
Afantour Interesting, personalized and detailed daily tour packages in Bosnia and Herzegovina

🇬🇧 Those, who liste us carefully, usually hear a lot of interesting information, especially fun facts. Here, we are talk...

🇬🇧 Those, who liste us carefully, usually hear a lot of interesting information, especially fun facts. Here, we are talking about Mount Kalin on its peak Orlovina, during a pleasant hiking tour on its slopes. We have it on offer, it is 8 kilometers long and ideal for those who have initial fitness and experience in mountaineering. From the top you can see almost the whole of Central Bosnia, so embark on this unique adventure with us.

🇧🇦 Oni, koji nas pažljivo slušaju, obično čuju mnogo zanimljivih informacija, a naročito fun fact. Ovdje govorimo o planini Kalin na njenom vrhu Orlovina, tokom ugodne planinarske ture njenim padinama. Imamo je u ponudi, duga je 8 kilometara i idealna za one koji imaju početnu kondiciju i iskustvo u planinarstvu. Sa vrha se vidi skoro cijela srednja Bosna, pa se upustite u ovu jedinstvenu avanturu sa nama.



🇬🇧 Would you like to visit this unusual monument of the sculptor Bogdan Bogdanović and explore where it is and what it r...

🇬🇧 Would you like to visit this unusual monument of the sculptor Bogdan Bogdanović and explore where it is and what it represents? It is included in the itinerary of several tours in our offer, such as "Memorials of Central Bosnia" and "Hiking on Kalin". It's worth it.

🇧🇦 Želite li obići ovaj neobičan spomenik kipara Bogdana Bogdanovića i istražiti gdje se nalazi i šta predstavlja? Nalazi se u itinereru nekoliko tura u našoj ponudi poput "Spomenici Srednje Bosne" i "Planinarenje na Kalin". Vrijedi.




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🇧🇦 Proteklog vikenda, sa udruženjem Azimuth 135 iz Zenice, imao sa čast voditi planinarsku turu od 280 učesnika na Bobov...

🇧🇦 Proteklog vikenda, sa udruženjem Azimuth 135 iz Zenice, imao sa čast voditi planinarsku turu od 280 učesnika na Bobovac i Kraljevu Sutjesku. Događaj je to koji udruženje organizuje već treću godinu zaredom, a povodom obilježavanja godišnjice krunisanja Tvrtka I za prvog kralja Bosne. Učesnike iz Zenice, Sarajeva, Visokog, Zavidovića, Travnika, Sanskog Mosta i Kaknja proveo sam ovom autentičnom stazom, te im pokazao lokalitete duž cijele rute. U realizaciji ture pomogao je i kakanjski klub spasilaca GSS, te Dinana i Irma. Pratite udruženje, pa im se priključite u aktivnostima. Ova tura je u ponudi Afantoura kao "DNK Bosne", pa je razmotrite za odabir.

🇬🇧 Last weekend, with the NGO Azimuth 135 Zenica, I had the honor of leading a mountaineering tour with 280 participants to Bobovac and Kraljeva Sutjeska. This is the event that the association is organizing for the third year in a row, on the occasion of marking the anniversary of the coronation of Tvrtko I as the first king of Bosnia. I took the participants from Zenica, Sarajevo, Visoko, Zavidovići, Travnik, Sanski Most and Kakanj along this authentic trail and showed them the localities along the entire route. The Kakanj rescuers' club GSS, as well as Dinana and Irma helped in the realization of the tour. Follow the .135 and join their activities. This tour is offered by Afantour as "DNA of Bosnia", so consider it for selection.


🇧🇦 Omiljene planinarske ture su one koje imaju djelić historije, parče kulinarstva i komadić geografije. Zato je Markov ...

🇧🇦 Omiljene planinarske ture su one koje imaju djelić historije, parče kulinarstva i komadić geografije. Zato je Markov kamen uvijek draga destinacija.

🇬🇧 Favorite hiking tours are those that have a bit of history, a bit of cuisine and a bit of geography. That's why Markov kamen is always a favorite destination.


Danas je Svjetski dan turizma, kojeg vam od srca čestitamo, sa dva zadatka:1. Da li biste znali popuniti slijepu kartu B...

Danas je Svjetski dan turizma, kojeg vam od srca čestitamo, sa dva zadatka:

1. Da li biste znali popuniti slijepu kartu Bosne i Hercegovine
a) glavnih riječnih slivova i hidroakumulacija i/ili
b) planina i polja i/ili
c) regionalnih centara

2. Da li biste mogli preporučiti tri turističke tačke na teritoriji Vašeg mjesta?

🇧🇦 Biciklističke ture jedan su od najboljih načina kako obići grad. Zahvaljujući NVO Naša djeca iz Zenice, jučer smo vod...

🇧🇦 Biciklističke ture jedan su od najboljih načina kako obići grad. Zahvaljujući NVO Naša djeca iz Zenice, jučer smo vodili grupu od čak 54 osobe na biciklima različitih dobnih grupa, a u sklopu obilježavanja Dana bez automobila. Grupa je u dvosatnoj turi obišla skoro cijeli grad u dužini od 7,5 km i čula od nas mnogo zanimljivih činjenica o Zenici. Projekat je izveden u partnerstvu sa Gradskom upravom Zenica. Zahvaljujemo se na povjerenju i čestitamo na inovativnoj aktivnosti našim prijateljima iz NVO Naša djeca.

🇬🇧 Bike tours are one of the best ways to get around the city. Thanks to the NGO Naša djeca from Zenica, yesterday we led a group of as many as 54 people on bicycles of different age groups, as part of the Car Free Day. In a two-hour tour, the group visited almost the entire city in a length of 7.5 km and heard many interesting facts about Zenica from us. The project was carried out in partnership with the City of Zenica. We thank you for your trust and congratulate our friends from NGO Naša djeca on their innovative activity.


🇬🇧 Visiting Eastern Bosnia and the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial in Potočari was our destination to visit. On Zehra's rec...

🇬🇧 Visiting Eastern Bosnia and the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial in Potočari was our destination to visit. On Zehra's recommendation, I took Esma from Canada, explained the process of committing genocide, showed her the judicially determined locations and shared my experiences with March Nezuk-Potočari. Courtesy of the staff, we visited the Memorial Center in Potočari with the cemetery and Battery factory. As part of the trip, we also visited Musa Pasha's mosque in Nova Kasaba.

🇧🇦 Posjeta Istočnoj Bosni i Memorijalnom centru genocida u Srebrenici u Potočarima bila je naša destinacija za posjetu. Preporukom Zehre, odveo sam Esmu iz Kanade, objasnio proces počinjenja genocida, pokazao joj sudski utvrđene lokacije i prenio svoja iskustva sa Marša Nezuk-Potočari. Ljubaznošću osoblja, obišli smo Memorijalni centar u Potočarima sa mezarjem i Fabrikom akumulatora. U okviru putovanja, posjetili smo i Musa-pašinu džamiju u Novoj Kasabi.


Thank you

Thank you

🇧🇦 Porodične posjete Zenici su nam najdraže, a posebno ako su potaknute našim sugrađanima. Naš prijatelj Fahir, u posve ...

🇧🇦 Porodične posjete Zenici su nam najdraže, a posebno ako su potaknute našim sugrađanima. Naš prijatelj Fahir, u posve slučajnom susretu sa porodicom Szóstak iz Poznanja u Poljskoj, pozvao ih je u Zenicu, pa smo se jučer ugodno družili u gradu, realizujući gradsku turu.

Pokazali smo im gradsko jezgro i glavne atrakcije, a posebno je dječak bio oduševljen informacijom da je legendarni golman Jasmin Burić Libe, donedavni igrač L**ha iz Poznanja, svoju bogatu karijeru počeo u matičnom NK Čelik iz Zenice.

Dotakli smo se i kraljice Jadvige i Tadeuša Mazovjeckog, dvije bitne ličnosti između Bosne i Hercegovine i Poljske.

Dođite nam opet!

🇬🇧 Family visits to Zenica are our favorite, especially if they are encouraged by our fellow citizens. Our friend Fahir, in a completely accidental meeting with the Szóstak family from Poznań in Poland, invited them to Zenica, so yesterday we had a pleasant time in the city, making a city tour.

We showed them the city center and the main attractions, and the boy was especially delighted with the information that the legendary goalkeeper Jasmin Burić Libe, until recently a player for L**h Poznań, started his rich career in his home club NK Čelik from Zenica.

We also mentioned Queen Jadwiga and Tadeusz Mazowiecki, two important figures between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Poland.

Visit us again!

🇵🇱 Odwiedź nas ponownie!



🇧🇦 Sve je počelo sa objavom prof. dr Edhema Čustovića o dolasku grupe njegovih studenata sa Univerziteta La Trobe iz Aus...

🇧🇦 Sve je počelo sa objavom prof. dr Edhema Čustovića o dolasku grupe njegovih studenata sa Univerziteta La Trobe iz Australije i Univerziteta The Cooper Union iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Javili smo se profesoru i - evo nas.

Danas smo vodili 6 studenata iz Kraljeve Sutjeske na Bobovac, našom planinarsko-turističkom turom "DNK Bosne". Planinarenjem od 9 kilometara, prošli smo kanjonom rijeke Bukovice, obišavši lokalitete Ljestvača, Crkvica i Šehitluci, a potom smo obišli cijelu Bobovačku kosu, od Južne do Sjeverne kapije grada. Našim gostima smo pokazali Donju i Gornju palatu, prijestolnu dvoranu, glavnu kapiju i druge bitne tačke srednjovjekovne prijestolnice Kraljevine Bosne.

Seosko domaćinstvo "Ibrišimović" u Mijakovićima dočekalo nas na sebi svojstven način, a specijaliteti bosanske kuhinje bili su nezaobilazni na meniju.

U Kraljevoj Sutjesci smo obišli okolinu Franjevačkog samostana, dvor Grgurevo, a kruna cijelog dana bila je posjeta dvorištu džamije sultana Mehmeda II Osvajača.

🇬🇧 Everything started with the announcement of professor Dr. Edhem Čustović on the arrival of a group of students from La Trobe University from Australia and The Cooper Union University from the United States of America to Bosnia and Herzegovina. We contacted the professor and - here we are.

Today we took 6 students from Kraljeva Sutjeska to Bobovac, on our hiking and tourist tour "DNA of Bosnia". On a 9 km hike, we went through the canyon of the Bukovica river, visiting the localities of Ljestvača, Crkvica and Šehitluci, and then we visited the Bobovac, from the South to the North gate of the city. We showed our guests the Lower and Upper Palaces, the throne room, the main gate and other important points of the medieval capital of the Kingdom of Bosnia.

Household "Ibrišimović" in Mijakovići welcomed us in their own way, and the specialties of Bosnian cuisine were indispensable on the menu.

In Kraljeva Sutjeska, we visited the surroundings of the Franciscan monastery, Grgurevo court, and the crown of the whole day was a visit to the courtyard of the mosque of Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror.

Thank you! 🇦🇺🇧🇦

🇧🇦 Danas smo imali uzbudljivu turističku turu kroz grad Zenicu! Učenici osnovne škole "Novi Grad" iz Tuzle su bili sjajn...

🇧🇦 Danas smo imali uzbudljivu turističku turu kroz grad Zenicu! Učenici osnovne škole "Novi Grad" iz Tuzle su bili sjajni putnici, a zajedno smo istražili najinteresantnije turističke tačke u gradu. Posjetili smo Muzej grada Zenice i čuveni stadion "Bilino polje".

Želimo iskoristiti priliku da se zahvalimo upravama Muzeja grada Zenice i stadiona "Bilino polje" na njihovom srdačnom gostoprimstvu. Hvala i turističkoj agenciji "Trans Turist" Tuzla na povjerenom angažmanu koji nam je omogućio da organizujemo ovu sjajnu turu.

Posebno zahvaljujemo učenicima i nastavnicima na njihovoj aktivnoj saradnji i disciplini tokom cijele ture. Bili ste odlični putnici i radujemo se budućim avanturama s vama!

Ako i vi želite posjetiti Zenicu sa svojim učenicima, stojimo vam na raspolaganju! Kontaktirajte nas i zajedno ćemo organizovati nezaboravnu turu.

🇬🇧 Today, we had an exciting tourist tour through the city of Zenica! The students from "Novi Grad" Elementary School Tuzla were fantastic passengers, and together we explored the most interesting tourist spots in the city. We visited the City Museum of Zenica, where the students had the opportunity to learn a lot about the rich history and culture of the city. We also visited the famous "Bilino polje" stadium and felt the excitement that prevails there before the Sunday match between NK Čelik and FK Klis for entry into the First League of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the management of the Zenica City Museum and "Bilino polje" stadium for their warm hospitality. We also thank the travel agency "Trans Turist" Tuzla for the entrusted engagement that allowed us to organize this fantastic tour.

Special thanks to the students and teachers for their active cooperation and discipline throughout the entire tour. You were excellent passengers, and we look forward to future adventures with you!

If you also want to visit Zenica with your students, we are at your disposal! Contact us, and together we will organize an unforgettable tour.



To all the phenomenal Tourist Guide Storytellers all across the world - we wish you a fantastic new week!

Socialist Modernism 🖐️😊

Socialist Modernism 🖐️😊

Zgrada Lamela,
Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
built in 1976.
Architect : Slobodan Jovandić
© B.A.C.U.

🇧🇦 Danas smo imali zadovoljstvo da vodimo grupu turista iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Kanade na našu najpopularniju turu ...

🇧🇦 Danas smo imali zadovoljstvo da vodimo grupu turista iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Kanade na našu najpopularniju turu "Socijalistička arhitektura Zenice". 🏢✨

🏙 Zenica je grad koji se može pohvaliti fascinantnom kolekcijom arhitektonskih dragulja koji odražavaju nasljeđe modernizma, a danas smo imali priliku da podijelimo tu ljepotu sa našim gostima. 👫🌍

🏨 Hotel "Internacional", poznat po svojoj ikoničnoj fasadi, bio je jedna od najzanimljivijih tačaka naše ture.

🏭 Zgrada direkcije "Željezare" predstavlja simbol industrijskog naslijeđa Zenice. Posmatrajući je, naši gosti su mogli zamisliti prošlost grada i osjetiti značaj za grad. 💪🏭

🚌 Posebno bismo željeli da se zahvalimo agenciji "Sarajevo Funky Tours" i kolegi Filipu na ukazanom povjerenju i predivnoj grupi turista koju su nam doveli. 👏🌟

🌟 Hvala svima koji su se pridružili današnjoj turi i podijelili oduševljenje zbog ljepote socijalističke arhitekture Zenice. Nadamo se da ćete ponijeti sa sobom predivne uspomene i da ćete se vratiti kako biste otkrili još više skrivenih dragulja našeg grada! 🏢✨🌆

🇬🇧 Today, we had the pleasure of guiding a group of tourists from the United Kingdom and Canada on our most popular tour, "Socialist Architecture of Zenica." 🏢✨

🏙 Zenica is a city that boasts a fascinating collection of architectural gems reflecting the legacy of modernism, and today we had the opportunity to share that beauty with our guests. 👫🌍

🏨 The Hotel "Internacional", known for its iconic facade, was one of the most interesting stops on our tour.

🏭 The "Željezara" HQ building represents the symbol of Zenica's industrial heritage. Observing it, our guests could envision the city's past and feel its significance. 💪🏭

🚌 We would like to express special thanks to "Sarajevo Funky Tours" agency and our colleague Filip for their trust and for bringing us this wonderful group of tourists. 👏🌟

🌟 Thank you to everyone who joined today's tour and shared their enthusiasm for the beauty of socialist architecture in Zenica. We hope you will carry wonderful memories with you and return to discover even more hidden gems of our city! 🏢


🇬🇧 Our fellow citizens, Maja and Damir, who today sail into the marriage, gave their friends and guests from several Eur...

🇬🇧 Our fellow citizens, Maja and Damir, who today sail into the marriage, gave their friends and guests from several European countries to us for a city tour of Zenica. In a two-hour tour, we showed them the city center and points of importance for its development through several time periods. Personal experiences were a special element of the tour, and the last stop was the Zenica's Grammar School building, where our hosts met and started their relationship, to whom we wish a happy and blessed life together, filled with health and joy. Thank you for your trust.

🇧🇦 Naši sugrađani, Maja i Damir, koji danas uplovljavaju u mirnu luku braka, prepustili su nam svoje prijatelje i goste iz nekoliko evropskih zemalja, u gradskoj turi po Zenici. U dvosatnom druženju, pokazali smo im centar grada i tačke od značaja za njegov razvoj kroz nekoliko vremenskih epoha. Lična iskustva bila su poseban element ture, a zadnja tačka bila je zgrada zeničke Prve gimnazije, u kojoj su se upoznali i vezu započeli naši domaćini, kojima želimo sretan i blagoslovljen zajednički život, ispunjen zdravljem i veseljem. Zahvaljujemo se na povjerenju.


🇬🇧 Continuous education and application of learned knowledge is the key to improving the quality of our services.This is...

🇬🇧 Continuous education and application of learned knowledge is the key to improving the quality of our services.

This is how we ended the USAID Developing Sustainable Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina course "Creating attractive tourist content through storytelling". The vast majority of our hiking and tourist tours are based on the quality transmission of an authentic experience, so this course has greatly improved the concept of storytelling through a tour.

By the way, the course was led by Alex Crevar a journalist, editor and consultant dedicated to tourism. Reporting from the Balkans since the late 1990s, he has published in numerous publications, including The New York Times, National Geographic, Outside, Lonely Planet and The Washington Post.

We are grateful to USAID for this incredible learning opportunity.

🇧🇦 Kontinuirana edukacija i primjena naučenih znanja, ključ je poboljšanja kvaliteta naših usluga.

Tako smo okončali USAID Developing Sustainable Tourism in Bosnia & Herzegovina - Turizam kurs "Kreiranje privlačnog turističkog sadržaja kroz pripovijedanje priča (Storytelling)". Upravo velika većina naših planinarskih i turističkih tura počiva na kvalitetnom prenošenju autentičnog iskustva, pa je ovaj kurs umnogome poboljšao i koncept pričanja priče kroz turu.

Inače, kurs je vodio Alex Crevar, novinar, urednik i konsultant posvećen odgovornom turizmu. Izvještavajući s Balkana od kasnih 1990-ih, objavljivao je u brojnim publikacijama, uključujući The New York Times, National Geographic, Outside, Lonely Planet i The Washington Post.

Zahvaljujemo se USAID-u na ovoj nevjerovatnoj prilici za učenje.


🇬🇧 For the Islamic festival Eid/Bajram, which marks the end of the holy month of fasting Ramadan, with the great help of...

🇬🇧 For the Islamic festival Eid/Bajram, which marks the end of the holy month of fasting Ramadan, with the great help of the Cultural Association "Željezara" from Zenica, we promoted the traditional costume of Bosnian Muslims - Bosniaks, with a cap called a fes, pants called čakšire, a belt called trabolos and a waistcoat called jelek.

🇧🇦 Za islamski blagdan Bajram, kojim se obilježava kraj svetog mjeseca posta ramazana, uz veliku pomoć Kulturno-umjetničkog društva "Željezara" iz Zenice, promovisali smo tradicionalnu nošnju bosanskih muslimana - Bošnjaka, sa kapom zvanom fes, hlačama zvanim čakšire, pojasom zvanim trabolos i prslukom zvanim jelek.


🇬🇧 Pupils and teachers of the first and second grade of the First Elementary Montessori School in Zenica were our guests...

🇬🇧 Pupils and teachers of the first and second grade of the First Elementary Montessori School in Zenica were our guests today on a tour of the city of Zenica.

With a city tour, we showed them the main facilities of our city, its cultural and historical monuments, facilities of culture, sports, administration and other areas of functioning of a city such as Zenica. From Kamberovića polje, we passed through Stara čaršija, then to the Square of Alija Izetbegović, then through Titova to the Square of Bosnia and Herzegovina. From there, we reached Školska and Masarikova Streets to Bilino polje, where we finished the tour, lasting an hour and a half.

We treated the children with candies, and the teachers made a big contribution. We would like to thank teacher Irma Džananović, who recommended the realization of this tour.

If your educational institutions, such as kindergarten, school or faculty, wants to organize a similar tour, we are available, please contact us.

🇧🇦 Učenici i učiteljice prvog i drugog razreda Prve osnovne Montessori škole u Zenici danas su bili naši gosti u obilasku grada Zenice.

Gradskom turom smo im pokazali glavne objekte našeg grada, njegove kulturno-historijske spomenike, objekte kulture, sporta, administracije i drugih oblasti funkcionisanja jednog grada kao što je Zenica. Sa Kamberovića polja smo prošli kroz Staru čaršiju, pa na Trg Alije Izetbegovića, potom kroz Titovu do Trga Bosne i Hercegovine. Odatle smo Školskom i Masarikovom došli do Bilinog polja, gdje smo završili turu, u trajanju od sat i pol vremena.

Djecu smo počastili bombonama, a veliki doprinos su dale učiteljice. Željeli bismo se zahvaliti učiteljici Irmi Džananović, koja je preporučila realizaciju ove ture.

Ukoliko i Vaša odgojno-obrazovna ustanova, poput obdaništa, škole ili fakulteta, želi realizovati sličnu turu, stojimo na raspolaganju, kontaktirajte nas.


🇬🇧 Today we were part of the ReShape Adventure Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina event, which was organized by USAID as ...

🇬🇧 Today we were part of the ReShape Adventure Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina event, which was organized by USAID as part of its USAID Tourism project, on Mount Vlašić. At this discussion on the development of the adventure sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in a pleasant and constructive atmosphere, our Afan, as a panelist, spoke about the challenges in adventure tourism in the area of ​​the city of Zenica, its potential and expectations.

The importance of Afan's presentation was even greater because he was in the company of renowned tourism workers such as Marin Mamuza (Continental Adventures Livno), Momir Zubović (Extreme Team Banja Luka), Ermin Lipović (KES Limit Bihać), Ante Ilić (Ljubuški Outdoor Festival), and Aleksandar Pastir (Guideline Banja Luka).

This event was the perfect opportunity to join forces in overcoming challenges such as safety, sustainability and implementing environmentally friendly standards. Joint work and association is the key to creating a future adventure tourism cluster/network and achieving a positive impact on the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We thank you for your trust and the opportunity to introduce our work to colleagues from all over the country.

🇧🇦 Danas smo bili dio ReShape Adventure Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina događaja, koji je organizovao USAID u sklopu svog USAID Turizam projekta, na planini Vlašić. Naš Afan je, kao panelista, govorio o izazovima u avanturističkom turizmu na području grada Zenice, njegovim potencijalima i očekivanjima.

Važnost Afanovog izlaganja bila je još veća jer je bilo u društvu renomiranih turističkih radnika poput Marina Mamuze, Momira Zubovića, Ermina Lipovića, Ante Ilića, te Aleksandra Pastira.

Ovaj događaj je bio savršena prilika da se udruže snage u prevazilaženju izazova poput sigurnosti, održivosti i implementiranja ekološki prihvatljivih standarda. Zajednički rad i udruživanje je ključ za stvaranje budućeg klastera/mreže avanturističkog turizma i ostvarivanje pozitivnog utjecaja na ekonomiju Bosne i Hercegovine.

Zahvaljujemo se na povjerenju i prilici da kolege iz cijele države upoznamo sa našim radom.


Intervju za Oslobodjenje

Intervju za Oslobodjenje

Projektima koje sam pokrenuo i realizovao u Zenici pokušavam da unaprijedim i oplemenim život sugrađana i posjetitelja na različite načine, kaže turistički vodič Afan Abazović

🇬🇧 With great pleasure, we have accepted an invitation to speak about our journey in adventure tourism at the ReShape di...

🇬🇧 With great pleasure, we have accepted an invitation to speak about our journey in adventure tourism at the ReShape discussion on the development of the adventure sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as part of the USAID Tourism project. See you at Hotel "Blanca" on Vlašić on April 25th, 2023.

🇧🇦 Sa velikim zadovoljstvom smo prihvatili poziv da govorimo o našem putu kroz avanturistički turizam na ReShape diskusiji o razvoju avanturističkog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini, u okviru projekta USAID Turizam. Vidimo se u hotelu "Blanca" na Vlašiću, 25. aprila 2023. godine.


USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina
USAID Developing Sustainable Tourism in Bosnia & Herzegovina - Turizam
Hotel Blanca Resort & Spa - Vlašić

🇬🇧 In cooperation with the School of Economic of Zenica, for the past seven days we have implemented a school project to...

🇬🇧 In cooperation with the School of Economic of Zenica, for the past seven days we have implemented a school project to improve the teaching process for hotel-tourist technicians.

The first part was the lecture "My guide's story" in which the trade "Afantour" and its achievements in the field of tourism were presented.

The second part was a tourist tour through the city of Zenica for school students and teachers, in which we demonstrated, in a practical way, the way a tourist guide works. As part of the tour, the group was invited to visit the City Museum of Zenica, so we had the opportunity to visit the exhibition.

We would like to thank the management of the School of Economics for their trust, and we especially highlight the interactive participation of the students in the tour, for which we congratulate them.

We are available to other schools in Zenica and schools that want to visit Zenica.

🇧🇦 U saradnji sa Ekonomskom školom Zenica, proteklih smo sedam dana realizovali školski projekat unapređenja nastavnog procesa za hotelsko-turističke tehničare.

Prvi dio bilo je predavanje "Moja priča vodiča" u kojem je prezentovan obrt "Afantour", te dostignuća u oblasti turizma.

Drugi dio bila je turistička tura kroz grad Zenicu za učenike i profesore škole, u kojem smo, na praktičan način, pokazali način rada turističkog vodiča. U okviru ture, grupu je pozvao u posjetu i Muzej grada Zenice, pa smo imali priliku posjetiti postavku.

Zahvaljujemo se menadžmentu Ekonomske škole Zenica na povjerenju, a posebno ističemo interaktivno učešće učenika u turi, na čemu im čestitamo.

Stojimo na raspolaganju i drugim školama u Zenici i školama koje žele posjetiti Zenicu.


Ekonomska škola Zenica

Muzej grada Zenice / Zenica City Museum uvijek tu 😊👌

Muzej grada Zenice / Zenica City Museum uvijek tu 😊👌

Hvala na povjerenju Ekonomskoj školi u Zenici, a uskoro ćemo objaviti zbirnu foto-reportažu ovog projekta.🖐️😊

Hvala na povjerenju Ekonomskoj školi u Zenici, a uskoro ćemo objaviti zbirnu foto-reportažu ovog projekta.


🇧🇦 Reportažu o nama napravio je Radio Slobodna Evropa, u kojoj smo prezentovali našu turističku turu "Socijalistička arhitektura Zenice". Zahvaljujemo se novinaru Arnes Grbesic na interesovanju za našu priču.

🇬🇧 Radio Slobodna Evropa made a report about us, in which we presented our tourist tour "Socialist Architecture of Zenica". We would like to thank journalist Arnes Grbesic for his interest in our story.

🖐️ 😊

🇬🇧 Happy International Tour Guide Day. 🇧🇦 Sretan Međunarodni dan turističkih vodiča.🖐️😊

🇬🇧 Happy International Tour Guide Day.
🇧🇦 Sretan Međunarodni dan turističkih vodiča.


🇬🇧 Major-General Sir Fitzroy McLean, a member of the British military mission at the Supreme Headquarters of the partisa...

🇬🇧 Major-General Sir Fitzroy McLean, a member of the British military mission at the Supreme Headquarters of the partisan People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia during the Second World War and today's King of the United Kingdom, then Prince of Wales, Charles III, in front of the newly opened "Fist" monument, by sculptor Boško Kućanski, on the Makljen pass, between Gornji Vakuf and Prozor, at the end of October 1978.

By the way, on this day in 1943, during the "Battle on the Neretva", Tito sent the famous dispatch with only five words "Prozor must fall tonight. Tito".

Prozor then fell, but so did the monument, 22 years after its er****on, on the anniversary of its opening on 12/13 November 2000 by "unknown perpetrators".

Today it is a pile of concrete and reinforcement, but still a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is the point of our tourist tours "Battle of the Neretva" and "Memorials of Central Bosnia", so you can visit it with us.

🇧🇦 General-major sir Fitzroy McLean, član britanske vojne misije pri Vrhovnom štabu Narodno-oslobodilačke vojske Jugoslavije u toku Drugog svjetskog rata i današnji kralj Ujedinjenog kraljevstva, tada princ od Walesa, Charles III, pred tek otvorenim spomenikom "Pesnica", kipara Boška Kućanskog, na prijevoju Makljen, između Gornjeg Vakufa i Prozora, krajem oktobra 1978. godine.

Inače, na današnji dan 1943. godine, u toku bitke na Neretvi, Tito je poslao čuvenu depešu sa samo pet riječi "Prozor noćas mora pasti. Tito".

Prozor je tad pao, ali i spomenik, 22 godine nakon njegovog dizanja, na godišnjicu otvaranja 12./13. novembra 2000. godine od strane "nepoznatih počinilaca".

Danas je hrpa betona i armature, ali ipak nacionalni spomenik Bosne i Hercegovine.

Tačka je naših turističkih tura "Bitka na Neretvi" i "Spomenici Srednje Bosne", pa ga možete posjetiti sa nama.

Source/izvor: AP Archive




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