Bulgaria Travel

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Насладете се на великолепието на нашите четири сезона – ароматна и пъстра пролет, топло и слънчево лято, златиста и плодородна есен и белоснежна, приказна зима! #ПреоткрийБългария

Visit Bulgaria and enjoy the magnificence of our four Bulgarian seasons – flowery scented spring, hot and sunny summer, golden fruit-bearing autumn and snowy winter!

🎶❄️ От векове насам Коледа в българските земи звъни от ехото на коледарската песен.  Традицията е една от най-дълголетни...

🎶❄️ От векове насам Коледа в българските земи звъни от ехото на коледарската песен. Традицията е една от най-дълголетните, а коледарската песен се предавала от поколение на поколение като магичен ритуал и благословия за по-добри дни.

👉Дори днес, обичаят продължава в много градове в цяла България. Ако за този празничен сезон сте се посветили на приятна среща с близки и приятели в някое от стотиците прекрасни места из страната, то ви пожелаваме коледарската дружина да не пропусне и вашата къща.

🌠По Коледа, а и през цялата година, всяко кътче на страната ни е обвързано със стари традиции и обичаи, които ви пожелаваме да посетите и изживеете, редом с пожелания за топло и уютно посрещане на коледните и новогодишните празници!

#Коледари #Традиции #Коледа #Коледнипесни

🫶Постно, но все така вкусно! 🍽️Такава е традиционната българска трапеза на Бъдни вечер и въпреки, че менюто празничната ...

🫶Постно, но все така вкусно! 🍽️Такава е традиционната българска трапеза на Бъдни вечер и въпреки, че менюто празничната нощ в неговата цялост се сервира веднъж годишно, то е толкова вкусно и познато, че може да се разпознае със своя коледен чар във всеки ден от годината.

📜Тъй като и храната ,и традициите са едно пътешествие ни е любопитно да разберем какви са рецептите и характерностите на коледната трапеза във вашия край? Приветстваме в коментарите рецепта за любима гозба от любим човек и любимо място.

🎄А междувременно пожелаваме вълнуващи и весели приготовления за идните празници!

👉Повече за палитрата от вкусове и кулинарни преживявания в цяла България може да откриете на: https://bulgariatravel.org/видове-туризъм/винено-кулинарен-туризъм/

#Коледа #Традиции #рецепти #вкусотии #бабинирецепти

🏂❤️🪂 The snowboard and the kite—are they meant to be together? Well, it depends on who you ask. But for fans of winter t...

🏂❤️🪂 The snowboard and the kite—are they meant to be together? Well, it depends on who you ask. But for fans of winter thrills, snowkiting is a fantastic and affordable way to experience the mountain peaks in a new and exhilarating way. The sport grows in popularity every year and is one of the many exciting winter adventures available in Bulgaria.

🏅A number of clubs now offer qualified training. Vitosha Mountain is a particularly suitable venue, with vast flat or gently sloping open areas above the forest (starting at 1,850 m) where the wind is steady and reliable.

👉And if you eagerly await winter each year to dive into your favorite hobby or discover a new thrill, Bulgaria has countless opportunities. Whether it’s snowkiting or other winter sports, your next story awaits. Experience it in Bulgaria!

🔎Learn more and find your perfect destination for a dream winter holiday here:


✨Родопите са един шедьовър на природата с живописни склонове, величествени ждрела, благодатни извори, хилядолетни крепости и невероятни хора – една творба без край, която ти издава нови тайни и запомнящи се преживявания след всяко завръщане. Но последната дума оставаме на вас! Кои са вашите любими места и активности в Родопите?

💛Дали извисяващите се върхове и ждрелата на Триград и Буйново, които прегръщат пътя?
🧡Бездънната мистерия на известни пещери като Дяволското гърло, Харамийската и Ягодинската пещера?
💜Изпълнените с адреналин бели ски склонове на Смолян, Чепеларе, Батак, Златоград и Кърджали?
❤️Китните села съхранили вековния чар на района?
🩵Едни от най-известните на полуострова СПА дестинации или нещо друго?

👉Със сигурност тук не се побира всички дестинации, хора и преживявания, които правят Родопите толкова специални, но възможностите за една незабравима почивка наистина са много. Научете повече за тях на www.bulgariatravel.org

#Родопи #красота #българскаприрода #природа #планини #спа #пещери #България

🧊 Maybe you have a particular “taste” for thrills to make your winter holiday unforgettable? Or perhaps you’re ready to ...

🧊 Maybe you have a particular “taste” for thrills to make your winter holiday unforgettable? Or perhaps you’re ready to dive into something new and adrenaline-filled this frosty season? ❄️ Well, look no further—Bulgaria is calling with your next dream winter adventure!

🏔️A third of the country is covered in mountains. From the vast slopes of the ancient Balkan Mountains, which give the name to the peninsula to its highest summit, between the challenging peaks of Rila, Bulgaria offers a playground for winter thrill-seekers. Whether skiing, snowboarding, or something entirely new, you’ll find the perfect match for your flavor of adventure. 🏔️⛷️

⛷️Explore all thrilling opportunities with these helpful guides:

🪷And if you’d like to wrap up your snow-filled adventure on a calmer note, many of Bulgaria’s winter resorts are close to natural hot springs and offer excellent spa facilities. 🛁🌿
🔎Find out more here: https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/balneology-spa-and-wellness/

We invite you to a favorite   for all   with a   view from the Mazalat hut.🍞 One of the most favorite morning meals for ...

We invite you to a favorite for all with a view from the Mazalat hut.

🍞 One of the most favorite morning meals for Bulgarians are the “Parzheni Filiiki / Fried toast” or as they are known worldwide - “French toast”.
🥰 The aroma of herbal tea and freshly fried slices combined with homemade cheese and jam guarantees you start your day with a . The variant of the recipe is quick, easy and delicious and it involves dipping bread in beaten eggs and then frying it in a pan.

Visiting Bulgaria, you will have the opportunity to try many more snacks, such as banitsa, buhti, tutmanik, popara, scrambled eggs, pancakes and many others...

👋 Welcome to culinary world of Bulgaria, learn more at https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/wine-and-cuisine/


✨ Едно от многото уникални места в България, което е прочуто по целия свят. Познахте ли го? Посещавали ли сте го?

👉 Това е Епископската Базилика на Филипопол, където може да видите над 2 000 кв.м. уникални римски мозайки от IV-VI в.сл.Хр., върху които оживяват над 100 невероятни медальона с различни птици - пауни, танцуващи токачки, папагали. Зад изящната реставрация стои безброй часове доброволен труд на стотици българи.

🗨️ 🕊️ Доц. Елена Кантарева-Дечева, проектант и ръководител на реставрацията на мозайките на Епископската базилика на Филипопол, разказва: "Никога няма да забравя белия гълъб, който кацна и се разходи по мозайката малко преди да открием надписа с името на епископа върху долния мозаечен под. Завинаги ще помня горещото лято на 2017 г., когато мозайките от Базиликата бяха разкрити изцяло, ние работихме върху тяхната реставрация на терен, а хората, които преминаваха от север и можеха свободно да наблюдават нашата работа, ни се отблагодаряваха с ръкопляскания."

✏️ Ако сте посещавали Базиликата - споделете коя от мозайките ви направи най-голямо впечатление.

🔎 Открийте още находки, част от културното богатство из цяла България на: https://bulgariatravel.org/видове-туризъм/културен-туризъм/

#базилика #култура #наследство #Пловдив #Филипопол #Филипополис

⛷Panichis*te is another great winter location in the Rila Mountain region, suitable for   and  . 🗨But before we share so...

⛷Panichis*te is another great winter location in the Rila Mountain region, suitable for and . 🗨But before we share some more, here is a helpful tip how to read and pronounce the resort’s name easier for our international friends: Pani – chi (as in chilly) – s*t (as in stork) – e, Pani-chi-s*te. 😄Try to say it out loud.

▶The resort of Panichis*te is situated in Rila. It is 84 km from Sofia and about 40 km from Samokov, at an altitude of 1,350 m. ✅Panichis*te has two tracks – an alpine track and a 👦children‘s track. Three more tracks are in the vicinity of mountain hostels. All ski tracks are serviced by ski tows. The resort has well-developed facilities for practicing sports like football, volleyball, etc. The proximity of the resort to Sapareva Banya, where the warmest mineral water in Bulgaria springs, makes it a preferred destination for and health tourism.

😮Learn more about the winter sport opportunities of Rila Mountain at https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/

⛷ The specific   and scale of Bulgaria’s mountains make ski touring not only possible but really enjoyable, with a very ...

⛷ The specific and scale of Bulgaria’s mountains make ski touring not only possible but really enjoyable, with a very agreeable walk/ ride balance. Most locations are close to one another and easily accessible, without spoiling the Big Mountain feeling. The large number of mountain lodges and refuges open in make several-day tours possible, and the diverse terrains will enchant and ski tourers alike.

The higher parts of and are particularly good for freeriding. Favourite areas include Malyovitsa and the Seven Rila Lakes in Rila, as well as and in Pirin. Freeride are to be found around winter resorts too. Elevations above 2,000 m boast good and fairly avalanche-safe freeride conditions from to .

🏂 Discover more about ski tourism at https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/

The first of December marks the   of the   season, but as well as celebrations we Bulgarians get ready for the beautiful...

The first of December marks the of the season, but as well as celebrations we Bulgarians get ready for the beautiful scenery which Bulgaria is blessed with. ❄One of the best and easiest way to get a glimpse of the beautiful snowy landscapes of Bulgaria is to explore our mountains.

🌄About 30% of Bulgaria is . The country’s mountains are exceptionally in relief and offer abundant options for , along with and for touristst.

⛷The season in the medium high and the alpine resorts last about 130 days each year. The numerous hotels and the recreation centers provide accommodations for a wide variety of tastes and preferences.

👉Find out more about the location here https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/

🎉 Честит празник и честит имен ден на всички празнуващи! 🎊 Макар денят на Св. Николай Чудотворец да бъде почитан в много...

🎉 Честит празник и честит имен ден на всички празнуващи! 🎊 Макар денят на Св. Николай Чудотворец да бъде почитан в много европейски държави, вярванията и традициите в България правят Никулден един уникален повод и голям празник за всички жители и гости на страната. 🇧🇬✨

🎈 Една от причините Никулден да бъде толкова голям празник тук е, че България е една от държавите с най-силни традиции в празнуването на имени дни. 🎂🎁 Затова поздравяваме всички именици, които правят днешния повод още по-специален! 🥳🎉

⚓ А освен тях, Никулден е празник както за моряците и банкерите, така и за жителите на Бургас, на Симеоновград и на Николаево, а редом с него още над 13 населени места носят името на Светеца. ✨

Затова, освен повод за една незабравима и уютна вечер с близките, Никулден може да бъде и чудесен повод за пътуване. ❄️ А с началото на зимата, България предлага много дестинации пременени в бяло, със страхотни гледки, възможности за СПА и релаксация, и съвсем скоро – страхотни ски преживявания. 🏔️⛷️

📌 Научи повече за най-добрите дестинации у нас през зимата на 👉 www.bulgariatravel.org 🌟

🎉 Tomorrow on December 6th, Bulgarians celebrate “Nikulden” or Saint Nicholas Day - a holiday with deep ties to the sea ...

🎉 Tomorrow on December 6th, Bulgarians celebrate “Nikulden” or Saint Nicholas Day - a holiday with deep ties to the sea for the Bulgarian people. According to local legends, Saint Nicholas is the master of aquatic life, sea winds, and the underwater realm. He’s also the patron saint of Bulgarian sailors, who honor him by keeping his icon close during their voyages. 🚢✨

This connection to water inspires the holiday’s traditions. On this day, nearly every household in Bulgaria enjoys a festive fish meal, with many serving “ribnik”—a carp baked in dough. 🐟🥖

Even as winter takes hold, this unique celebration bridges seasons, ushering in Bulgaria’s enchanting winter magic. ❄️ Whether you're drawn to snowy mountain adventures or cozy spa escapes, Bulgaria offers the perfect winter getaway.

🌐 Learn more about your next adventure at bulgariatravel.org
⛷️ Ski destinations: https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/
🪷 Spa tourism: https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/balneology-spa-and-wellness/

⛷ The mountain ski resort of Bansko is one of the most popular in Bulgaria. Besides offering modern conditions for sport...

⛷ The mountain ski resort of Bansko is one of the most popular in Bulgaria. Besides offering modern conditions for sporting activities, Bansko is a beautiful town which has preserved its authentic and historic . In Bansko the snow lasts from December to April and most trails are equipped with snowmaking facilities. The ski zone of the resort provides exceptionally good conditions both for and for skiers and snowboarders.

🏆 The best of the Bansko Ski Centre is the Tomba Trail – the most and trail of the resort. It was tested by its namesake – the legend Alberto Tomba, and by other winter sport stars, among whom Franz Klammer, Rosi Mittermaier and Marc Girardelli. The ski centre offers a 16-km ski trail starting from the highest part of the resort, Todorka Peak, and reaching the town of Bansko, with the last 7-km being equipped with lighting and providing conditions for night Skiing.

✅ The fact that races of the Alpine Ski World Cup circuit and other international sport are held here is a proof of the high quality of Bansko as a ski resort.

👉Find out more about the location here https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/

🤔Have you planned your next   trip yet? The Balkan Mountains offer great range of possibilities for   sports, entertainm...

🤔Have you planned your next trip yet? The Balkan Mountains offer great range of possibilities for sports, entertainment and adventures. Today we share one of the most famous local resorts.

Total length: 1.5 km
Ski tows: 2

🎿Ski Centre Mount Kom-Berkovitsa is located at the foot of Mount Kom (2,016 m), 15 km away from the town of Berkovitsa and 100 km away from Sofia. The region is exceptionally beautiful, and the snow cover is stable during the whole winter season. The resort has an alpine trail 1.5-km long. It starts from Maluk Kom Peak, located at an altitude of 1,959 m. The trail is serviced by a T-bar lift and a children tow. There are good conditions for winter sports other than and in the region as well. It is possible to go paragliding or explore some of the many foot paths starting from the nearby mountain hostel. The huts have been renovated and offer good accommodation.

🔎Learn more about your next winter story here bulgariatravel.org

❣️🍀In Bulgaria you will find all well-known healing and   procedures – mud therapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, massa...

❣️🍀In Bulgaria you will find all well-known healing and procedures – mud therapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, massages, etc. Local folklore and natural resources coexist here in perfect harmony with modern facilities and recreational compounds.

✨Bulgaria holds one of the top places in the world when it comes to diversity of herbs with great properties. This immense abundance of natural factors, combined with modern balneotherapy centers, provides the opportunity of all-year treatment.

Find your next story and learn more about what Bulgaria has to offer here https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/balneology-spa-and-wellness/

🏔Rising right next to the capital city,   is not just an easily accessible outdoor   with good infrastructure but also a...

🏔Rising right next to the capital city, is not just an easily accessible outdoor with good infrastructure but also a great ski touring venue with a multitude of varied routes. It can be crossed from east to west and from north to south and will entertain freeriders with its gullies.

Popular ski touring spots include Stenata (The Wall) above the Aleko Lodge, the Boulevard Gully, Reznyovete, and the slopes above the of Chuypetlyovo. Areas favourite to freeriders include again Reznyovete with the Golyam Rezen Peak, where several routes have been established: Lavinata (The Avalanche), Rebroto (The Rib), Funiyata (The Funnel) and others, as well as Stenata above the Aleko Lodge. Most freeride routes in Vitosha are of medium to high difficulty, starting at altitudes above 2000 m, with elevation differences varying between 250 and 350 m.

▶ Discover more about the beautiful Vitosha – https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/

📌The resort of Uzana is located in the Balkan Mountains, at the geographical centre of Bulgaria, and offers excellent co...

📌The resort of Uzana is located in the Balkan Mountains, at the geographical centre of Bulgaria, and offers excellent conditions for a holiday. Its altitude is from 1,220 to 1,350 m. In the ski zone there are several trails, among which Uzana Tour (1,100-m long), Edelweiss and Impulse. 🎿Most of the trails are suitable for beginners. Equipment for skiing and snowboarding can be rented at the resort. Snowmobiles can also be rented. A ride around the area or down the short trails is an unforgettable experience. The ski season starts from mid-December and ends in mid-April.

🌳With the charm of nature and its accessibility and its preserved “wilderness” Uzana is an location not only during the . It is a starting point to many local tourist routes and eco paths to the territory of the two parks, with which the locality borders – the National Park “Central Balkan” and the Natural Park “Balgarka”.

🦊The multiple karst formations in the locality accommodate 40% of the bat species in Bulgaria. The central Balkan Mountain is a habitat to bears, wolves, foxes, roe deers, badgers, and hedgehogs. The region is traditionally related to and herbs treatment. Nearly 70 % of the plants in Bulgaria can be found on the territory of the two parks and the locality of Uzana – thyme, lady’s mantle, St. John’s wort, ox tongue, stemless grid and many others.

🔎Find your next winter adventure in the Balkan Mountains and learn more at https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/

😍 Are you a fan of winter hikes?❄The beauty of Bulgaria’s   is accessible to hikers in winter too. One-day or longer sno...

😍 Are you a fan of winter hikes?

❄The beauty of Bulgaria’s is accessible to hikers in winter too. One-day or longer snowshoeing tours in Rila, Pirin and Vitosha will take you from lodge to lodge and to popular peaks.

🥾In the Western Rhodopes, trips will take you from village to village, and local guesthouses will not only welcome you for the night but also give you a taste of local cuisine, culture and lifestyle. The countless hot springs at the foot of the , with a multitude of outdoor and indoor pools and spa centres, promise a splendid finale of any winter day spent in the outdoors.

👌 Winter hikes to Vitosha’s Cherni vrah (Black Peak) are particularly popular, and one of the safest optionspou can choose.

🗻 Popular winter hiking and snowshoeing spots: the Musala and Malyovitsa Peaks in Rila, the Selimitsa Peak in Vitosha, the Alabak Ridge in the Western Rhodopes

▶ Мake a plan now for your dream winter trek - https://bulgariatravel.org/tourism-types/mountain-ski-tourism/


1, Sveta Nedelya, Sqr

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30




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