Benin Republic English Tour Page

Benin Republic English Tour Page Informations de contact, plan et itinéraire, formulaire de contact, heures d'ouverture, services, évaluations, photos, vidéos et annonces de Benin Republic English Tour Page, Agence de voyages, Porto Novo, Porto-Novo.

Provide experience through tours by sharing the world of Benin Republic, the people, trips to cultural, natural and historical monuments, farming and business opportunities for the english speakers.


are Preferred by Diaspora Africans   Justina Uzo                                         &nb…


Anago Osho and love for community. For positive development and reorientation.


Historic Preservation, Tourism, Research, Art, Culture, Travels, Cultural Exchange, Tour Guiding, Myths and legends


Dieu a dit qu'il contrôle le cœur de ses dirigeants.
Le Président Patrice Talon ne l'a pas dit par exprès.
Mais pourtant cela s'est fait révéler.
Le pivot de développement du Bénin est bien le PAG.
Le travail nous incombe tous.
Ensemble Bâtissons notre cher pays aimé le Bénin



Happy Independent Day Benin Republic.
Benin Republic: The African virgin


The way the cherry trees and other treasured trees are taken care of on the National Mall is changing.


A short informative story on the financial capital of Cotonou, Benin. The story was produced in 1999 and was part of a four part series introducing Virginian...


Aujourd'hui, c'est avec une infinie tristesse que je vous annonce que mon frère ainé Oscar Kidjo nous a quittés à la suite d'une longue maladie. C'était un grand musicien et un grand producteur et toute sa vie il m'a soutenue inlassablement. J'ai fait mes débuts à ses côtés. Il m'a aidé à composer mes premières chansons. Avec lui j'ai appris la rigueur et la discipline qu'il faut avoir lorsque l'on veut faire de la musique. C'est lui qui m'a montré l'importance de connaitre avec passion ses racines et d'en être fier. Il était très aimé et respecté par les musiciens du Benin et d'ailleurs.
Oscar, je sais que tu vas continuer à veiller sur moi de là où tu es. Je t'aime et mes pensées vont à ta femme et à tes enfants et à toute la famille.


Leaving Dahomey by Jude Shaw - Free on Kindle Unlimited! Details at


I bet you didn’t know that during the Holocaust, Haiti issued out passports (sold them) to Jewish families so that they could leave Germany? As much as I love posting about the beauty of Haiti, my second favorite thing to do is read about our History and how instrumental we were in helping so many...


Iceland’s Silfra fissure is one of the only places where you can dive between two continents. In some cases the space is so narrow, you can touch North America and Europe at once.


Turmeric or Haldi as they call it in Hindi was revered for it’s spiritual significance. Often referred to


Barbara Oteng Gyasi, Ghana’s minister of tourism, has a message for the Black diaspora: come home. Gyasi encouraged Black Americans to move to Ghana


The School resumes was effective in Benin republic.


A Tour Guide is a person who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized tours and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest, attractions sites.

At the Agogo Festival, Whydah, Benin Republic

At the Agogo Festival, Whydah, Benin Republic

Work in progress at Ecolojah Village School in Whydah, Benin Republic.

Work in progress at Ecolojah Village School in Whydah, Benin Republic.

A new school built at the Ecolojah village, Whydah by Jah Eliejah Adanjah and  MereJah Evejah Adanjah and the village co...

A new school built at the Ecolojah village, Whydah by Jah Eliejah Adanjah and MereJah Evejah Adanjah and the village community.


Benin Republic English Tour contact page presents vital information by educating the world about Benin Republic and the people. Promote Heritage, Culture, Environment, History, Tourism, Business opportunities and organize Tours in Benin Republic for those whose first language is English, those learning English, the people who want to be toured in English and of course those who speaks French are on the trips too.
BRET (Benin Republic English Tour) also is concerned about other places on continental Africa and Diaspora. It will Provide Tour Guide, Tour packages, Root reconnection, Social Studies, Business and Educational services in Benin Republic.


Porto Novo



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