APL' innovations +

APL' innovations + Product Marketing and Business Development Management
Innovative Technical Product B2B work environment
confirmed International Experience

B2B Product Marketing and Business Development assistance

priorities: Innovations in SME’s

Specialisations – Business Plans / Marketing Strategies : definition, implementation and control, Market / Competition (External Environments) Analysis, Company Internal Audit (Marketing-mix / 7P), SWOT Analysis, definition of a Vision, Goals, Objectives et Marketing Strategies (including NPD, NPL, Organis

ation), deliverables, time frames and budgets, specification sheets and other product development activities

Examples of Industrial Sectors – lighting and luminaires, sanitary ware and plumbing, micromechanics, renewable energies, HVAC and heat pumps, electronic circuit boards (PCB), LED-based products, paper, breweries, etc.

Stay tuned... More to come on this amazing eco-friendly and renewable versatile resource..

Stay tuned... More to come on this amazing eco-friendly and renewable versatile resource..

As the struggle to stop climate change intensifies, the world must find more sustainable alternatives, and bamboo is one of the best.


This is a very positive altruistic project... We need more people like this around the world!!
Everyone should chip in to save our planet. This is just one possible way... Earth is our home and it is keeping us alive. It's the only one we have and it's wonderful!
Let's all pitch in and do our share.
Cheers to all the people who care and act!!

Yes!! A sign of hope! Light at the end of the tunnel! A catalyst for a better world!I completely agree with the author a...

A sign of hope! Light at the end of the tunnel! A catalyst for a better world!
I completely agree with the author and the thought process that went into this write-up!
We need to follow her lead. We are strong together and we can make this world a better place... for everyone!
This pandemic, although sad and morbid, can be a game changer! It is time!!
We must unite and work together for a better world! Socially, environmentally, economically, sustainably, humanely and empathetically...
We can do it... TOGETHER!!
Cheers to those that want and create a better world for all of us... without discrimination!!

Eat Your (Nonexistent) Heart Out, Donald Trump

It's all about the sensorial experiences achieved through foodstuffs...Variety is the spice of Life and different flavou...

It's all about the sensorial experiences achieved through foodstuffs...
Variety is the spice of Life and different flavour profiles are the base of life appreciation...
Cheers to the real craft brewers of this world!!

Vintners are experimenting with dry-hopping their wines, creating exciting new wines that can exhibit the trademark aromas of many craft beers.

Those who write things like this don't understand. We are ALL on the same boat and the boat is sinking. It even has a ho...

Those who write things like this don't understand. We are ALL on the same boat and the boat is sinking. It even has a hole in it that's getting only bigger as time passes.
This must be a collective effort and not a 'them against us' issue.
I support our children who want a better world and I agree with them that previous generations did not do enough!
We knew full well more than 30 years ago that this day would come and that we had to adapt our social habits. But instead the greed of some people influenced society in the opposite direction.
Our children are not asking to wear jute made clothes and walk to school for 1 hour during a snowstorm. They're asking for our help to make our planet survive an extinction threat and save what we cherish most in this world, nature...
That's all one should understand and react to in their message... Which by the way, should be OUR message too!!
They're only asking us to help fix the boat and steer it away from troubled waters...

I read this and thought I should pass it on. If you know any climate change people protesting in your city, please copy and paste to pass it on to them also as a community service announcement to protect our environment

After our daughter of fifteen years of age was moved to tears by the speech of Greta Thunberg at the UN the other day, she became angry with our generation “who had been doing nothing for thirty years.”

So, we decided to help her prevent what the girl on TV announced of “massive eradication and the disappearance of entire ecosystems.”

We are now committed to give our daughter a future again, by doing our part to help cool the planet four degrees.

From now on she will go to school on a bicycle, because driving her by car costs fuel, and fuel puts emissions into the atmosphere. Of course it will be winter soon and then she will want to go by bus, but only as long as it is a diesel bus.

Somehow, that does not seem to be conducive to ‘helping the Climate’.

Of course, she is now asking for an electric bicycle, but we have shown her the devastation caused to the areas of the planet as a result of mining for the extraction of Lithium and other minerals used to make batteries for electric bicycles, so she will be pedaling, or walking. Which will not harm her, or the planet. We used to cycle and walk to school too.

Since the girl on TV demanded “we need to get rid of our dependency on fossil fuels” and our daughter agreed with her, we have disconnected the heat vent in her room. The temperature is now dropping to twelve degrees in the evening, and will drop below freezing in the winter, we have promised to buy her an extra sweater, hat, tights, gloves and a blanket.

For the same reason we have decided that from now on she only takes a cold shower. She will wash her clothes by hand, with a wooden washboard, because the washing machine is simply a power consumer and since the dryer uses natural gas, she will hang her clothes on the clothes line to dry.

Speaking of clothes, the ones that she currently has are all synthetic, so made from petroleum. Therefore on Monday, we will bring all her designer clothing to the secondhand shop.

We have found an eco store where the only clothing they sell is made from undyed and unbleached linen, wool and jute.

It shouldn’t matter that it looks good on her, or that she is going to be laughed at, dressing in colorless, bland clothes and without a wireless bra, but that is the price she has to pay for the benefit of The Climate.

Cotton is out of the question, as it comes from distant lands and pesticides are used for it. Very bad for the environment.

We just saw on her Instagram that she’s pretty angry with us. This was not our intention.

From now on, at 7 p.m. we will turn off the WiFi and we will only switch it on again the next day after dinner for two hours. In this way we will save on electricity, so she is not bothered by electro-stress and will be totally isolated from the outside world. This way, she can concentrate solely on her homework. At eleven o’clock in the evening we will pull the breaker to shut the power off to her room, so she knows that dark is really dark. That will save a lot of CO2.

She will no longer be participating in winter sports to ski lodges and resorts, nor will she be going on anymore vacations with us, because our vacation destinations are practically inaccessible by bicycle.

Since our daughter fully agrees with the girl on TV that the CO2 emissions and footprints of her great-grandparents are to blame for ‘killing our planet’, what all this simply means, is that she also has to live like her great-grandparents and they never had a holiday, a car or even a bicycle.

We haven’t talked about the carbon footprint of food yet.

Zero CO2 footprint means no meat, no fish and no poultry, but also no meat substitutes that are based on soy (after all, that grows in farmers fields, that use machinery to harvest the beans, trucks to transport to the processing plants, where more energy is used, then trucked to the packaging/canning plants, and trucked once again to the stores) and also no imported food, because that has a negative ecological effect. And absolutely no chocolate from Africa, no coffee from South America and no tea from Asia.

Only homegrown potatoes, vegetables and fruit that have been grown in local cold soil, because greenhouses run on boilers, piped in CO2 and artificial light. Apparently, these things are also bad for The Climate. We will teach her how to grow her own food.

Bread is still possible, but butter, milk, cheese and yogurt, cottage cheese and cream come from cows and they emit CO2. No more margarine and no oils will be used for the frying pan, because that fat is palm oil from plantations in Borneo where rain forests first grew.

No ice cream in the summer. No soft drinks and no energy drinks, as the bubbles are CO2. She wanted to lose some pounds, well, this will help her achieve that goal too.

We will also ban all plastic, because it comes from chemical factories. Everything made of steel and aluminum must also be removed. Have you ever seen the amount of energy a blast furnace consumes or an aluminum smelter? Uber bad for the climate!

We will replace her 9600 coil, memory foam pillow top mattress, with a jute bag filled with straw,with a horse hair pillow.

And finally, she will no longer be using makeup, soap, shampoo, cream, lotion, conditioner, toothpaste and medication. Her sanitary napkins will be replaced with pads made of linen, that she can wash by hand, with her wooden washboard, just like her female ancestors did before climate change made her angry at us for destroying her future.

In this way we will help her to do her part to prevent mass extinction, water levels rising and the disappearance of entire ecosystems.

If she truly believes she wants to walk the talk of the girl on TV, she will gladly accept and happily embrace her new way of life.

À 38 minutes et 30 secondes, on parle de l'Inde !Santé aux vrais brasseurs artisans de ce monde !!

À 38 minutes et 30 secondes, on parle de l'Inde !
Santé aux vrais brasseurs artisans de ce monde !!

Visionnez gratuitement les vidéos du programme La Semaine du Monde en streaming sur Auvio. Voir la vidéo

Santé aux vrais brasseurs artisans de ce monde !!

Santé aux vrais brasseurs artisans de ce monde !!

En cinq ans, soixante brasseries démesurées ont fait de la ville le paradis des amateurs d’India Pale Ale et autres mousses artisanales. Des maîtres brasseurs du monde entier affluent dans la capitale technologique indienne.

This is EXCELLENT news!!Cheers!

This is EXCELLENT news!!

A Bloomberg bombshell.

It is one step in the right direction. 70% of our planet is water. Population is growing. We have room for everyone!Just...

It is one step in the right direction. 70% of our planet is water.
Population is growing. We have room for everyone!
Just need to be creative!

BIG has designed a concept for a floating city of 10,000 people that could help populations threatened by extreme weather and rising sea levels.

Bon à savoir... Santé !!

Bon à savoir... Santé !!

En témoignent le développement des Uber Eat, Deliveroo et feu Take Eat Easy, le marché des plats à emporter et livrés à domicile est en pleine expansion ces dernières années… tirant avec lui, un problème écologique de taille : celui des...

La technologie au service de l'économie... Bravo aux entrepreneurs !! Santé !

La technologie au service de l'économie... Bravo aux entrepreneurs !! Santé !

Chaque jour, des milliers de camions roulent et polluent afin de ramener à leurs clients des palettes vides… Une start-up montpelliéraine propose une solution sur mesure à cette problématique.


Let's have fun! Cheers!!

Here, there and everywhere... Now, then and forever... We are all entangled... Cheers!

Here, there and everywhere... Now, then and forever... We are all entangled... Cheers!

“We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery.” Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate of the twentieth century (Radin, Dean. Entangled Minds:...

Everybody working in the same direction... YES! Cheers!!

Everybody working in the same direction... YES! Cheers!!

Costa Rica will be beating its own record again for most consecutive days of using solely renewable energy, with 300 days so far this year. In 2015, it set a record of 299 days on renewable energy,…


Toutes les énergies renouvelables peuvent être exploitées ! La seule limite des possibilités est notre imagination ! Santé !!



Une lettre ouverte de Valentine Donck, juriste, citoyenne et maman, au Premier ministre Charles Michel. Monsieur le Premier Ministre, Ce soir, je suis exaspérée et indignée comme jamais je ne l'ai été en 29 ans de vie. ...

... The rules have to change...Let's change them. Our politicians don't want to, but we HAVE to!Cheers!!

... The rules have to change...
Let's change them. Our politicians don't want to, but we HAVE to!

Read 15-year-old Greta Thunbergs speech to UN leader António Guterres at the climate change conference in Katowice.





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