She’s an angry sea…
So powerful and pretty!!
Whoa, the circle of life on display right in our face today 😳
Less than 30 minutes after their trip started this morning, this came through my messages!! Ocean Man, Joss, is a beast with a spear!!
Who says you can’t use a homemade sail hoist as a sweet swing too!?! 😂 gotta be multi-faceted around here!!!
Had a little work up in the cays the other day…we thought it might be fun to share some of the views! #exumacays #exumablues #dayattheoffice #workflow
Sailing Saturday!!! Let’s do it guys… and gals 😄👏🏼👏🏼 #exumasailingclub
Our version of crazy winter weather… except there’s been some clouds and rain too, but definitely plenty of wind this week and some gloriously cooler temps 😁❤️
Not bad, not bad at all 😍
#sandycayexuma #privatecharter #exumasbest
We saw a huge Loggerhead recently cruising along the sandy bottoms…poor old guy was missing a front flipper 🙁 and moving a little slowly. That’s how I’m feeling on this overcast day here today 😄 #loggerhead #oldturtle #hesbeenaroundawhile
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;”
Lamentations 3:22 ESV
#hismerciesareneweverymorning #sandbar #readthebible #youversion
Dallas and Joss are at it again…. Grilling fish straight from the sea that they just speared for lunch while enjoying the beautiful Exuma blues 😍 #cantaskformore #freshcatch #magmagrill #spearfishing #lunchwithaview
Can you hear my Osprey buddy calling in the distance at the beginning?! #sopeaceful #ebbingtide #overcastandgorgeous #moriahcay #morningwellspent
Fun afternoon with my guys and some friends underwater! Fresh catch on the table tonight 🙌🏼😁
Lemon Shark
Lemon shark coming close in the shallows 😃 #lemonshark #shallowseas #sandbar #heresharkysharky