Cheap Rio Rentals (Short and Long term in Copacabana)


Looking for a cheap place to stay in Rio de Janeiro? This is it!

By booking your Rio apartment through this page you will save yourself agency and commission fees as you are dealing directly with the owner. Three apartments are available in the fashionable neighbourhood and tourist centre of Copacabana - just one block away from the Copacabana beach. By making your reservations through this site you will pay less than 50% of normal rental prices - no matter if

you are staying for a few days, a week, or months. Short term rental prices are located in between 80 and 100 reais a day - roughly 50/60 USD - (depending on the apartment). There is a limit of four people per apartment. Please, have a look at the spectacular settings and good state of the apartments, and make sure you recommend this site to friends and family members.

We also provide visitors with cheap tickets for football matches in the Brazilian League (Botafogo, Fluminense, Flamengo, Vasco da Gama), and we will be able to provide people with tickets for the football World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. We offer all football and sports tickets and services at a below market price since we are a collection of individuals dealing through our Brazilian network of friends and business connections. We are NOT an agency with fixed offices, which means we are able to lower our prices considerably. Brazilian League Football Match Tour Agency Price: 100 - 140 Reais (62 to 87 USD)
Our Price (ticket only - no transportation provided): 60 Reais ( 37 USD)

Please notice: We only sell tickets for "safe" areas of any stadium. If you need advice on how to get to and from any location, please let us know, and we will help you.

Whether your desire is to see Christ the Redeemer, the Sugar Loaf mountain, climb a mountain in the national park within the city borders "Parque Nacional da Tijuca", get a ticket for a frenzy, fan-filled and exiting football match, or you desire to see the hidden, pristine beaches of Niteroi, we can help you! We offer all tourist services at a below market price since we are a collection of individuals dealing through our Brazilian network of friends and business connections. Let us know what you desires are; let us make you an offer, and you will see for yourself how affordable Cheap Rio Rentals is.

- Reservations can be made by writing to here at this page, or by using email: [email protected]

by calling: 0034 6013519471 (Spanish number)

or by using our Skype address: andrik1978

All orders and reservations can be made from outside of Brazil. We speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.


Avenida Prado Junior
Rio De Janeiro, RJ


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