Who Are We(W.A.W) is a youth arts & recreational centre that exists to produce stars out of individuals from various talents of arts and sports to contribute to the development of a wholesome youth. The name W.A.W (Who Are We) was inspired by this question: “Who Are We as young people, Are we who society says we are, are we defined by society’s assumptions about who we are or are we who we are?” W
e believe we possess greatness in us;"What you see, is not all that is in me.”
Motto : (Derived from Proverbs 23:7)“As he thinks in his heart so is he”, in other words the things we think about, focus on and surround ourselves with, will shape the people we become...Thus “You become what you think.”
AIM: To grow W.A.W into other parts of the nation. What does W.A.W do? W.A.W inspires, embraces and entertains all art forms by providing a resourceful environment with various activities, programmes and events for young people aged between 13-24 years. Sourcing opportunities for exceptional artists or athletes e.g. referring them to specialist agencies thus creating job opportunities for them and at the same time marketing them and the nation. W.A.W focuses on having informed conversations with young people to create a positive self-image & understanding through capacity building, mentorship, guidance and counselling as a way of encouraging them to identify who they are, what they want to do, and then helping them to make it happen. Why was W.A.W established? We believe that investing in young talent allows us as W.A.W and the whole nation to grow and mature our arts and sports sectors making a foundation for the upcoming generations. We plan to achieve this by existing as a platform of freedom of expression through various talents by providing a creative, exciting, safe & engaging space for young people to get together, share ideas and explore their inner talents. Through these interactions they will be able to make new connections, transcend previous limitations & think outside the box. Who benefits from W.A.W? All youth with potential of any kind in sports or arts, the immediate community and all stakeholders of W.A.W. What makes W.A.W different from other Organisations? W.A.W creates a platform programmed to unleash ,explore and grow raw talent vested in the youth .We strive to give a tour guide into an individual’s inner self, encouraging and helping one in establishing a positive assured identity. Services
Arts, Dance, music, Performance theatre, Digital Media, Job Centre, Mentorship, Guidance & Counselling, Sports & Recreation.