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You Must Do This 5 Min Warm Up Before Exercise
18,489 views Feb 25, 2022 Here is a 5 minute dynamic warm up stretch video for you to warm up your body before your workout or exercises. These are warm up exercises suitable for beginners. Also, there are standing dynamic stretching exercises which you can do before your workout. So before you start your workout, make sure to do these warm up stretching exercises!
0:06: Jogging On The Spot
0:55: Head Rotations
1:45: Rest
2:01: Arm Circles
2:51: Side Bends
3:40: Rest
3:57: Hamstring Stretch
4:47: Quadricep Stretch
If you have a busy schedule but want to become or stay fit, scroll up and tap that subscribe button! We will have many 5 minute workout videos coming very soon here at 5-Min Fitness! See you soon!
Replace 30 Min Of Jogging With This 5 Min
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0:06: Spot Jogging
0:55: Skater Hops
1:45: Rest
2:01: Side Mountain Walkers
2:51: Pick & Carry
3:40: Rest
3:57: Plank Jacks
4:47: Jumping Jacks
If you have a busy schedule but want to become or stay fit, scroll up and tap that subscribe button! We will have many 5 minute workout videos coming very soon here at 5-Min Fitness! See you soon!
ﷺআলহামদুলিল্লাহ ﷺ
প্রিয় নবী হযরত মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) এর পোশাক দেখতে ইস্তাম্বুলে হাজারো মানুষের ঢল।
তুরস্কের গণমাধ্যম ডেইলি সাবাহ বলছে"হযরত উওয়াইস আল -কারনি (রাঃ)- কে উপহার হিসেবে পোশাকটি দেন হযরত মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) তার বংশধররা এটি দীর্ঘ ১৪"শ বছর ধরে যত্ন সহকারে সংরক্ষণ করে আসছেন।