. T...

Keygubad Mosque is a historical mosque of the 14th century located on Gala turn in the Old City of Baku in Azerbaijan. The mosque is on the south side of the mausoleum of Seyid Yahya Bakuvi.

Shirvanshah Keyqubad I was in power in 1317-48. According to prominent researcher, S. Ashurbeyli, Keyqubad was grandfather of Sheikh Ibrahim.

During 1918 events the mosque was burnt by Armenian troops.

In the southern part of the lower courtyard of the Shirvanshahs Palace, only the remains of the foundation and a few arches of Keygubad mosque are left.

The mosque consists of a rectangle worshipping hall and a corridor in front of it. Originally on the center of the hall, there used to be 4 columns to hold the dome. A portal was adjacent to the hall along with vestibule. On the southern wall of the hall there used to be a mihrab.

Together with the mausoleum and the Keygubad Mosque, the middle courtyard occupies a neutral position in the Shirvanshahs' palace complex due to its location.

Palace Bath in Shirvanshah Palace Complex The palace bath was found in 1939 on the lowermost terrace of the complex. The...

Palace Bath in Shirvanshah Palace Complex

The palace bath was found in 1939 on the lowermost terrace of the complex. The archeologists dug out a big 26-room underground bath. One group of rooms was intended for un******ng, the other for bathing. The underground bath was very convenient: there were no drafts and it was warm in there.

So how did they work, those medieval baths? It was as follows: the water from a reservoir went to a boiler-house and further was distributed via ceramic pipes. The water reservoir was fed from underground springs.

Separate reservoirs with cold and hot water adjoined the bathing rooms. Under the hot water reservoir a special fire-chamber was built. Heating went through steam ducts under the floor of the bathing rooms.
Small orbicular pools and niches for footwear were found in the bathing rooms. The walls of the bath were richly decorated with ornamental majolica.

Long time ago the bath was not only a place of ablution but also for traditional communication, bargaining, meeting friends. There are more medieval baths in the old sector of the city. Some of them are still working.


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