Alor Dishari Mohila Unnayon Sangstha (ADMUS) is a women organization and established as non-government, non-political and non-profit volunrtary development organization by some social activist with an aim to improve the socio-economic and livelihood status of the poor and underprivileged people of its working area through build-up their capacity and established social rights. Since inception, the
organization stared its activities in Tangail district with awareness rising on women empowerment and prevention of torture on women and children, establish rights of implement the diversified socio-economic development activities. In order to achieve the aim of the organization, ADMUS has been providing various services to the underprivileged, poor and vulnerable men, women and children through micro-credit for income generating activies, hygiene, sanitaion and safe water supply, non-formal & life skill education, human rights and women empowerment, human resource development through capacity & skill development trainings, disaster risk reduction and emergency response etc. with financial and technical assistance from donor agencies government of Bangladesh and other national service delivery organization. The organization has gained versatile experience in community mobilization, institution building and community capacity building in implementing multi-sectoral development program through ensuring participation of community and LGIs in development process. The focus of ADMUS is to increase comprehensive understanding of the diverse socio economic, cultural, human rights and gender issues which, in its, turn would help sound policy formulation and ensure sustainaable development at local and national levels. The organization also gained experience in work with LGIs such as Union Parishad, Pourashava and other Community Based Organizations (CBOs) through its different socio-economic development project and programs. The organization has been playing its role as integrated development service provider among the helpless, needy, powerless and non-employed women as well as men to strengthen their capacity in decision making, leadership quality development, create scope of employment through income generating activities (IGA) an empowerment towards sustainability.