Barrel team Knokke

Barrel team Knokke Barrel team Knokke is a gathering of four petrolheads who are participating at diverse car-related events.

Barrel team Knokke is a gathering of four petrolheads (Robin, Robin², Julian & Louïs) who are participating at diverse car-related events. We are fixing and modifying our cars to be able to participate with original cars and a limited budget at various events. We are four very different people with different ways of approaching projects. Every team-member has one or more hobbies related to the mot

oring world. We created our team by putting our knowledge and expertise together to work on exciting projects. The team name "Barrel team Knokke" aka "BtK" was chosen in relation to our first event, The Barrel Challenge. Like our page so you can follow all our epic adventures.





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